Autoimmune disease: Nandrolone is saving my life


Guys, i have an autoimmune disease called psoriasic arthritis/ankylosing spondylitis. It causes inflammation in my joints and destroys them in the long term. It mainly attacks the tendons and ligaments. Also destroys bones and cartilages but to a lesser degree.

I have this disease since a few years, but it really became very severe last year. To the point i couldn't even walk or even getting out of my bed, even with my anti inflammatory medications.

It attacks my spinal cord, hips, knees, fingers, elbows, shoulders, jaws. Almost all my joints.

I saw on the internet guys saying nandrolone was helping their autoimmune diseases, so i decided to give it a try.

I am taking 100mg deca per week since 3 months and i am now 95% pain free. Now i am going to work on my diet to lower inflammation the most i can. I was in a very dark place this year but i can say without a doubt that nandrolone is saving my life right now. It the most effective treatment i have ever taken for my condition, by far.

If some of you have autoimmune diseases attacking your joints give it a try. I also read a lot of testimonies saying it greatly helps with crohn and others gut diseases.

Nandrolone is a miracle, glory to nandrolone
Good for you man. My grandfather had ankylosing spondylitis and a deformity left him permanently bent over at the hip. There wasn't much known about this disease when he contracted it in the 1960s.

I've had some hip and lower back issues and since this is hereditary I've been checked and tested for it as well. Thankfully I didn't have it.

Best of luck brother I hope you continue to have this under control and the pain and inflammation remains low or non existent, and you avoid all deformities as well.
Is your diagnosis for psoriatic arthritis, or ankylosing spondylitis? These are two different disorders. I would be very careful in using androgens to ameliorate symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis in particular. While nandrolone may provide some transient, short-term relief, I'd be concerned about long-term prognosis.

It's rather unclear how different androgens might affect prognosis, but there is a positive association with androgen (testosterone) levels and ankylosing spondylitis prevalence (the male preponderance). HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) may ameliorate ankylosing spondylitis symptoms in men by increasing the E2/T ratio, giving moderate clinical improvement. DHT treatment may attenuate osteoblast differentation (at least in vivo; a good thing). But aromatizing androgen (e.g., nandrolone) may advance bone age.

It's really something that I'd want to discuss with a practicing rheumatologist with some background in endocrinology, if I were in your shoes, self-administering nandrolone.
Guys, i have an autoimmune disease called psoriasic arthritis/ankylosing spondylitis. It causes inflammation in my joints and destroys them in the long term. It mainly attacks the tendons and ligaments. Also destroys bones and cartilages but to a lesser degree.

I have this disease since a few years, but it really became very severe last year. To the point i couldn't even walk or even getting out of my bed, even with my anti inflammatory medications.

It attacks my spinal cord, hips, knees, fingers, elbows, shoulders, jaws. Almost all my joints.

I saw on the internet guys saying nandrolone was helping their autoimmune diseases, so i decided to give it a try.

I am taking 100mg deca per week since 3 months and i am now 95% pain free. Now i am going to work on my diet to lower inflammation the most i can. I was in a very dark place this year but i can say without a doubt that nandrolone is saving my life right now. It the most effective treatment i have ever taken for my condition, by far.

If some of you have autoimmune diseases attacking your joints give it a try. I also read a lot of testimonies saying it greatly helps with crohn and others gut diseases.

