What years are you referring to? As far as I remember, Nolvadex wasn't even available in the U.S. until the late 1970s. And it wasn't used in bodybuilding until 1981. (Arnold retired from bodybuilding in 1980.)
This is a subject that interests me - moreso than what they are using today. From what I've been able to gather from other sources, I believe the doses mentioned in your link are probably accurate. The doses recommended in the original USH are very low. But, doses have continued to go higher since 1981. This leads me to believe the doses were higher in 1981 than 1971 when Arnold was competing and AAS use was unknown territory.
Regarding Nolva, I do not believe anyone was using serms at that time. Franco was sporting such a nasty case of gyno at the 81 Olympia, he looked like he was going to start lactating at any time. If serms were available, I think it's a pretty sure bet they would have used them.
You make a good point about dosages being limited by side effects. The resulting bloat and gyno would definitely be a factor in how high one could go and still achieve the shredded look for competition.