Ascendant Labs

testing for purity and dosing. The only way that's possible unless im overlooking something is if I sent my product out to a lab for testing. Thing is it wouldn't be believable. Ive had my source for 4 years now and I trust/support him/his products. I haven't had any problems yet. lab set up, sterile, storage.
that was one of the first questions I was asked well not the storage part. I remember because I was/am concerned about giving out too much information. I responded with as much as I felt comfortable with. My concern isn't about today its for the future, when hopefully I do expand. Im still around 5-7 years later. All someone has to do, read the thread from the beginning. who knows maybe threads are deleted after a certain time. Is it paranoia? yes it is but id rather be paranoid than reckless. Storage? on a metal shelf, that sounds smart ass, not trying to be. Im not sure what your specifically asking same with etc. Ask away, if your online ill answer now, if not when I come back later on. thanks Helix.

I did read the earlier thread, just asking about the sterility of process basically. I appreciate your being careful as many are not. Thanks
I was thinking the $250 store credit would go to someone who purchased the gear, tested it, then posted the results. Anyway, if I were a (legit) source, I would be doing everything I could to make these test kits affordable and available for people to test my competitor's products.

Playing devils advocate, as a source, it would look odd to me. No one has ever ordered all of my products at once. the only way that would work is if someone bought them over time or a couple people bought them. I love the idea, I want my product tested. If someone can do it without there being any doubt I knew. Yeah def, they'll get the 250 store credit. It would have to be someone that was trusted by the members. Alright that's everything in the thread. Im going on a errand, check emails and ill be back here later on to check pm's and thread. Helix
BR check your messages. Every ones answered. If I missed someone let me know. Ill check emails one last time tonight. You guys have a good night.
Ascendent Labs got my package to me in 2 days, from the opposite end of the country. He comped me 3 x Tren E in exchange for a review. I will keep everyone posted. The labels look nice for resale purposes.
A present arrived today, very fast t/a, great packaging and purdy little labels.

I think it will be run within a few days and I'll give updates on the NPP stat!

Same here, super quick & very good packaging. Never run Deca before. will add to next cycle & give updates.
Ascendent Labs got my package to me in 2 days, from the opposite end of the country. He comped me 3 x Tren E in exchange for a review. I will keep everyone posted. The labels look nice for resale purposes.

Same here - received my package today - 3 vials Tren E - everything looks GTG

Will inject Tuesday before next blood work - will modify my TRT regimen

Current protocol is 90mgs Test 2x/week - Tuesday AM - Friday PM
New protocol will be - 46mgs Test/30mgs Tren E on Tuesday/44mgs Test/30mgs Tren E on Friday PM

Will get blood levels re-tested in March after 3 months and will post results - will compare blood work and we'll see
Same here - received my package today - 3 vials Tren E - everything looks GTG

Will inject Tuesday before next blood work - will modify my TRT regimen

Current protocol is 90mgs Test 2x/week - Tuesday AM - Friday PM
New protocol will be - 46mgs Test/30mgs Tren E on Tuesday/44mgs Test/30mgs Tren E on Friday PM

Will get blood levels re-tested in March after 3 months and will post results - will compare blood work and we'll see

Three vials of Tren e ? Damn thats a nice gesture?
will look forward to those reviews
Yes it was quite the start

3 testers received 3 vials each, I went with NPP, cvict got tren, who was the third name and product?
Long day but its great to hear it arrived safely. Theres a lot more to arrive and def interested in all of the reviews. wish they were all short esters :) Ok, all pms's, emails answered. going to take a break, check emails and ill be back later on tonight. oh and I appreciate all the comments. thanks, Helix
I got 3x test prop. Pack has yet to land. Im always a day later than the norm as I live out in the sticks. I will pin and run all three until gone. I hope my body agrees with EO.
I pinned 1ml of Tren E with 1 ml of another brands test. The oil was smooth and not much PIP at all. Throughout the weeks I'll keep everyone posted on quality.
not much pip is good pip....unless u love pip like some people i know...either way this guy lookin good so far