BG pharmaceutical drugs

Yes this source takes a long time but you have 0 other options for an open international source like this so you're lucky BG even operates
There's atleast 10 int sources just on this forum that don't save your personal information forever, offer lower prices and faster shipping in one package.

He's a pharmacist, so most of what you get is gonna be legit (other than Driadas gear which I'm not confident in). Yes, he sends parcels out. That's where it stops as it turns out. There's also multiple pharmacies on this forum, you can easily buy pharmacy stuff at the above mentioned conditions.

If it was just slow comms, whatever, fella takes a bit to proccess orders, it's fine. That's not all though. For US there's a customs problem, for EU there's an easily accessible stored information problem. There's plenty of better alternatives in every aspect.
There's atleast 10 int sources just on this forum that don't save your personal information forever, offer lower prices and faster shipping in one package.

He's a pharmacist, so most of what you get is gonna be legit (other than Driadas gear which I'm not confident in). Yes, he sends parcels out. That's where it stops as it turns out. There's also multiple pharmacies on this forum, you can easily buy pharmacy stuff at the above mentioned conditions.

If it was just slow comms, whatever, fella takes a bit to proccess orders, it's fine. That's not all though. For US there's a customs problem, for EU there's an easily accessible stored information problem. There's plenty of better alternatives in every aspect.
None of what you said there is true brother.
BG charges $13 usd for shipping. Dont expect it to be fast.
No other source offers lower prices on his pharmaceuticals.
Everywhere else you shop will be more expensive and shipping cost way more.
He reships every seized order.
By all means though shop at your other sources. Can you link me to one of the multiple pharmacies on this forum you're referring to? I only see 1, turkish pharmacy and they offer 1/20th of the products BG does, and they're very expensive

Just saying the guys complaining should shut up and use a different source if you're so paranoid of him saving info
None of what you said there is true brother.
BG charges $13 usd for shipping. Dont expect it to be fast.
No other source offers lower prices on his pharmaceuticals.
Everywhere else you shop will be more expensive and shipping cost way more.
He reships every seized order.
By all means though shop at your other sources. Can you link me to one of the multiple pharmacies on this forum you're referring to? I only see 1, turkish pharmacy and they offer 1/20th of the products BG does, and they're very expensive

Just saying the guys complaining should shut up and use a different source if you're so paranoid of him saving info
If you had the ability to just use the search function, you'd realize how stupid you look rn.

You use BG, okay, good for you, couldn't much care less what you do if you're already set.

Everything in that post is true.

I'll just give you a hint as I don't spoonfeed anyone: not every source selling pharmacy stuff is called a pharmacy, or pharmaceuticals. Everything you can get here you can get elsewhere for lower prices, better opsec and way better comms.

Anyways, do as you wish, just don't tell others to fuck themselves over please.
If you had the ability to just use the search function, you'd realize how stupid you look rn.

You use BG, okay, good for you, couldn't much care less what you do if you're already set.

Everything in that post is true.

I'll just give you a hint as I don't spoonfeed anyone: not every source selling pharmacy stuff is called a pharmacy, or pharmaceuticals. Everything you can get here you can get elsewhere for lower prices, better opsec and way better comms.

Anyways, do as you wish, just don't tell others to fuck themselves over please.

I mean BG literally said it himself that if you want data deleted to reach out to him, thats called a fact and not being paranoid. As Malom said, search function or scroll up.

Eeach to their own, i think @malomkarom simply wanted to spread awarness which is just fair. To me personally, any source saving customer data is a MAJOR red flag and an instant no.

While his service might be great despite slow communication and a great guy, saving data is a simple big hard no.
I don't know with what helps him to store data of thousands of people. No idea why he does that and not delete it after the package is delivered
Storing thousands of people data for what? What's the purpose of this?
I don't know with what helps him to store data of thousands of people. No idea why he does that and not delete it after the package is delivered
Storing thousands of people data for what? What's the purpose of this?

I personally don't know and don't care if BG or any other source is doing it. I'm ordering most of the times from my main google mail. Not gonna end up being paranoid for buying a bunch of gear online for personal use. Now, if you guys sourcing, that's a different story. My biggest gear order so far is under $500, so who cares?

