Bann Connor

Do you agree to bann Connor for being too retarded?

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Why don’t we ban you from the forum for wanting to set a precedent that people should be silenced or censored because you find them annoying and don’t agree with what they’re saying.
Why don’t we ban you from the forum for wanting to set a precedent that people should be silenced or censored because you find them annoying and don’t agree with what they’re saying.
Why you don't have common sense?
Why should a idiot spam every raw thread with paranoid shit?
Why to tolerate such an idiot? Why?
I don't find them annoying I find them stupid and I have pity for them but enough should be enough.
Is not that he doesn't agree with me he doesn't have some basic things on how life works,how drugs will be always available, how black market would be here long after we are gone. A simple law will not stop drugs to be available for consumers
You clearly have no idea on what guy I talk about
Why you don't have common sense?
Why should a idiot spam every raw thread with paranoid shit?
Why to tolerate such an idiot? Why?
I don't find them annoying I find them stupid and I have pity for them but enough should be enough.
Is not that he doesn't agree with me he doesn't have some basic things on how life works,how drugs will be always available, how black market would be here long after we are gone. A simple law will not stop drugs to be available for consumers
You clearly have no idea on what guy I talk about
I don’t disagree with you that he’s retarded or annoying but you could just put him on your ignore list and never see his posts again.
lots of guys post way dumber shit and stuff thats actually counter productive or harmful. hell there’s sources here that deserve a ban before Connor. The great thing about this board is the fact it’s not censored and nobody is silenced. when you start down that path it’s a very slippery slope.
In his defense as far bodybuilding or steroid forums go atleast he has a good physique.
I don’t disagree with you that he’s retarded or annoying but you could just put him on your ignore list and never see his posts again.
lots of guys post way dumber shit and stuff thats actually counter productive or harmful. hell there’s sources here that deserve a ban before Connor. The great thing about this board is the fact it’s not censored and nobody is silenced. when you start down that path it’s a very slippery slope.
In his defense as far bodybuilding or steroid forums go atleast he has a good physique.
It bothers me more that people want him banned, than the fact that he says off the wall shit
I don’t disagree with you that he’s retarded or annoying but you could just put him on your ignore list and never see his posts again.
lots of guys post way dumber shit and stuff thats actually counter productive or harmful. hell there’s sources here that deserve a ban before Connor. The great thing about this board is the fact it’s not censored and nobody is silenced. when you start down that path it’s a very slippery slope.
In his defense as far bodybuilding or steroid forums go atleast he has a good physique.
Not really and as I gave that example before is like a guy come to a astronomy study and science forum and on every thread about Earth he is saying is flat and all that crap. In that case and in this case also this place is not for him.
Not really and as I gave that example before is like a guy come to a astronomy study and science forum and on every thread about Earth he is saying is flat and all that crap. In that case and in this case also this place is not for him.
This place is for all of us who use steroids and other peds. This isn’t a gathering of academics, formal debate or lecture. Its a forum full of misfits and drug users lol. This isn’t a science forum. It’s a steroid forum. We ask sources to show us pictures of tits.
There was a guy talking shit about my wife but I don’t want him banned. I think it’s funny
This place is for all of us who use steroids and other peds. This isn’t a gathering of academics, formal debate or lecture. Its a forum full of misfits and drug users lol. This isn’t a science forum. It’s a steroid forum. We ask sources to show us pictures of tits.
There was a guy talking shit about my wife but I don’t want him banned. I think it’s funny
Neither I said in that example that all that members are academics. But people passionate about that subject and have interest in that matter.
Everyone should be in what place he belong and that guy clearly doesn't belong in here with his post on every thread about raws end and how a bottle of testosterone will cost 100$. A really check should be good for him
Do you eat where you shit?
You don't do some cleaning in your place once in a while?
Same here. Sometimes enough should be enough
Neither I said in that example that all that members are academics. But people passionate about that subject and have interest in that matter.
Everyone should be in what place he belong and that guy clearly doesn't belong in here with his post on every thread about raws end and how a bottle of testosterone will cost 100$. A really check should be good for him
With the standards and expectations you have it simply sounds like the one who is out of place here is you.
If they banned every idiot then this board wouldnt exist
With the standards and expectations you have it simply sounds like the one who is out of place here is you.
If they banned every idiot then this board wouldnt exist
Not at all. Is not high standards at all. If a guy ask should I mix my protein shake with milk or water he is welcome. If a guy ramble around how a bottle of test will cost a ounce of gold then is not a place for him
Not at all. Is not high standards at all. If a guy ask should I mix my protein shake with milk or water he is welcome. If a guy ramble around how a bottle of test will cost a ounce of gold then is not a place for him
If you have problem with how @Millard runs HIS forum then the issue is you here and not someone else. but by all means tell Millard that how he is doing things wrong
If you have problem with how @Millard runs HIS forum then the issue is you here and not someone else. but by all means tell Millard that how he is doing things wrong
Probably the administrator has more common sense then butt hurts like you and others and he is open to suggestions on how things can be improved because everything has a place to get better.
And of course this thread is a open suggestion for cleaning parodied dudes that post on every source how black market will end. Not everyone has a place everywhere.
Probably the administrator has more common sense then butt hurts like you and others and he is open to suggestions on how things can be improved because everything has a place to get better.
And of course this thread is a open suggestion for cleaning parodied dudes that post on every source how black market will end. Not everyone has a place everywhere.
Say that to his face and watch what happens
Great Connor today said on ppl thread that gear out there is always fake otherwise we would have millions of mass monster walking on the streets.. he clearly has some problems, best thing for me is making some fun of him answering stupid stuff ..
Anyway they dont ban such pieces of shit like Naps gear that are always spamming redic fake reviews and Millard wont ban just a stupid guy because some guys are pissed at his posts… and luckily that wont happen..

i could understand the bad feelings, just ignore him or make fun of him.. maybe he just wanna get some help with his schizophrenia
Probably the administrator has more common sense then butt hurts like you and others and he is open to suggestions on how things can be improved because everything has a place to get better.
And of course this thread is a open suggestion for cleaning parodied dudes that post on every source how black market will end. Not everyone has a place everywhere.
butt hurts? lmao.
right not everyone has a place everywhere, but here you are
butt hurts? lmao.
right not everyone has a place everywhere, but here you are
Ok I will start acting retarded to have a place here
I think that helping people should be enough for me having a place here but thanks for informed me that you should be paranoid to be member
Anyway they dont ban such pieces of shit like Naps gear that are always spamming redic fake reviews and Millard wont ban just a stupid guy because some guys are pissed at his posts… and luckily that wont happen..

i could understand the bad feelings, just ignore him or make fun of him.. maybe he just wanna get some help with his schizophrenia
I put him on ignore but scrolling 3 pages to get to some content is not funny
And yes you are right he will not get bann but at least I tried to make something to clean some shit around