Beach volleyball player from USA


New Member
Hey Meso -

Long time lurker (7-8 years), first time account and poster.

Brief background:

I'm here to learn more about peptides and which substances would best benefit my goals
32 years old - 6'0'' - 195 lbs - ~13% BF
12 years of experience lifting, however roughly 2 years ago severely injured my knee causing me to stop playing.
I've recently gotten my knee fixed (85%) and want to get back on the court. I'm down roughly 19lbs (cutting) over the last 3 months and feel I'm ready for my 3rd cycle

-Increase LBM 6-8lbs
-Reduce BF ~10%
-General athleticism - ROM and flexibility are very important are part of the reason why my previous cycles are relatively low on anabolics
-Increase vertical 4"
-Endurance - Avoid fatigue at the end of the tournament

Previous cycles:
Test 500mg/wk - 12 weeks - No PCT, cruise for 16 weeks
Test 300mg/wk with 25mg anavar ed - 12 weeks (anavar last 6) - No PCT, no cruise

I did begin to aromatize (nipple senstivity, no gyno) at the very end of the 2nd cycle, which has led me to Primo and Masteron for e2 management.

I currently have on hand:
Test C
Mast E
Halo (gifted from a friend)
Tamoxifen and Letrozole as anti estros, but have never taken them and would prefer to control e2 via other means

Considering my previous knee injury - I'm interested in TB-5000.

What peptides or other compounds are generally geared towards athleticism?
Given goals mentioned above, what would your proposed cycle structure be?

You will get more help on your question if you post it in the PED section.