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So just did my first pin in the upper right glute with test E and it didn’t hurt at all the first day. 2nd day the pain kind of built up no redness just pain kind of felt like a rock in my glute. Now the 3rd day and it hurts pretty bad and is hard to get in and out of my car, when I sit the wrong way, and if I lay weirdly. Is this normal on first injection?
Ok well thats good to hear do you know when it will go away? I have to pin tomorrow on the other side, and Im worried I wont be able to walk.
Give it a couple more days and it’ll be gone mate, but yeah it’ll happen on the other side too, pretty much whenever you jab a new muscle you’ll have a shitty week, but only the first time, second time you jab that same muscle it’ll be fine
Virgin muscle PLUS test E.. probably not fun.
Is it at least a semi normal concentration? 250mg/ml?
So just did my first pin in the upper right glute with test E and it didn’t hurt at all the first day. 2nd day the pain kind of built up no redness just pain kind of felt like a rock in my glute. Now the 3rd day and it hurts pretty bad and is hard to get in and out of my car, when I sit the wrong way, and if I lay weirdly. Is this normal on first injection?
do the VG muscle instead of DG
So just did my first pin in the upper right glute with test E and it didn’t hurt at all the first day. 2nd day the pain kind of built up no redness just pain kind of felt like a rock in my glute. Now the 3rd day and it hurts pretty bad and is hard to get in and out of my car, when I sit the wrong way, and if I lay weirdly. Is this normal on first injection?
If this is your first time its normal… wait till you jab your quads.. oh boy you will walk funny for the next couple of days.. someone said try to pin your vg muscle and i fully agree, i think thats the least painful muscle to pin..( it will hurt a bit as well).. good luck!
Do a search for "pip" and you will see that 90% of the time it's related to test enanthate. More than likely it's not going to get better because the product has decomposed.

I have no idea why people still buy enanthate since the risk is so high.
i did not know about it. noone is really not talking about it neither
You’re right, people dont talk about it.. i learned it the hard way.. cyp is superior to e and the only drawback is i had vials crystalize during winter.. but that was rare occurence. Also, dont be a fool like i was and pin with 23 g needle for years.. i switched to 27g and pinning is like clipping my nail instead of adding more scar tissue on top of previous scar tissue.
You’re right, people dont talk about it.. i learned it the hard way.. cyp is superior to e and the only drawback is i had vials crystalize during winter.. but that was rare occurence. Also, dont be a fool like i was and pin with 23 g needle for years.. i switched to 27g and pinning is like clipping my nail instead of adding more scar tissue on top of previous scar tissue.
i use 29g it takes alot of time to get that oil into syrange but gets job done. i will have to try 27g needles next.
i use 29g it takes alot of time to get that oil into syrange but gets job done. i will have to try 27g needles next.
No need, i draw with 23g, you can even use bigger needle to draw, just pin with whatever feels comfortable, slower injecting might be a benefit in a way.
i've been using mostly pharmgrade test e over years and NEVER had pip, like seriously - never.

switched over to UGL and experienced first time pip. wasnt used to it and made me worry alot but i've read that some raws from test e currently are causing this.

i'll switch to cyp and hope to get little to none pip.
So just did my first pin in the upper right glute with test E and it didn’t hurt at all the first day. 2nd day the pain kind of built up no redness just pain kind of felt like a rock in my glute. Now the 3rd day and it hurts pretty bad and is hard to get in and out of my car, when I sit the wrong way, and if I lay weirdly. Is this normal on first injection?
Everytime before injections warm up the vials with heat pad mate,this minimize the pip very much.
If it is your first time pinning, watch it. You might be allergic to the carrier oil. I was prescribed TRT on 2016. After about 4 weeks both glutes were inflamed and extremely painful. So much it was very sit or stand. It was so bad I quit. Despite feeling so much better I couldn't stand the pip. 7 years later, I figured out that I was allergic to grape seed oil. Now running MCT, CSO, or SSO and all is good.