Why do you need to know? You don't!
That also gives you the opportunity to break anonymity.

Fuck you and your underdosed piss oil, you sketchy, bitch. You don't make the fucking rules. If you don't like the way thing's are done here, take your scrawny Chinaman ass back to ASF and stay there.

How can break anonymity?
You should to explain to me
i'm curious to know your explanation
Why use roidtest? Didn’t like the results Jano have you? Lmao. We’re giving you the tools to be mildly successful here and you’re doing the complete opposite. Anyways, looks like you’ve snagged a few suckers on Eroids, good luck buddy.
Thank you

You seem to nit fucking understand something
I'll explain it very slow and simply for you.


You can flow MESO rules (Created by members)

Or you can fuck off.

That.... fucking...simple

You dont make the rules you ignorant cunt, you're in OUR HOUSE,
Take your fucking shoes off before you enter or get pushed out the door bitch
Fully anonymous or nothing
You're a drug dealer.
Not to be trusted

That shit isnt accurate at all.
3rd party anonymous HPLC or nothing

Hes making fun of you....
Not exactly.....
Fully anonymous or nothing

Im ok about that
but i must have the proof like i said on my previous messages from the lab its MY PRODUCTS will be TEST
not something else
That's it
Fully anonymous or nothing

Im ok about that
but i must have the proof like i said on my previous messages from the lab its MY PRODUCTS will be TEST
not something else
That's it

That's not my fucking problem.

It's in your best interest to test YOUR products anyways.
and to get HPLC reports from your suppliers.
If the Mg/ml matches, you will know it's your product.
If it doesnt, you have the opportunity to send it out for more testing.

If someone lies about it.... leave that to us.
This process doesnt work unless all parties are honest... members included.

At the end of the day, you're the drug dealing source.
We dont have to trust you
You have to trust us as a community
How can break anonymity?
You should to explain to me
i'm curious to know your explanation

Do try to follow along. Let's pretend... we have to pretend here because it's NEVER going to happen, but let's pretend MSG orders some of your gear using an email address that doesn't identify him.

MSG receives his goods and emails you via the same email address to tell you that he plans to test x compound.

MSG returns 2 weeks later to post the test results on the forum. You then go through your saved emails (that you were supposed to delete for security, but didn't) to find the email address that told you x compound was being tested.

You can now link the email address and personal info of MSG to his handle here at Meso. What you decide to do with that info if the testing results hurt your business is anyone's guess.

That's why you don't need to know who's testing what. That's also the reason why creating an alt handle to post honest results and reviews won't get a member banned if that alt handle ever gets linked back to their main handle.
That's not my fucking problem.

It's in your best interest to test YOUR products anyways.
and to get HPLC reports from your suppliers.
If the Mg/ml matches, you will know it's your product.
If it doesnt, you have the opportunity to send it out for more testing.

If someone lies about it.... leave that to us.
This process doesnt work unless all parties are honest... members included.

At the end of the day, you're the drug dealing source.
We dont have to trust you
You have to trust us as a community

So you want i spend money for nothing when you said that to me : If it doesnt, you have the opportunity to send it out for more testing.
No sense at all again
You are very smart.

Proof from the lab they are products from Blackroids BEFORE TESTING and everybody will be happy.

Why can not do that ? except you want to send other products with shit quality for ruined my reputation

I can see your GAME
You think i'm very stupid
So you want i spend money for nothing when you said that to me : If it doesnt, you have the opportunity to send it out for more testing.
No sense at all again
You are very smart.

Proof from the lab they are products from Blackroids BEFORE TESTING and everybody will be happy.

Why can not do that ? except you want to send other products with shit quality for ruined my reputation

I can see your GAME
You think i'm very stupid

You're a funny little Chinaman. Your reputation is already shit and no other source here would consider you competition, but yeah, Mikey, everyone is out to get you.

Go back to ASF. You're not Meso material. Never have been, never will be.
You're a funny little Chinaman. Your reputation is already shit and no other source here would consider you competition, but yeah, Mikey, everyone is out to get you.

Go back to ASF. You're not Meso material. Never have been, never will be.

he s right, i heard shady stuff in regards of MSG Labs… like that he managed to own the market with such gimmicks.. adulterating vials from other sources and then sending to test… don t know if its TOTALLY true, since as stated in another post i ve always been happy with their pricelist via pm and their labels… but you kno, life is a scam from its start..
So you want i spend money for nothing when you said that to me : If it doesnt, you have the opportunity to send it out for more testing.
No sense at all again
You are very smart.

Proof from the lab they are products from Blackroids BEFORE TESTING and everybody will be happy.

Why can not do that ? except you want to send other products with shit quality for ruined my reputation

I can see your GAME
You think i'm very stupid

Look at this Chinaman

Wants Meso to chsnge the rules all for him
Look at this Chinaman

Wants Meso to chsnge the rules all for him
I'm not asking to change the rules

Where i can see the meso's rules explain clearly the meso community can not send some proof to the source for show the products come from the source and not somewhere else.

Its a legit proof im asking

I'm not asking to change the rules

Where i can see the meso's rules explain clearly the meso community can not send some proof to the source for show the products come from the source and not somewhere else.

Its a legit proof im asking


You do realize someone could follow your "rules" for testing and still screw you if they wanted to, right?

Trust is a two way street, Mikey boy. You want members to trust you and send you their money, but your opium induced paranoia prevents you from trusting them to test your gear.

i guess we're at a crossroads. Best thing to do would be to bow out gracefully. Maybe leave us with a whimsical Chinese proverb or two and ride off into the sunset towards ASF.
I'm not asking to change the rules

Where i can see the meso's rules explain clearly the meso community can not send some proof to the source for show the products come from the source and not somewhere else.

Its a legit proof im asking


Check every single SUCCESFUL source thread you dumb fuck.
Every source that does well here follows this protocol, you dont have to believe me and I dont care if you do.

Also check the first page of every new source thread.... fuck, check your first page
3rd party testing incentive.... it's on every thread and explained the same way to every source.

They understand.... you fucking dont.
This isnt that hard, you simple Simon motherfucker

Share your cycle/log and earn until 300 € on​

Come Sharing your log with us :

We would love to offer a 200 € (or equivalent in $ / £) store credit to anyone who willing to run a log. Keep a detailed log throughout your entire cycle. If you get bloods done and post them, we will offer an additional 100 € (or equivalent in $ / £) store credit.
Your cycle/log and pictures will be shown publicly on BlackRoids in the users’ cycles archive.

Here are the rules:​

1) Send us pre and post pics.
2) What Gear are you running?
3) How long is your cycle?
4) What does your diet consist of?
5) What is your training split?
6) Give us updates 2x a week. Examples: weight, changes in routine or food intake. The updates must be until to the end of your CYCLE and also until the end of your PCT.
7) Be as detailed as possible. Your log can help motivate others.
8) To receive credit, all the above must be met. No exceptions!

This is our first customer share his log : Come visit our site
You will get a page like this and you can share it everywhere you want after.

Who interesting please contact me.
Team Blackroids


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Free gear to run a log. Man, you're just grasping at every straw you can find.

Just so you know, the leech that jumps on this offer is going to be shit on left and right in his sponsored log.

Once again, go back to ASF. That's the type of bullshit they love to participate in. Anything free gets you an automatic g2g.