Hello my friends! i bring the community warnings of long term Aromasin use.
up until 2 years ago, i took aromasin on blasts and trt doses for about 6-7 years straight., im 42 now. it sure SEEMS like it gets stronger as time goes on and i needed less and less. Thats because it PERMANANTLY disables the aromatase enzyme in men(suicidal inhibitor). Well, my enzymes never came back to anywhere near what they were, if at all. ill have to find the article, but aromatase enzymes can be turned OFF by a specific gene. I question if Aromasin has altered DNA in some men with prolonged use, which is why some men dont get destroyed by it.
I can no longer take ANY testosterone without supplemental oral AND injectable estradiol valerate multiple times a day. the more test i take, the worse it gets. probably from DHT antagonizing E2. i cant take zinc or quite a few other supplements either without estrogen. There are many people reporting the same thing about aromasin on many different boards.. Its been a nightmare trying to get trt dialed in before i started taking estrogen. my body hold ZERO fluids without it, yet my face bloats like a puffer fish with razor ripped abs, my skin dries to a crisp, wounds dont heal, no libido, crippling anxiety. ive tried stopping estrogen a few times in this 2 years to see if i no longer need it. NOPE. im fucked in a week with all those symptoms all over again, and they seem worse. im 6'1 210 all year round. i stop estrogen, i drop 10lbs of water in a matter of a few days, my prostate blows up like a balloon, and im debating on chewing on the end of a pistol. The psychological effects of this is completely debilitating to the point i lost many accounts from my business. i NEVER in my life had anxiety till this happened, ill kinda stand there completely lost shaking. The first time that happend, i got checked out because i thought i had a seizure. i did not.If i stop estrogen, its guaranteed to happen again. Estradiol is exponentially more important to my body than testosterone now.
Anybody else have any experience with this? I know i read at least a few guys on here repeating something similiar to this. A few of my friends in real life are going thru the exact same thing too, and having estradiol presribed to them by doctors. The doctors are terrified of this, yet slowly getting board seeing this is a REAL problem stemming from aromasin. This is something brand new that the mainstream medical establishment doesnt even recognize yet, and just tries to force anti depressants down everybodys throats and call ya crazy
I know a lot of you guys on here wont believe this either, because of your own positive experiences with aromasin. Which i also had at a certain point. Ive read over and over about how the old school golden era guys in the 70s and 80s NEVER complained about low estrogen. well in my opinion thats because AIs wernt around yet and they used a lot of dbol. Nor was there an internet for everybody to come whine on. Not to mention, Men back then were real men and not psychologically castrated by society. They didnt complain about shit for fear of being labelled a pussy and beat up by their friends.
up until 2 years ago, i took aromasin on blasts and trt doses for about 6-7 years straight., im 42 now. it sure SEEMS like it gets stronger as time goes on and i needed less and less. Thats because it PERMANANTLY disables the aromatase enzyme in men(suicidal inhibitor). Well, my enzymes never came back to anywhere near what they were, if at all. ill have to find the article, but aromatase enzymes can be turned OFF by a specific gene. I question if Aromasin has altered DNA in some men with prolonged use, which is why some men dont get destroyed by it.
I can no longer take ANY testosterone without supplemental oral AND injectable estradiol valerate multiple times a day. the more test i take, the worse it gets. probably from DHT antagonizing E2. i cant take zinc or quite a few other supplements either without estrogen. There are many people reporting the same thing about aromasin on many different boards.. Its been a nightmare trying to get trt dialed in before i started taking estrogen. my body hold ZERO fluids without it, yet my face bloats like a puffer fish with razor ripped abs, my skin dries to a crisp, wounds dont heal, no libido, crippling anxiety. ive tried stopping estrogen a few times in this 2 years to see if i no longer need it. NOPE. im fucked in a week with all those symptoms all over again, and they seem worse. im 6'1 210 all year round. i stop estrogen, i drop 10lbs of water in a matter of a few days, my prostate blows up like a balloon, and im debating on chewing on the end of a pistol. The psychological effects of this is completely debilitating to the point i lost many accounts from my business. i NEVER in my life had anxiety till this happened, ill kinda stand there completely lost shaking. The first time that happend, i got checked out because i thought i had a seizure. i did not.If i stop estrogen, its guaranteed to happen again. Estradiol is exponentially more important to my body than testosterone now.
Anybody else have any experience with this? I know i read at least a few guys on here repeating something similiar to this. A few of my friends in real life are going thru the exact same thing too, and having estradiol presribed to them by doctors. The doctors are terrified of this, yet slowly getting board seeing this is a REAL problem stemming from aromasin. This is something brand new that the mainstream medical establishment doesnt even recognize yet, and just tries to force anti depressants down everybodys throats and call ya crazy
I know a lot of you guys on here wont believe this either, because of your own positive experiences with aromasin. Which i also had at a certain point. Ive read over and over about how the old school golden era guys in the 70s and 80s NEVER complained about low estrogen. well in my opinion thats because AIs wernt around yet and they used a lot of dbol. Nor was there an internet for everybody to come whine on. Not to mention, Men back then were real men and not psychologically castrated by society. They didnt complain about shit for fear of being labelled a pussy and beat up by their friends.