Bad Sides or Bad hGH?

and the guy who slings his mother's burritos from a filthy basement in Mexico
No projecting mate. Therapist told you it's bad for your mental health.
because there aren't trials intentionally injecting aggregates and other particulates on a daily basis into healthy humans to see how much harm it's done to their health, the literally thousands of published papers identifying large aggregates and non-organic particles as risk factors can be dismissed as mere "theories".
As John Romano said: show me the bodies.
There is sufficient evidence of a link between these contaminants and potential harm
There are theories and I quote from the paper above:
So far, the exact protein aggregate properties inducing immune responses are not known.
I'm not going to lead an entire class here, especially given the two guys above are likely the first in their long line to achieve literacy, but if you want to research the topic search using the terms: "peptide aggregate", "causes of peptide aggregation", "peptide immunogenicity", "peptide degradation factors", and "peptide adjuvant". Add "NIH" to limit the results to published, peer reviewed work
You couldn't even lead your weiner to the bottomless pit of the beached whale you have let alone a class. Know your place.
Let them inject "raw, unfiltered" underground, unregulated, untested (yes, they're essentially untested except for the presence of active ingredient) peptides and get all that "good stuff" they think you're losing by filtering it,
Please post a Jano test of anything ugl you are using.

P.S. Stop laughing. Your Turkish dental and hair implants make you look like a beat up phallic toy
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No projecting mate. Therapist told you it's bad for your mental health.

As John Romano said: show me the bodies.

There are theories and I quote from the paper above:
So far, the exact protein aggregate properties inducing immune responses are not known.

You couldn't even lead your weiner to the bottomless pit of the beached whale you have let alone a class. Know your place.

Please post a Jano test of anything ugl you are using.

P.S. Stop laughing. Your Turkish dental and hair implants make you look like a beat up phallic toy
"These hGH antibodies partially inhibited the binding of labeled GH to its specific liver membrane receptor. However, because of their low titer, they did not inhibit growth in the treated children."

So immunogenicity of HGH in this paper at least did not make it less effective.


The nonfiltered "Control" GH here is the GH that is used clinically and by bodybuilders for decades. Yes, filtering makes the number go down.

That number clearly isn't high enough to cause harm.

Maybe it needs to be in the millions or higher (but still, where's the proof)?

Or filtering makes it go from not harmful to still not harmful.

Here, pass this along to your fellow retards when you meet up in the secret treehouse of elite testers again.

This is what *real* testing looks like. From an actual scientist who's a world renowned expert on pharma peptide formulations. Probably THE leading expert in this field,

A nice vial of pharma GH, with all the right excipient ingredients to prevent degradation, left to sit for a day generated 40,000 particulates above 1um in 1ml. That's 4 times larger than what's being removed by the filter before "purity" testing.

View attachment 321869

While I've seen the results that claim all kinds of shit storage conditions and rough handling of shit UGL formulated peptides doesn't lead to degradation, despite a mountain of scientific research that shows it does, here's what happens after the same vial is agitated.

View attachment 321870

And this guy, who's been the lead developer for blockbuster pharma peptide drugs, and has 40 patents related to peptide drug delivery to his name, says filtering that shit out is a good idea, to improve safety and efficacy of peptides, even though some idiots here insist it's useless.

So again, you guys are testing the well water after running it through a purifying filter, calling it good, and drinking straight from the tap.

(by the way, testing is great. Even the fundamentally flawed, limited type you and the trailer park dealer do. At least it identifies the substance. Mostly that's harm reduction for your wallet not your health. But you're not harm reduction heroes because you drop a vial in the mail. Doing the work, the research, sharing that knowledge and real ways to further reduce harm, then taking the heat from an army of morons who'll do anything to maintain the status quo is "harm reduction" too.).
I don't know why you directed this post at me. I didn't say anything about filtering at all. I certainly have my opinions about filtering, but I don't care to share them right now. My original post that you were responding to didn't say anything about filtering. I was just pointing out how flawed your insults are to members who are doing a lot of testing with Jano.