Like, even if the feds or interpol or whatever find a source's thousands of buyers all over the world, then what? Will they start knocking doors with a search warrant on hand? Lol, this is funny..i'd get it if you live in North Korea, or at least Sweden which is a steroidophobic country but now i think some of you guys are just too scared.
I personally don't know and don't care if BG or any other source is doing it. I'm ordering most of the times from my main google mail. Not gonna end up being paranoid for buying a bunch of gear online for personal use. Now, if you guys sourcing, that's a different story. My biggest gear order so far is under $500, so who cares?

Like, even if the feds or interpol or whatever find a source's thousands of buyers all over the world, then what? Will they start knocking doors with a search warrant on hand? Lol, this is funny..i'd get it if you live in North Korea, or at least Sweden which is a steroidophobic country but now i think some of you guys are just too scared.
Again, in your home that might be the case. It isn't the same everywhere and plenty of people have been put in prison for several years for 50$, let alone 500.

No need to live in Sweden on NK, not even close. You live on the opposite end of the spectrum, close to how lax the UK customs are for AAS. There's an entire world between those two extremes.

Some countries literally give you life sentence for importing a single tab of illegal substance, whetever it is, if it causes discoloration on a strip, you're fucked. This is not the norm obviously, but it does help shine some light on the severity of stored information. Yours doesn't cause trouble to you. That's you.
Again, in your home that might be the case. It isn't the same everywhere and plenty of people have been put in prison for several years for 50$, let alone 500.

No need to live in Sweden on NK, not even close. You live on the opposite end of the spectrum, close to how lax the UK customs are for AAS. There's an entire world between those two extremes.

Some countries literally give you life sentence for importing a single tab of illegal substance, whetever it is, if it causes discoloration on a strip, you're fucked. This is not the norm obviously, but it does help shine some light on the severity of stored information. Yours doesn't cause trouble to you. That's you.

Then why bother buying steroids online and not opt for local sellers like gyms and stuff? Why risk going to prison for doing your hobbie? Everything is traceable, even crypto.

If i had that cloud of fear surround me i wouldn't trust ANY online source, like if the x or y source tells you that his opsec is the best and he deletes info after every order do you know for sure he's telling the truth?
Then why bother buying steroids online and not opt for local sellers like gyms and stuff? Why risk going to prison for doing your hobbie? Everything is traceable, even crypto.

If i had that cloud of fear surround me i wouldn't trust ANY online source, like if the x or y source tells you that his opsec is the best and he deletes info after every order do you know for sure he's telling the truth?
This forum was made to share info like I am sharing.

There are proven sources, some of whom have gone down publicly before with 0 letters sent to customers, Q fo example. There was also CatCafe putting customers behind bars half a year after getting busted.
It's not a phenomenon, there are drugdealers capable of getting tested, even pharma stuff inside high risk countries without much trouble, there's really no reason to put yourself at this much risk.

This source is fine for half the planet. Keep ordering if your in that half. It's good shit.

Again, please just don't encourage stupid teenagers to fuck their lives up. I know it's not on purpose, but pages of people arguing "I haven't been to jail yet" aren't really helping.

This is a harm reduction forum. The purpose is trying to stop people from injecting anything at all if possible, when that fails to make sure they cause the least trouble possible. I genuinely wouldn't even order from BG or anyone else storing info if I was in the US, fuck knows when you get an asshole inspecting your package, or a judge on her period. All it takes for LE to get proof is send a letter to BG or it's gov.

As to why order online? Cause you have no way of knowing what your local resellers sell, you can't get any evidence for shit, and he very well might have just put some canola oil into a vial. There's no local reseller showing you test result or reimbursing community testing.
Health is first and can only be taken care of when you know the variables.

