Better than Sliced Bread // Q-Style Vial Access adapter

No government insurance. No medical, Medicaid, tricare, etc. Has to be private insurance for the savings card to work.

I’ve heard the manufacturer still gets some money from your insurance company, even if they deny it. Government insurance doesn’t pay them at all if it’s denied.

Only way for it to work with government insurance is if they decide to cover it and approve it and it’s only approved for type 2 diabetes currently, so it’s really rare for insurance to cover it unless you have T2D.
Thanks for the info! Much appreciated!
Thanks for the great info in here. Prescription was easy to get. Just make sure you up your waist circumference to look like you carry your weight in your beer belly ;) No text, call or anything. It did take a few days for insurance to deny coverage so that the savings card could be used but you can't beat the price for pharma.
Is this a one time use thing? I have a bunch of 20ml vials, this would be nice to use.
Just get a prescription for mounjaro. Cheaper and pharma grade.

$30 to get a prescription from helloalpha. They just text, no phone or video calls, so just lie and increase your “weight” to a high BMI range.
$25 a month for the tirzapetide with the Eli Lilly savings card, even if your insurance denies it, but you have to have private insurance.
It says that site is for womens health …I’m assuming they don’t check if your a man or not?
How are they cleaning it?
You don't lol. Most you can do is regularly swab the top with an alcohol pad.

I suppose you can run sterile oil/water through but I think it's largely unnecessary and ineffective. Just use a new one if you feel it's getting dirty.
They are designed so you only need to the top part.


PSA for those who bought this, the internal white tip is a bit fragile so avoid using luer slip tips to mate with this.

Keep to Luer Locks and ensure your entry and exit is always straight.

I snapped mine twice already and it just throws plastic debris into the syringe and your oils and ruins the connector. I unfortunately didn't see much the first time it happened so I probably injected some plastic :rolleyes:

Edit: Here's the part that breaks off
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PSA for those who bought this, the internal white tip is a bit fragile so avoid using luer slip tips to mate with this.

Keep to Luer Locks and ensure your entry and exit is always straight.

I snapped mine twice already and it just throws plastic debris into the syringe and your oils and ruins the connector. I unfortunately didn't see much the first time it happened so I probably injected some plastic :rolleyes:

Edit: Here's the part that breaks off
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I have not personally had that problem. But I am very careful on how much tension/how tight I screw the Luer tip on.

I do like this device because I just leave it attached to the bottle and as soon as it's empty, I attach it to another. thanks for letting us know and I will definitely be more careful.
You guys in the states are lucky in Canada as far as I know you have to buy a case of 25 of them for $100...
I have not personally had that problem. But I am very careful on how much tension/how tight I screw the Luer tip on.

I do like this device because I just leave it attached to the bottle and as soon as it's empty, I attach it to another. thanks for letting us know and I will definitely be more careful.

Yeah do watch out.

It just happened again. I am honestly not sure why it keeps happening. 80-90% of the time it's fine but once in a while I suddenly get bad PIP and i notice white plastic floaters in my oil (they sink to the bottom).

Maybe my oils are reacting with the plastic inside, somehow weakening it? They are QSC sesame oils and made with 2%ba 20%bb.

This is very frustrating, I bought like 16 pcs of these and like threw out probably 6 to 7 so far.

I'm pretty sure its not my technique now that I've moved to luer locks and am very careful about the entry/exit.
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Quick update:

Decided to toss it all out, re-filtered all contaminated vials.
I only kept the vial adapter on one bottle which is just sterile oil (no solvents no AAS). Even so will monitor it extremely carefully and will toss if it starts to break down.

It was a good run boys but fuck this plastic shit. I'm pretty sure it's reacting with the solvents in my oil.