Bad Test C Raws??

Most moisture can be fixed by brewing at _low_ temps in a magnetic stirrer for 1-3 hours. (Which you should be doing anyway)

People candidly use way too high temps to dissolve their hormones. Oxidization occurs and then they wonder why they have to overdose their gear and get PIP.

Yes. Use oxygen and water absorbers. Double vacuum seal (or triple in my OCD case) and freeze. Yes _freeze_ for long term storage.
What temp is optimal for low temp and I thought you had to get test cyp to 90 c to get it truly melt so to speak
Most moisture can be fixed by brewing at _low_ temps in a magnetic stirrer for 1-3 hours. (Which you should be doing anyway)

People candidly use way too high temps to dissolve their hormones. Oxidization occurs and then they wonder why they have to overdose their gear and get PIP.

Yes. Use oxygen and water absorbers. Double vacuum seal (or triple in my OCD case) and freeze. Yes _freeze_ for long term storage.
I always use the lowest heat possible. Oil rarely gets above 70c.

Just ordered a bunch of water absorbers and will seal up everything.

I thought freezing was a bad idea for raws??
What temp is optimal for low temp and I thought you had to get test cyp to 90 c to get it truly melt so to speak
Depends on the ester and PED. Do some research. You generally don’t need to bring temps to the melting point. Solvents and mechanical action often can mitigate the higher temps.
I always use the lowest heat possible. Oil rarely gets above 70c.

Just ordered a bunch of water absorbers and will seal up everything.

I thought freezing was a bad idea for raws??
I never froze any of my raws, but they’re generally vacuum sealed if I know I’m storing them long term. Cool dry place is sufficient for me, like a closet or with your porn stash from the past underneath your bed lol.
Depends on the ester and PED. Do some research. You generally don’t need to bring temps to the melting point. Solvents and mechanical action often can mitigate the higher temps.
Damn I cooked mine then. Got it to 100c for a few. It worked out but maybe I degraded it I was convinced it has to be heated just briefly to that temp so it truly gets dissolved. Maybe it explains why it never crashes even if I stick it in a freezer for a bit.
Test cyp raw when manufactured has carbolic acid in it and that is what causes the PIP.
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Just to update this post.

All is good on my test cyp.

I sent many things out for testing found an alternative to jano for a good price. Blind testing. I'll report when I get my results. But my test cyp stopped being a concern for the most part. No pip. No issues. I use test U now though. Have that sent off for testing too
Just to update this post.

All is good on my test cyp.

I sent many things out for testing found an alternative to jano for a good price. Blind testing. I'll report when I get my results. But my test cyp stopped being a concern for the most part. No pip. No issues. I use test U now though. Have that sent off for testing too
Excited to see what your 400/ml test u comes in at
PIP is an individual thing, BA content has little to nothing to do with it. I have used year with 20% ba (because I f up the brew and though it was bb) no pip whatsoever.

Test E pip has something to do with the process of production and leftovers that are highly acidic. I think @janoshik run some tests and found test e residudes but nothing conclusive
Tell me about it!! I thought I didn't heat properly however it was the raw in the end. The one time I didn't heat high enough/long enough the acid was causing some PIP and learned my lesson but the test E a few years back was a nightmare and almost lost my marbles wondering what I did wrong.
I recently had some testCyp sent to me with moisture. It ruined a large brew. I ended up putting a large silica absorbent packet to pull the moisture out of the remaining raws. Curious if your testCyp maybe had some moisture as well.
How did it ruin the whole batch, What
exactly did it do to it? What happens if you use it and it has moisture in it.. I've never had this issue before, Or if I did I didn't know about it, Sorry for questions i'm just trying to learn
How did it ruin the whole batch, What
exactly did it do to it? What happens if you use it and it has moisture in it.. I've never had this issue before, Or if I did I didn't know about it, Sorry for questions i'm just trying to learn
Water means possibility for bacteria and fungus to grow

Usually just heating the oil enough will get rid of the excess moisture
Water means possibility for bacteria and fungus to grow

Usually just heating the oil enough will get rid of the excess moisture
This. Slow & low heat for hours on a monitored heating plate/magnetic stir machine.

Side note: Cross (X) type stir magnets work much better than the pill oval ones. Spend a few dollars and get two.