If you have beef with Jano and his methods that's your business. He is the gold standard around here. Yes, his testing is not perfect. He is very open about what his testing is and the limitations to it. I have read a discussion he wrote out for everyone about how he has to choose the level of quality of his testing to meet a reasonable cost. He could do way more in-depth and way more precise testing, but the cost would be beyond the means for users like us. So, he has chosen the type and level of testing he can do for a fair price which is the most ideal for harm reduction.

It's fine and dandy that high-level scientists with fancy Labs can do insane testing that is probably crazy expensive. It would be awesome if we had access to that and could afford it! Realistically, that is not of much use to people like us right now. It would be much faster for me to travel on a private military grade jet, but I don't have access to that or the money for it. So I tend to just fly economy like most other people and it serves its purpose and is totally fine. Get it?

You did not answer my question of when you are going to do an hplc test and share it with us. You have enjoyed so many and you have even used so many from people that you continue to insult. When are you going to step up like a mature adult and share with people who have shared so much with you?
@Ghoul Also, who cares if somebody lives in a trailer park? I know multiple people who are legit awesome human beings who live in a trailer park. Who gives a fuck? I know some rich people who are absolute garbage pieces shit as well. The amount of money someone has or where they choose to live has very little to do with the quality of that person. I don't think there's any shame in someone living in a trailer. In fact I've done it myself and I feel totally fine about that!

We are pointing out real factual things and you are throwing around petty insults. It's low class and sad behavior. It would be so easy for you to get along with people here and be a cool member, but you want to be an elitist douche. Fine, have it your way. You're strange and childish behavior is not elite in any way.

Sorry to mess up and clog your thread with nonsense. I'll stop.

How is it going with the new GH? Any more weird side effects? Did you decide to increase the dose? I really think 2 IU is the minimum and for guys our age is actually a pretty sweet boost with very low and often no side effects.
I don't know why you directed this post at me. I didn't say anything about filtering at all. I certainly have my opinions about filtering, but I don't care to share them right now. My original post that you were responding to didn't say anything about filtering. I was just pointing out how flawed your insults are to members who are doing a lot of testing with Jano.

If you have beef with Jano and his methods that's your business. He is the gold standard around here. Yes, his testing is not perfect. He is very open about what his testing is and the limitations to it. I have read a discussion he wrote out for everyone about how he has to choose the level of quality of his testing to meet a reasonable cost. He could do way more in-depth and way more precise testing, but the cost would be beyond the means for users like us. So, he has chosen the type and level of testing he can do for a fair price which is the most ideal for harm reduction.

It's fine and dandy that high-level scientists with fancy Labs can do insane testing that is probably crazy expensive. It would be awesome if we had access to that and could afford it! Realistically, that is not of much use to people like us right now. It would be much faster for me to travel on a private military grade jet, but I don't have access to that or the money for it. So I tend to just fly economy like most other people and it serves its purpose and is totally fine. Get it?

You did not answer my question of when you are going to do an hplc test and share it with us. You have enjoyed so many and you have even used so many from people that you continue to insult. When are you going to step up like a mature adult and share with people who have shared so much with you?

And all the theories and world's most renounced experts on why nonfiltered GH has failed clinically and with bodybuilders for decades. Oh, wait (ref).


Plus, more observations here.

And all the theories and world's most renounced experts on why nonfiltered GH has failed clinically and with bodybuilders for decades. Oh, wait (ref).

View attachment 322118

Plus, more observations here.

View attachment 322117
This fucking retard wants to cherry pick information. He can't interpret studies properly and he doesn't know how to relate to people. Also, his logical thinking about people's ulterior motives is fucking retarded.

He's really a pathetic human being

Sorry to mess up and clog your thread with nonsense. I'll stop.

