Been here for a few years but still a newb lol ...


New Member
Hello everyone, I've been on this forum for a couple years now, more so just reading and learning never really posting. So I figured I'd introduce myself..
I started working out in high school but stopped after graduation.. Not long after that I had got caught up with the wrong crowd, tried drugs and figured out that I really liked pain pills. Eventually as the whole oxycontin epidemic ended and the dea cracked down on Drs for over prescribing, it made it hard to find anything and lots of people and myself turned to heroin.... For a nice chuck of years I would go in and out of addiction, use for a year, get clean for 2 years, fall back into addiction for a couple more years then get sober again.. The cycle repeated and eventually, after overdoses and time behind bars I finally said fuck this something had to change, if it didn't I was going to die or be behind bars off and on the rest of my life...
After going through treatment and getting fully involved in a 12 step I found out that I really loved working out... When I was working out all I had to think about was pushing and pulling, everything else was out of my head.. As I got in better shape I felt a lot better about myself and my confidence and anxiety had alleviated.. After a some years of eating tons and lifting hard consistently I hit a wall and my genetics would not let me get much bigger...... Sooo I turned to test. After a few months lifting enhanced I felt so fucking good and started putting on size like crazy, like we all do when we do on our first year of cycling.. The first few years I tried lots of different cycles. Eventually I took the advice of all the experienced lifters on here and did start getting blood work and adjusting my ai's to where I needed them. Running caber or prami, when my prolactin would be high and found my sweet spot.. At this point I just blasted and cruised and got comfortable with the idea of test for life.. I hated running PCTs and cycling off, im done having kids, im in my late 30's so fuck it....
Fast forward alittle to today and my life's pretty good, I'm currently running 600 test, 400 decca, 600 EQ, alittle arimidex, a little caber, I feel great.. still putting on size alot slower then when I started but definitely still getting good gains, i definitely could eat more, or better, but still getting them gains...
Career wise I'm just getting into being an electrician. In a couple weeks I start a 10 week course that will get me some certifications so I can be an electricians helper... Once I feel like I'm ready I'm going to go to the closest IBEW local so I can get started on the 6 year apprenticeship so I can be a journeyman and be able to leave my two kids with more then I had growing up. Wish I would have done this out of highschool as I'm going to be quite a bit older then most apprentice's but whatever. Cost of living now lots of people don't retire till there 60s anyway ..
Well that's my story hope this is good enough for an into. I look forward to learning more and more on this forum and actually posting now .. thanks guys...