Blast and cruise


New Member
So I'm looking at maybe starting blast and cruise, I've ran 3 cycles around 5+ years ago and nothing since. I have low test and crashed E2 which I've had for years and just lived with it. I don't want to see a GP as they're useless and would rather not state that I was "on" in the past. Pride gets in the way sometimes.

I have zero motivation and no real appetite. I seem to skip meals and then when I do actually eat a meal it's usually junk food. No motivation to go to the gym and constantly just feeling fatigued. So finally going to try blast&cruise and see how I feel and see if all my symptoms are down to having low t/crashed E2.

Looking at starting off on the "cruise" part as I need to shift some fat and don't want to waste a blast while losing fat! I've ran test dbol and npp In previous cycles and have reacted well.

I'm looking at starting off on test e/c blend for around 8 weeks and then re assess where I'm at and hopefully start a blast. I'm just wondering if I ran HCG along side my b&c and decided it wasn't for me in let's say 6-12 months time and decided to come completely off would I still be able to have children in the future? I'm not planing of having any at the moment but you never know what the future holds.

The reason why I've held off b&c this long is because of fertility. Don't want to jepodise that but I've finally had enough off feeling shitty as it's affecting my life quite a bit now.
For what it's worth I blasted and cruised for 7 years (no hcg) and my sperm count was low. Came off everything cold turkey and I had a high sperm count within 4 months. Wife is pregnant right now lol
Get with one of the myriad TRT clinics and do it that way if you care about fertility. I'm going through a "fertility " break now and been b&c for 5 years plus. I still had swimmers when I tested before coming off entirely, but I wish I would have managed better with HCG and possibly some time off more frequently to maintain fertility to make this transition a little smoother. But over all its not that bad. I just feel I could have cut my "downtime" if I would have had a little more foresight.
For what it's worth I blasted and cruised for 7 years (no hcg) and my sperm count was low. Came off everything cold turkey and I had a high sperm count within 4 months. Wife is pregnant right now lol
Going through this now. Using HCG and AI to bridge the gap, hoping to get it done and back to an "enhanced" life as soon as the wife is pregnant.
Get with one of the myriad TRT clinics and do it that way if you care about fertility. I'm going through a "fertility " break now and been b&c for 5 years plus. I still had swimmers when I tested before coming off entirely, but I wish I would have managed better with HCG and possibly some time off more frequently to maintain fertility to make this transition a little smoother. But over all its not that bad. I just feel I could have cut my "downtime" if I would have had a little more foresight.
I'm UK based don't think they have that one over here. TRT is a big commitment which is why I haven't done it yet but on the other hard I want the "on" feeling and then end of summer hopefully do a "bulk" phase. I don't plan on having any more children but you never know what's going to happen, I ran 3-4 cycles and never used HCG always PCT and had a child a few years back so I still have swimmers.
I would start with ~125mg Enanthate/week pinned EOD (without AI or HCG).

AI gives brain fog and fatigue (basically you'll feel like you're not on TRT).

HCG is useless (you won't have testicular atrophy on a true TRT dosage).

Since I don't want to sound like a promotion, I'll just say that I got my stuff from the largest Chinese seller in the forum (cheap and 100% dosed, lol).

Cool tools to check out are and

Good luck!
Quite the claim
I'm sorry, I meant you won't have a drastic atrophy. When I'm on a high test dose the boys almost disappear, lol.

Taken from
Infertility. Estrogen is one of the hormones your body uses to produce sperm. High estrogen levels can slow down sperm production and make it harder to create healthy sperm.
I would start with ~125mg Enanthate/week pinned EOD (without AI or HCG).

AI gives brain fog and fatigue (basically you'll feel like you're not on TRT).

HCG is useless (you won't have testicular atrophy on a true TRT dosage).

Since I don't want to sound like a promotion, I'll just say that I got my stuff from the largest Chinese seller in the forum (cheap and 100% dosed, lol).

Cool tools to check out are and

Good luck!
I'm hoping I shouldn't need AI, only needed aromasin before when I was on 600mg per week and only needed a couple weeks which nuked my E2.

HCG is mainly to keep my boys working and it's pretty cheap.
Aromasin's half life is 24 hours so it should be taken daily, which is the worst for TRT. Arimidex can be taken twice a week, but both shouldn't be used for TRT since even if you manage to perfect your T:E2 ratio somehow you'll still feel the brain fog/fatigue from the pills. ED/EOD pinning for life sounds bad at the beginning but the benefits of not having to use AI are great. HCG should be added at least 3-4 months after getting dialed in (like 500iu/week) because it might not be for you - it activates bunch of other hormones and raises the E2 a lot.

Basically the idea is to see how you'll feel with Testosterone only, manage to maintain a good T:E2 ratio without anything else (just by the ester and pinning frequency), remember how you feel, and only then to add other things. This way if you add HCG at some point and you don't feel okay (for example having high E2) you'll know it's the HCG.
I would say start your TRT at low dosage and add proviron instead of AI it works like a charm for lower dosages. You'll feel better fuck better have better androgen e2 ratio, you will not destroy your HDL.