How is it going with the new GH? Any more weird side effects? Did you decide to increase the dose? I really think 2 IU is the minimum and for guys our age is actually a pretty sweet boost with very low and often no side effects.
@UncleBuns, sir, no worries. So far so good; no bad reactions although can't say I've noticed any difference yet. I'm up to 3IUs/day at night before bed. If my understanding is correct it takes time (>3 months) to see any real results? Am I off base there?
I dont think anyone is beneath @Ghoul, he is beneath all of us.

His LARPing and inability to put things in layman's terms is proof

Lol, I've put countless complex concepts into layman's terms here.

How about "You're testing the well water after running it through a Brita filter and after the result comes back 'clean', you're drinking straight from the tap." as a description of what's really happening with the kind of testing we use for peptides?

But not everything is amenable to simple analogies.

Everyone understands the less dimer in HGH the better, even though most have no idea why.

Filtering peptides reduces risk, it's essentially common sense that removing non-peptide material is a good idea. I don't actually GAF if someone chooses to or not.

But getting into why can't be done in a brief comment,
Lol, I've put countless complex concepts into layman's terms here.

How about "You're testing the well water after running it through a Brita filter and after the result comes back 'clean', you're drinking straight from the tap." as a description of what's really happening with the kind of testing we use for peptides?

But not everything is amenable to simple analogies.

Everyone understands the less dimer in HGH the better, even though most have no idea why.

Filtering peptides reduces risk, it's essentially common sense that removing non-peptide material is a good idea. I don't actually GAF if someone chooses to or not.

But getting into why can't be done in a brief comment,

"Everyone understands the less dimer in HGH the better, even though most have no idea why."

Reminder: Serostim has way more dimer than UGL hGH and is widely considered one of the highest quality hGH products available.
@UncleBuns, sir, no worries. So far so good; no bad reactions although can't say I've noticed any difference yet. I'm up to 3IUs/day at night before bed. If my understanding is correct it takes time (>3 months) to see any real results? Am I off base there?
Depends on what you're looking to get out of it and how you personally respond. I notice muscle fullness and vascularity pretty quickly. Less than a week. Depending on what time of day you take it, you may notice improved or worsened sleep Quality immediately. As far as connective tissue growth/healing, fat loss, muscle growth, etc. effects like that definitely take longer.

Are you monitoring blood glucose? If you have an a1c from prior then you can get one after 3 months. Or you can use a little at home kit to check morning fasted glucose. Since you don't know how you react to GH that's a good thing to keep an eye on. If you get a significant increase then you can do some interventions now to get ahead of it. At 3iu but you are likely fine but if it raises BG some diet intervention as well as metformin/berberine will fix you up.
Are you monitoring blood glucose?
Yes, sir. I've had a finger stick kit on hand for a while. I started wearing a Stello CGM specifically for this experiment. I know they're not the most accurate, but for a non-prescription option compatible with Android, I think it's the best one.

Regarding vascularity, I haven't noticed it being more pronounced; however, after my Tirzepatide/Testosterone weight loss journey and 5mg Tadalafil/day I've been pretty vascularity for a few months. I'll keep any eye on that!

Sleep has been an issue with me for years. Other than lifting and eating protein, my sleep hygiene is my top focus currently.

Really appreciate the feedback, sir! A sincere thank you, @UncleBuns!
Yes, sir. I've had a finger stick kit on hand for a while. I started wearing a Stello CGM specifically for this experiment. I know they're not the most accurate, but for a non-prescription option compatible with Android, I think it's the best one.

Regarding vascularity, I haven't noticed it being more pronounced; however, after my Tirzepatide/Testosterone weight loss journey and 5mg Tadalafil/day I've been pretty vascularity for a few months. I'll keep any eye on that!

Sleep has been an issue with me for years. Other than lifting and eating protein, my sleep hygiene is my top focus currently.

Really appreciate the feedback, sir! A sincere thank you, @UncleBuns!
Sounds like you're on top of things! Good on you for looking at improving all the aspects to reach your goals, not just the drugs. Some guys find that taking GH immediately before laying down for bed helps them a lot with sleep. Others get disturbed sleep though.

Good luck with your goals and journey! I have a feeling that you are going to reach your goals and go beyond them!