bangkok Pharmacy recommendation?


New Member
i been looking around from asok to chit lom but all the pharmacy dont have gear but only testosterone from bayern,rotexmedical,BR and nebido.

Do someone has pharmacy recommmendation where i can buy Primo, deca or anavar in BKK?
I was over there recently, Samui not BKK, and went into a few pharmacies to see their books out of curiosity.

I ended up not using a pharmacy and instead went online. Look up MuscleMass Thailand
what did u buy from them and was is real stuff?
Never heard of there product or any information online.

Go to the bigger man pharmacy ones and make sure u check all of the boxes don't buy single boxes check the (21) serial number that each box is different and download thebapp and scsn each qr code amd make sure everything lines up. You will also be able to talk from the oil usually real ones the oil will get stuck in the head of the amp not all the time though the oil will be super clear as well check the leaflet paper u don't want thick computer paper more like tissue paper almost.... U might just have to keep looking around.... U can ask also if they can grt it in the next day and u'll come back and pick up it..... Pick me up some Bayer pakis or testovirion while ur there or panpharma rotexmedica, along with some clen and some ai meds and some other goodies . I'm jk shorta..... Honestly hopefully soon I'm gunna take my own trip to turkey or Thai/Philippines...... I'm sure if u keep looking around u'll find whst ur looking for