Nandrolone is a miracle, glory to nandrolone
Add 4 caps of Strom sports supportMAX Joint Morning and Night in conjunction with your Deca and you’ll be in another world my friend.
Add 4 caps of Strom sports supportMAX Joint Morning and Night in conjunction with your Deca and you’ll be in another world my friend.
thats bullcrap... not one of the ingredients in that is going to give any real joint relief.... and curcumin can be a double edge sword for some people it works as an anti inflammatory/ antioxidant but some (me included) get a nasty reaction that triggers an imune response and that is the last thing you want when u have an autoimmune condition...
Oh and just to add the only real difference maker in chronic joint inflammation seems to be Omega 3 supplementation but you have to go to the higher doses to feel any difference... for the run of the mill Omega 3 supps that in the 8-10g range per day
thats bullcrap... not one of the ingredients in that is going to give any real joint relief.... and curcumin can be a double edge sword for some people it works as an anti inflammatory/ antioxidant but some (me included) get a nasty reaction that triggers an imune response and that is the last thing you want when u have an autoimmune condition...
You’re talking bollocks, just try the damm thing for a month and then you’ll know what I know to be objectively true ya Fanny it’s Hydracurc which doesn’t need black pepper and is soluble and is absorbed differently, I have Hashimotos so I know what I’m fucking talking about ya nipple.
You’re talking bollocks, just try the damm thing for a month and then you’ll know what I know to be objectively true ya Fanny it’s Hydracurc which doesn’t need black pepper and is soluble and is absorbed differently, I have Hashimotos so I know what I’m fucking talking about ya nipple.
you sir do not read... . you say hydracurc doesnt need pepper .... and they have pepper on the label... and who even mentioned this??
I said if curcumin works for you does not for me!
and curcumin being the only ingredient that does something you can buy that for cheap not pay stupid money for glucosamine and all the other shit that does nothing!
are you sponsored by them or what??
you sir do not read... . you say hydracurc doesnt need pepper .... and they have pepper on the label... and who even mentioned this??
I said if curcumin works for you does not for me!
and curcumin being the only ingredient that does something you can buy that for cheap not pay stupid money for glucosamine and all the other shit that does nothing!
are you sponsored by them or what??
They are fighting words were I come from ya melon.
They are fighting words were I come from ya melon.
speaking of fighting words.. you called him a melon, a nipple, and a fanny. How would you characterize those words?

Genuinely asking. Here they would be fall between playful jest and flirting words. Im not sure if they have a differ meaning there, like how cunt means friend but here its a fighting word.

Also, i know someone who took Strom sports supportMAX Joint, the next day, Full Blown AIDS. True story.

But aromatizing androgen (e.g., nandrolone) may advance bone age.

id love to read more about this if u have a reference. I know of menopause and drop in estrogen advancing bone age, but never heard of the increase. Do bone age and sex drive/mood/etc all have that sweet spot in men where too much or little both cause damage?
Guys, i have an autoimmune disease called psoriasic arthritis/ankylosing spondylitis. It causes inflammation in my joints and destroys them in the long term. It mainly attacks the tendons and ligaments. Also destroys bones and cartilages but to a lesser degree.

I have this disease since a few years, but it really became very severe last year. To the point i couldn't even walk or even getting out of my bed, even with my anti inflammatory medications.

It attacks my spinal cord, hips, knees, fingers, elbows, shoulders, jaws. Almost all my joints.

I saw on the internet guys saying nandrolone was helping their autoimmune diseases, so i decided to give it a try.

I am taking 100mg deca per week since 3 months and i am now 95% pain free. Now i am going to work on my diet to lower inflammation the most i can. I was in a very dark place this year but i can say without a doubt that nandrolone is saving my life right now. It the most effective treatment i have ever taken for my condition, by far.

If some of you have autoimmune diseases attacking your joints give it a try. I also read a lot of testimonies saying it greatly helps with crohn and others gut diseases.

Nandrolone is a miracle, glory to nandrolone
curious as to what your doctor did prescribe for meds initially?
speaking of fighting words.. you called him a melon, a nipple, and a fanny. How would you characterize those words?

Genuinely asking. Here they would be fall between playful jest and flirting words. Im not sure if they have a differ meaning there, like how cunt means friend but here its a fighting word.

Also, i know someone who took Strom sports supportMAX Joint, the next day, Full Blown AIDS. True story.

id love to read more about this if u have a reference. I know of menopause and drop in estrogen advancing bone age, but never heard of the increase. Do bone age and sex drive/mood/etc all have that sweet spot in men where too much or little both cause damage?
Lampit M, Hochberg Z. Androgen therapy in constitutional delay of growth. Horm Res. 2003;59(6):270-5. doi: 10.1159/000070624.