Ascendant Labs

I know this. But that is not what I asked

If you knew this..... then why ask someone how long they were in to their cycle before they had tren cough? Thats a stupid question considering "you know this". So in other words you just asked a dumb question?
If you knew this..... then why ask someone how long they were in to their cycle before they had tren cough? Thats a stupid question considering "you know this". So in other words you just asked a dumb question?

Come on guy. The question was how long they were on cycle before they got their cough. The response was, "the cough has nothing to do with the sides". Which I know. I know about the cough and the sides. Curiosity about when someone got their tren cough is NOT what I said I knew. Anyways, thanks for the info on al tren and what to expect.
Come on guy. The question was how long they were on cycle before they got their cough. The response was, "the cough has nothing to do with the sides". Which I know. I know about the cough and the sides. Curiosity about when someone got their tren cough is NOT what I said I knew. Anyways, thanks for the info on al tren and what to expect.

Still confused but ill let it lie. So have you run tren before?
Still confused but ill let it lie. So have you run tren before?

I started to run tren a few months ago and the first bottle was legit. I got sweats at night, tempermental, sweated like a whore in church under any workout or cardio session. I already suffer from insomnia but it was way worse. Strength was just starting to go up, then switched to my next bottle, same lab and everything went away. Half way through that bottle I opened my 3rd bottle and same. No results so I stopped the cycle
Thanks @liltiger. Now you have me thinking. I might just go with prop and npp. It's a pain in the ass pinning eod though.

Iwas pinning ed at first before I figured out that my 2nd and 3rd bottles of tren ace were bunk. I didnt think it was too bad.. I used my delts. Front lower quads. Front outer quads. Upper quads, glutes and I only had to once but I injected my pecs which was easy with very little pip and my biceps once. The shot didnt hurt but the next week, my biceps were sore
25g, 1" but I go anywhere from .5" to 1" in depending on the feel, slightly on the outside and try my best to avoid vein. test prop. i did forearm too, same gauge

forgot to add, forearm was awful, slightly below elbow on the top side. might try again because i think you get used to the discomfort.