Best way to start HGH


How would you do it to minimize side effects? Start with 1 iu before bed and increase to 2 iu within 1-2 weeks? Or start with 2 iu and go from there? Any other protips to mitigate side effects?

I plan to run 4-6 iu max. I'm on test, mast and 30 iu lantus. First time HGH.
This gets asked all the time. Best thing to do is read on this forum.
If ugl I’d start at 2iu and stay there for Atleast a week.
How would you do it to minimize side effects? Start with 1 iu before bed and increase to 2 iu within 1-2 weeks? Or start with 2 iu and go from there? Any other protips to mitigate side effects?

I plan to run 4-6 iu max. I'm on test, mast and 30 iu lantus. First time HGH.
4-6iu is plenty. There is for whatever reason so people on here who run crazy amounts.

30iu Lantus is a pretty decent amount though, what was your fasted bg before adding that in? It took that much to pull you down to an acceptable fasted bg WITHOUT Hgh?
4-6iu is plenty. There is for whatever reason so people on here who run crazy amounts.

Yeah i don't plan to go over that, just want to see if it's worth it at all.

30iu Lantus is a pretty decent amount though, what was your fasted bg before adding that in? It took that much to pull you down to an acceptable fasted bg WITHOUT Hgh?

I don't take it mainly to lower my bg, i use it for bulking/looking full. Lantus solo is a thing
don't take it mainly to lower my bg, i use it for bulking/looking full. Lantus solo is a thing
Thats really not how Lantus is used with bodybuilding. Ideally you would implement Lantus as fasted bg begins to exceed 90. I do understand your thought process there however
I did 2iu for 3 days then moved up to 3iu for 3 days then 4 split AM/pm since I was dieting. After a week at 4 I went to 5 (3pm/2am). When the diet ended I just started doing all 5 at night before bed. I moved up quicker but didn't experience any sides so just kept going
On the advice of an athlete friend, I immediately started with a dose of 6Ui per day, 3 in the morning and 3 before bed. I feel great and energized for the day. I think it's a great solution to get started, but I use it solely for tonic purposes.
On the advice of an athlete friend, I immediately started with a dose of 6Ui per day, 3 in the morning and 3 before bed. I feel great and energized for the day. I think it's a great solution to get started, but I use it solely for tonic purposes.
Did you have sides? How long you been at 6iu? That’s a rather large dose to start at. Your buddy gave you not great advice that has given plenty of people miserable weeks. 2iu and titrating up slowly is the usual answer.
Did you have sides? How long you been at 6iu? That’s a rather large dose to start at. Your buddy gave you not great advice that has given plenty of people miserable weeks. 2iu and titrating up slowly is the usual answer.
Sorry, I first took 3UI for a week and then switched to 6 for a month. Now I'm wondering if I should keep using it for prevention or not? Honestly, I haven't noticed any problems, maybe because I work out every day and the product helps me replenish my energy.
Sorry, I first took 3UI for a week and then switched to 6 for a month. Now I'm wondering if I should keep using it for prevention or not? Honestly, I haven't noticed any problems, maybe because I work out every day and the product helps me replenish my energy.
If you don't have any sides there's no reason to stop.
Telmi is an ARB. You need a diuretic for water retention

What would you recommend in general and what would you suggest for someone thats hyperkalemic as a dieuretic, and for a BP med if BP is high? most BP meds like telmisartan tends to already cause high potassium so that could be dangerous.