Blast and cruise with pct

After reading many conflicting opinions I've become a bit confused. If I was to start with say 200mg of test c would I just never come off it with no clomid or anything like that needed? Would it needed if I was to titrate up to 500mg? I've also never done a cycle so would it be advisable to just run 200mg of test c as a cycle and finish with pct instead of never coming off and eventually going to a higher amount. I'm not really interested in adding anything other than test c into my body right now Im just a bit fuzzy on how I would control side effects or if I would even need to if I was only doing a small amount like 200mg to see how my body responds.
1. If you blast and cruise you don’t PCT. After you blast you simply return to a replacement dose, generally 100-200mg a week. Feels and bloodwork dictate your weekly dose don’t after 6-8 weeks of being at that amount.

2. Always have estrogen management meds on hand but don’t blindly use. If you feel the symptoms of high estrogen, confirm with blood work and then dose appropriately.

3. Don’t waste your first time drug use gains on 200mg a week. If you’re gonna cycle or blast make the first one 4-500mg. Sweet spot of good gains and low sides/easy to manage.

4. How your body responds at “replacement” levels and blast levels isn’t the same. Nor is any of this linear.

5. It sounds like you have a ton more reading to do before you use drugs. Lots of good info on this website.
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1. If you blast and cruise you don’t PCT. After you blast you simply return to a replacement dose, generally 100-200mg a week. Feels and bloodwork dictate your weekly dose don’t after 6-8 weeks of being at that amount.

2. Always have estrogen management meds on hand but don’t blindly use. If you feel the symptoms of high estrogen, confirm with blood work and then dose appropriately.

3. Don’t waste your first time drug use gains on 200mg a week. If you’re gonna cycle or blast make the first one 4-500mg. Sweet spot of good gains and low sides/easy to manage.

4. How your body responds at “replacement” levels and blast levels isn’t the same. Nor is any of this linear.

5. It sounds like you have a ton more reading to do before you use drugs. Lots of good info on this website.
I'm currently working on the blood work but I'm in NY which is proving to make things hard. Personally I feel my test is already naturally on the low side but I am having a hell of a time getting anything done to prove or disprove that. I don't plan on doing anything for awhile I don't want to just jump in and hope for the best. However if my test is on the low side will 200mg not be worth it to level me out to an average range then blast from there if I'm responding well?
I'm currently working on the blood work but I'm in NY which is proving to make things hard. Personally I feel my test is already naturally on the low side but I am having a hell of a time getting anything done to prove or disprove that. I don't plan on doing anything for awhile I don't want to just jump in and hope for the best. However if my test is on the low side will 200mg not be worth it to level me out to an average range then blast from there if I'm responding well?

If you’re going to go the TRT route my suggestion would be to start out lower than 200mg/wk. the majority of people (from what it seems like) get to a high normal Total and free T as well as some sort of symptom resolution below 200mg a week. I’d say start at 100-125mg/week and go from there.

Once I found what dose and protocol I was going to be using for TRT I’d stay there a while. If you truly are low, just getting to normal/high normal will make a difference gym and physique wise.
If you’re going to go the TRT route my suggestion would be to start out lower than 200mg/wk. the majority of people (from what it seems like) get to a high normal Total and free T as well as some sort of symptom resolution below 200mg a week. I’d say start at 100-125mg/week and go from there.

Once I found what dose and protocol I was going to be using for TRT I’d stay there a while. If you truly are low, just getting to normal/high normal will make a difference gym and physique wise.
Yeah I truly have all the symptoms of low t, which I'm not saying there couldn't be some underlying issue outside of low t. Either way Ive made up my mind to enhance myself even if it's normal. My blood test will just dictate my route I guess