Beginner pct help


New Member
Hey all need some help I'm unsure of quantity of pct I'm ordering plan on going nolvadex and clomid with hcg starting a week in cycle I also want arimdex on hand but how much of each I cant search the answer I'm looking for
I don’t think you looked hard enough if can’t find recommend doses for clomid and tamoxifen for pct. Some say 100/40mg but I’d rather do half that dose. hCG depends on when you’re using it, if after cycle but prior to serms you’d use a higher dose than on cycle/trt. AI is more personal, use only if you actually need it, and start low like 1/4-1/2 a tab 2-3x per week is a good place to start, prob better to start at 1/4 a tab if you need it.
Thanks for the response dude appreciated .I was more asking quantity I should order not doses I did research that but thank you