ASIH sufferer without insurance until November


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10+ Year Member
Ok, I'm kinda stuck! I am without insurance until 11/01/17 (approximately). I have been battling serious long term side effects of ASIH and possibly adrenal fatigue (however the latter is mere speculation)!

I am blessed my mental health care and medications will be accessible now this leaves me broken down in "Suppressionville" until November. Being as strictly budgeted as I find myself I won't even be getting levels checked to gauge the severity of the pitch in terms of T levels and such. I'd guess by how I feel maybe 160 ng/DL but I'm no Doc.

This is my way of thinking... Taking my antidepressants, antianxiety, mood stabilizers, etc. will be essential in my survival--I stress survival as surviving is the best I feel I can hope for without addressing and treating my wacked out hormone levels/production, lack of!

Now I understand some of you will have many creditable and effective means in which to self medicate this old ironhead's body. To these well meaning brothers I will preemptively answer by saying- "Much respect and admiration, but playing endocrinologist on myself is what led to this 'situation' and I have to find a legit answer."

Low dose Test, hcg, hmg, peptides, serms, sarms, AI,s, PH's....damn even OTC products like Trib, and DHEA...I have really invested the time and $ to successfully deduce this....I am (no pun intended) fu**ed -- I at least physically feel I am.

*Close but no cigar! The only time I felt promise was after a one time 100mcg triptorelin "pulse" but I worry I'd end up chemically castrating myself!

I know I sound like an alarmist but this for me is panic time! Does anyone care to offer a drowning man a life preserver? Any thoughts are welcome....
Is this hypothetical question?
I was kinda under the impression you were one of the more knowledgeable long time members here.

Are you not wanting to take care of your own TRT?
Negative bro. I want to use an endo when my insurance finally happens...I guess what I was fishing for was any ideas of how to best proceed from now until I can finally walk into the doctors fully insured around November. Do I basically have to do as I fear and 'stick it out' suffering no energy, sex or enthusiasm! What would you do were you in my self constructed hell! Lol!
Did you read his post...? See next.

Is this hypothetical question?
I was kinda under the impression you were one of the more knowledgeable long time members here.

Are you not wanting to take care of your own TRT?
Im on self administered TRT myself, and sometimes a little to liberal on the cruise dose. Last bloods came back at 1800 ng on 150mg e5d...

Im just gonna drop down till im under 1000 and cruise like a mortal man.
Probably only need 125 mg a week.
Take my hcg too, 250 iu once a week.

I don't see ant upside to going off completely while you wait for November. Take ypur best educated guess as to what the endo will do, and do that now.
Dude. I hope all has been well. As Burr said. I hope you are not on all that shit... Cause I would have to say like a wise pain management doc told me a couple years back - ' YOU ARE OVER-MEDICATED..!!"... I advised him FUK-YOU. SOund like you will make a great expert witness... LOL.. Now I owe him a beer....

Talk about adrenal fatigue. I could not move for a year once dropping a 15 year Adderall protocol... Forget the point that I also dropped a 15 year hydrocodone regimen. Oh did I mention my sorry ass doc had me on enough Dilaudid to pin 8mgs a day for 6 months...!!!!! Yea, I was close to meeting Satan...

This is a slippery slope, And I never ventured much further than a dabble with SERMS and a hard run of Deca that forever messed my head up...

I Still and will ALWAYS supplement testosterone. There is no way my fellow mid-40's men who fuk off the way I do feel so good and have the strength I do when needed.. But I have another training run in me... I'M SAVIN IT TILL SERIOUS.....

Try some paxil if medically determined for OCD (Like ME:);)). They haVE CHANGED THE FORMULA BTW.. Not sure exactly how yet but much weaker on primary effect which used to present... Stay on low dose T at 100mgs/week. AND HOLD ON TIGHT....

You might try to determine if you are ADD and get some Adderall to get you thru this (If you have never taken). Start and STAY SMALL...

Thats my best advise..

Catch up soon...:)

Ok, I'm kinda stuck! I am without insurance until 11/01/17 (approximately). I have been battling serious long term side effects of ASIH and possibly adrenal fatigue (however the latter is mere speculation)!

I am blessed my mental health care and medications will be accessible now this leaves me broken down in "Suppressionville" until November. Being as strictly budgeted as I find myself I won't even be getting levels checked to gauge the severity of the pitch in terms of T levels and such. I'd guess by how I feel maybe 160 ng/DL but I'm no Doc.

This is my way of thinking... Taking my antidepressants, antianxiety, mood stabilizers, etc. will be essential in my survival--I stress survival as surviving is the best I feel I can hope for without addressing and treating my wacked out hormone levels/production, lack of!

Now I understand some of you will have many creditable and effective means in which to self medicate this old ironhead's body. To these well meaning brothers I will preemptively answer by saying- "Much respect and admiration, but playing endocrinologist on myself is what led to this 'situation' and I have to find a legit answer."

Low dose Test, hcg, hmg, peptides, serms, sarms, AI,s, PH's....damn even OTC products like Trib, and DHEA...I have really invested the time and $ to successfully deduce this....I am (no pun intended) fu**ed -- I at least physically feel I am.

*Close but no cigar! The only time I felt promise was after a one time 100mcg triptorelin "pulse" but I worry I'd end up chemically castrating myself!

I know I sound like an alarmist but this for me is panic time! Does anyone care to offer a drowning man a life preserver? Any thoughts are welcome....
I knew you 2 would either advise me of the one last surprise I had accidentally missed during my years of research or do just as you did...remind me I still need you guys and that this is and has been my chosen way of life.

To shoot straight as an arrow I am waiting on more than insurance in November, my disability insurance will finally be awarded. I am a poor man used to living the life of a man with at least a moderate income.

Bottom line, in 6 months I will be able to choose either HRT via authentic means or the more entertaining way of self HRT...until then however.... Lol, a broke man has low T based on monetary capabilities alone.

I am very happy to at least be back home on Meso. I will be a frequent poster again and will keep you both posted of my situation.
I did a 100mcg injection of triptorelin about 3 weeks back...I know its only about a 6 month "band aid" but its the best I can do for now....