Better try a clinic to setup your TRT and from there you can actually blast whatever y want.
AI's are nit very good.
My personally I need 250mg TE to have my Test at optimal levels. But my e2 gets out of whack if I add arimidex it will lower my libido and fuck my HDL
So I greatly prefer 125mg TE not optimal testosterone but not bad either with No AI and I feel my best. I may take An AI here and there with 125mg once every month or every 2 months if my e2 climbs up due to various reason (diet,etc)
Aromasin's half life is 24 hours so it should be taken daily, which is the worst for TRT. Arimidex can be taken twice a week, but both shouldn't be used for TRT since even if you manage to perfect your T:E2 ratio somehow you'll still feel the brain fog/fatigue from the pills. ED/EOD pinning for life sounds bad at the beginning but the benefits of not having to use AI are great. HCG should be added at least 3-4 months after getting dialed in (like 500iu/week) because it might not be for you - it activates bunch of other hormones and raises the E2 a lot.

Basically the idea is to see how you'll feel with Testosterone only, manage to maintain a good T:E2 ratio without anything else (just by the ester and pinning frequency), remember how you feel, and only then to add other things. This way if you add HCG at some point and you don't feel okay (for example having high E2) you'll know it's the HCG.
? using aromasin daily?????? what the actual fuck are you talking about

no ai should be needed for trt. thats the whole point of trt. even if aromasins half life is 24 hours, that does not mean it needs to be taken daily. its not like your e2 skyrockets right after 24 hours...
? using aromasin daily?????? what the actual fuck are you talking about

no ai should be needed for trt. thats the whole point of trt. even if aromasins half life is 24 hours, that does not mean it needs to be taken daily. its not like your e2 skyrockets right after 24 hours...
That's what I meant, no AI should be used. About the Aromasin's half-life, my personal experience is that the E2 do skyrocket after the full-life of 48 hours (during a blast). But I guess everyone's different.
That's what I meant, no AI should be used. About the Aromasin's half-life, my personal experience is that the E2 do skyrocket after the full-life of 48 hours (during a blast). But I guess everyone's different.
Spewing a lot of nonsense in this thread. You pull bloods every day to confirm all that?
? using aromasin daily?????? what the actual fuck are you talking about

no ai should be needed for trt. thats the whole point of trt. even if aromasins half life is 24 hours, that does not mean it needs to be taken daily. its not like your e2 skyrockets right after 24 hours...
I never used AI myself but a coworker of mine recently went on trt through a clinic and they had him on 50 mg of test twice a week and AI every 3rd day. Plus hcg lol

I was mind blown
That's what I meant, no AI should be used. About the Aromasin's half-life, my personal experience is that the E2 do skyrocket after the full-life of 48 hours (during a blast). But I guess everyone's different.
regardless, recommending that aromasin be taken everyday is fucking dangerous advice, since it will lead to crashed e2 for most people. dosing aromasin at under 12.5mg is already hard enough due to how hard they are to cut. unless youre buying liquid aromasin from research chemical companies, which is a risk in of itself.
regardless, recommending that aromasin be taken everyday is fucking dangerous advice, since it will lead to crashed e2 for most people. dosing aromasin at under 12.5mg is already hard enough due to how hard they are to cut. unless youre buying liquid aromasin from research chemical companies, which is a risk in of itself.
He's said stupid shit a few times in here, including TRT doesn't cause testicular atrophy. Then asks me if I draw bloods daily to prove his dumb claims wrong...
Aromasin's half life is 24 hours so it should be taken daily, which is the worst for TRT. Arimidex can be taken twice a week, but both shouldn't be used for TRT since even if you manage to perfect your T:E2 ratio somehow you'll still feel the brain fog/fatigue from the pills. ED/EOD pinning for life sounds bad at the beginning but the benefits of not having to use AI are great. HCG should be added at least 3-4 months after getting dialed in (like 500iu/week) because it might not be for you - it activates bunch of other hormones and raises the E2 a lot.

Basically the idea is to see how you'll feel with Testosterone only, manage to maintain a good T:E2 ratio without anything else (just by the ester and pinning frequency), remember how you feel, and only then to add other things. This way if you add HCG at some point and you don't feel okay (for example having high E2) you'll know it's the HCG.
This is dangerous advice

You are going to get someone hurt.

You are googling the half life but have very little understanding on how long it affects somebody.

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This is dangerous advice and you are clearly a moron.

You are going to get someone hurt.

You are googling the half life but have very little understanding on how long it affects somebody.

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In woman in men its different if not on exogenous testosterone even 50mg/day did not crash estrogen
With exogenous testosterone it becomes much more effective and it will crash estrogen at even 25mg/day maybe even half that .
Half life in this case i don't think matters as Aromasin binds to the aromatase enzyme and “kills” it so even tho it does this for 24 hours your aromatase enzymes wont build up for some time depending on the person.
So taking it twice or three times per week is more than enough .