Aromasin or Arimidex for long term AI use?

I have a weird ass reaction to aromasin. Even at 3mg, a couple of hours later, I get hit by massive low e2 sides. Including derealization. Out of body experience.

This goes away after some hours, but I am obviously not gonna go through this twice a week.

Oh, and the next day my e2 was still high. What the fuck
I have a weird ass reaction to aromasin. Even at 3mg, a couple of hours later, I get hit by massive low e2 sides. Including derealization. Out of body experience.

This goes away after some hours, but I am obviously not gonna go through this twice a week.

Oh, and the next day my e2 was still high. What the fuck

Maybe it's that brand? Have you tried another, because that sounds crazy.
It's qsc. Everything else by them is on point, so I doubt it's a source issue

It's supposed to be absorbed slowly in the intestines, and only about 40% makes it in. Raw powders get absorbed almost instantly and near 100% so that might explain the huge spike and brutal sides you've experienced. Good for cialis and viagra, maybe not so much for exemestane.