New Member


New Member
Hey everyone. Glad to be a part of this community.

28 year old Indian male here here, recently moved to TO, Canada.
6'1 220lbs, ~15% bodyfat.

Been lifting since I was 14, starting with olympic weightlifting in junior school.

Always been passionate about working out and being strong.
Unfortunately was never able to pursue a career in fitness since I came from a poor family and had too many responsibilities at a young age.

Pursued a degree in engineering and switched over to marketing. Kept working out causally over the year in order to look good naked.
I have two cycles under my belt so far.

First one was when I was 23, standard 500mg test e for 12 weeks followed by PCT. Made great gains and retained 70% of those in the months that followed.
I had the MPB gene (sucks) so lost a lot of hair after that cycle.

Did really well in my career during the lockdown, so after the pandemic ended, got onto another cycle of 150mg test, 150 primo and 20mg anavar pwo.
I was around 26 that time. Started with a great bulk and got to 230lbs at 12% bf. Dropped primo and continued with test for a few more months.
Loved the experience, test really helped me with my motivation, drive and shift in mindset.
Had some spare cash so thought of getting a hair transplant last year. Dropped test, pcted and got the transplant. Post transplant finasteride fucked me up.

Got PR in Canada so moved 7 months ago. I've been so busy figuring shit out, starting life from a scratch that I haven't been able to focus on fitness as much.

I'm currently sitting at 220lb. Going to jump on low dose test soon. I love how I feel and look on it, don't need extremely high doses to make gains.
Also the mental benefits are incredible.

I haven't captured everything about myself here since this is supposed to be an introduction that's all, but I am glad to be a part of this community.
Getting peds in India was soon easy, I could walk into a pharmacy and get pharma grade test anytime of the day no questions asked.

It is a bit of a struggle here in Canada but thanks to this forum and the members for sharing reviews and feedback on all the UGLs.

Appreciate you all and hope to give back to this community as much as I can.
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Hey everyone. Glad to be a part of this community.

28 year old Indian male here here, recently moved to TO, Canada.
6'1 220lbs, ~15% bodyfat.

Been lifting since I was 14, starting with olympic weightlifting in junior school.

Always been passionate about working out and being strong.
Unfortunately was never able to pursue a career in fitness since I came from a poor family and had too many responsibilities at a young age.

Pursued a degree in engineering and switched over to marketing. Kept working out causally over the year in order to look good naked.
I have two cycles under my belt so far.

First one was when I was 23, standard 500mg test e for 12 weeks followed by PCT. Made great gains and retained 70% of those in the months that followed.
I had the MPB gene (sucks) so lost a lot of hair after that cycle.

Did really well in my career during the lockdown, so after the pandemic ended, got onto another cycle of 150mg test, 150 primo and 20mg anavar pwo.
I was around 26 that time. Started with a great bulk and got to 230lbs at 12% bf. Dropped primo and continued with test for a few more months.
Loved the experience, test really helped me with my motivation, drive and shift in mindset.
Had some spare cash so thought of getting a hair transplant last year. Dropped test, pcted and got the transplant. Post transplant finasteride fucked me up.

Got PR in Canada so moved 7 months ago. I've been so busy figuring shit out, starting life from a scratch that I haven't been able to focus on fitness as much.

I'm currently sitting at 220lb. Going to jump on low dose test soon. I love how I feel and look on it, don't need extremely high doses to make gains.
Also the mental benefits are incredible.

I haven't captured everything about myself here since this is supposed to be an introduction that's all, but I am glad to be a part of this community.
Getting peds in India was soon easy, I could walk into a pharmacy and get pharma grade test anytime of the day no questions asked.

It is a bit of a struggle here in Canada but thanks to this forum and the members for sharing reviews and feedback on all the UGLs.

Appreciate you all and hope to give back to this community as much as I can.
Another awesome introduction, great to see. There's a good amount of Canadians here as well. Hope to see you get involved.

I was born in Spain and Im living there. Im 38 years old and I have been training for over 20 years.

Im so happy to join this forum, because I like learning about steroids, protocols, trainings table, diets,...and anything related and sharing my knowledges and experience adquired in these 20 years.

I would like to contribute my experience and learn from those who are here, veterans and not so veterans.

I also hope to improve my english level hahaha:P
Hey everyone. Glad to be a part of this community.

28 year old Indian male here here, recently moved to TO, Canada.
6'1 220lbs, ~15% bodyfat.

Been lifting since I was 14, starting with olympic weightlifting in junior school.

Always been passionate about working out and being strong.
Unfortunately was never able to pursue a career in fitness since I came from a poor family and had too many responsibilities at a young age.

Pursued a degree in engineering and switched over to marketing. Kept working out causally over the year in order to look good naked.
I have two cycles under my belt so far.

First one was when I was 23, standard 500mg test e for 12 weeks followed by PCT. Made great gains and retained 70% of those in the months that followed.
I had the MPB gene (sucks) so lost a lot of hair after that cycle.

Did really well in my career during the lockdown, so after the pandemic ended, got onto another cycle of 150mg test, 150 primo and 20mg anavar pwo.
I was around 26 that time. Started with a great bulk and got to 230lbs at 12% bf. Dropped primo and continued with test for a few more months.
Loved the experience, test really helped me with my motivation, drive and shift in mindset.
Had some spare cash so thought of getting a hair transplant last year. Dropped test, pcted and got the transplant. Post transplant finasteride fucked me up.

Got PR in Canada so moved 7 months ago. I've been so busy figuring shit out, starting life from a scratch that I haven't been able to focus on fitness as much.

I'm currently sitting at 220lb. Going to jump on low dose test soon. I love how I feel and look on it, don't need extremely high doses to make gains.
Also the mental benefits are incredible.

I haven't captured everything about myself here since this is supposed to be an introduction that's all, but I am glad to be a part of this community.
Getting peds in India was soon easy, I could walk into a pharmacy and get pharma grade test anytime of the day no questions asked.

It is a bit of a struggle here in Canada but thanks to this forum and the members for sharing reviews and feedback on all the UGLs.

Appreciate you all and hope to give back to this community as much as I can.
Very impressive bro. Consistency is key. Keep grinding, keep pushing. I have no doubt in my head of your success!