Ascendant Labs

Update: A member here stepped up and offered to design the new Mast E and Liquid Aromasin/Exemestane labels so Im waiting on that. I could always make a generic label for the Aromasin. Mast E label is done.

Tren Ace @ 100mg/ml $40 SOLD OUT
Deca @ 300mg/ml $35
Masteron Enanthate @ 200mg/ml $55
Tren Enanthate @ 200mg/ml $50
Test Enanthate @ 250mg/ml $30
Test Prop @ 100 mg/ml WITH EO $23
NPP @ 100 mg/ml $25
Liquid Aromasin 25mg X 30ml $35

Ok for the quick promo idea, I need a pic for my avatar. I don't want to turn this into a pic thread so only the next 12 guys that post a pic in this thread can enter. the pic can be anything, from a great ass to ?? something bad ass, unique,, If you don't win, no worries. Ill end up giving away around 10 vials so there'll be 8 more quick contests,,, Helix.
You could give one of those mast e vials, or just 1ml from one, to labmax for developing his test. Not one lab I've asked so far has managed to get one to him in over 2 months. He's currently waiting on the samples I sent him a few days ago. CG/MS testing on your gear wouldn't hurt your image...
I will remove it from my avi if you decide to use it and ill go back to my last one. It was just to good to not use imo
Hey ascendant, I was wondering what you use to suspend or dissolve the aromasin.

I'm asking because i have raws but they don't dissolve in vodka or everclear, it's hard to dose accurately if it's settling by the time I can get the oral syringe in the bottle after shaking.
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that pic would be a perfrct one to edit yourself in and have your balls in her hand and a huge grin on your face with a thumbs up !
but im not all that good with editing of photoshop
Update: A member here stepped up and offered to design the new Mast E and Liquid Aromasin/Exemestane labels so Im waiting on that. I could always make a generic label for the Aromasin. Mast E label is done.

Just want to protect my ass for a second: In the interest of transparency, I was the one that stepped up when I heard his label guy went AWOL. When I was really pleased with Bio, (without being asked) I made some new labels on a boring break because I thought theirs were a bit shitty. Stretch and jets can back that up, this was weeks ago. Stretch was pleased, but then all of the drama unfolded and they were never put into effect. So since I like AL so far and sources are dying left and right, I proffered to get the new ones sorted for him -- it's not a big effort on my part since the subtleties were already primed from the bio ones.

Did not ask for financial compensation, am not receiving financial compensation, so I am not in leagues or mutual interest with Helix! Just helping out with a small favor with what I hope (but do not know or vouch for) to be a good source.


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