I've seen tests for locally bought shit, nothing beats asin as primo tabs, EQ as primo e, Deca as TNE (FUCKING LOL), guaiacol winny oil for tren and a couple STD infected vials. I'm sure most would rather not even spend years in prison, let alone live with one or multiple STDs for the rest of their lives. A couple years lost is still... less shit,... imo
I personally don't know and don't care if BG or any other source is doing it. I'm ordering most of the times from my main google mail. Not gonna end up being paranoid for buying a bunch of gear online for personal use. Now, if you guys sourcing, that's a different story. My biggest gear order so far is under $500, so who cares?

Like, even if the feds or interpol or whatever find a source's thousands of buyers all over the world, then what? Will they start knocking doors with a search warrant on hand? Lol, this is funny..i'd get it if you live in North Korea, or at least Sweden which is a steroidophobic country but now i think some of you guys are just too scared.
Why do you don't post your address,name and what you order then? Doesn't matter right? Who cares?
Why then when a source put a tracking number on public they get a ban? If isn't such a big deal
Let's post all "I'm Joe I ordered from X source,tracking number Y I can't wait to arrive". Why nobody want to doxx himself. It's common sense
Try to prevent things even if no matter what you aren't safe. At least with this simple things like don't store the data.
It's common sense

I honestly feel like I'm arguing toddlers on the spectrum. I get it, everyone is a murican tough motherfucker on grams a week, invincible and lacks empathy, it's not surprising really, it's a steroid forum to help meatheads not die.

I'm just not sure all would act the same in court or jail/prison weeks or months after their last shots that one time they get a bad judge, or Trump decides to instantly inspect and punish every illegal import just cause he woke up on the wrong side of the bed that day.
Why do you don't post your address,name and what you order then? Doesn't matter right? Who cares?
Why then when a source put a tracking number on public they get a ban? If isn't such a big deal
Let's post all "I'm Joe I ordered from X source,tracking number Y I can't wait to arrive". Why nobody want to doxx himself. It's common sense
Try to prevent things even if no matter what you aren't safe. At least with this simple things like don't store the data.

Ehm, you think it's the same to post all your personal info online publicly with sharing them with 2-3 sources? Buddy, you serious? Where exactly did i say that doxxing is ok? Anyways, do what you want i'm not in the mood arguing for nonsense, just don't put words in my mouth i never said.
Ehm, you think it's the same to post all your personal info online publicly with sharing them with 2-3 sources? Buddy, you serious? Where exactly did i say that doxxing is ok? Anyways, do what you want i'm not in the mood arguing for nonsense, just don't put words in my mouth i never said.
The thing is BG is an official pharmacy.

It's 0 extra effort to ask them for info compared to reading you post your address. They can straight just ask for the receipt if data isn't deleted.
The thing is BG is an official pharmacy.

It's 0 extra effort to ask them for info compared to reading you post your address. They can straight just ask for the receipt if data isn't deleted.
BG isn't a official pharmacy. It's just a guy who sell different meds that he gets from Bulgaria or Turkey or sell different peptides that he get from China or aas from driada/deus.
It's more easily to get meds there without prescription or for some a prescription isn't required in that country.
Nothing official, nothing legal
Where exactly did i say that doxxing is ok?
I personally don't know and don't care if BG or any other source is doing it. I'm ordering most of the times from my main google mail. Not gonna end up being paranoid for buying
Like, even if the feds or interpol or whatever find a source's thousands of buyers all over the world, then what? Will they start knocking doors with a search warrant on hand? Lol, this is funny

CatCafe put hundreds behind bars. Those were the people resellers or not that were getting stuff with minimal risk for infections or dosing troubles. Let's keep safe gear in circulation rather than bathtub shit in EO or G. No need to dox at all, but if we were to do it, do it to those causing risk, not the ones having spent the time on getting not unsafe stuff and supplying their communities with quaity rather than STDs.

Doesn't matter what anyone orders for, there's no need to put them at any additional risk at all with storing their data.

These guys and Driada being licensed medical companies might be missleading and sway your decision making, they are the ones we have to keep an eye on the most, they are legal companies running legal business in their respected homes, they have 0 trouble sending your 10y order history to any LE asking for it politely. Your biggest order being 500 might not matter when the total is added up as it would be in many countries.