Blast without test

First of all this cycle aren't for beginners but for experienced bodybuilders because you have to know very well your body for example the e2 management, BP and fatigue for counter this effects, a beginner will up the AI or up the AAS thinking it will resolve the problem, think MENT is a f**ing molecule you Don't want to use it because of the sides effect you can have if managed bad, for beginners keep it simple with a cycle + TRT or B&C which you would have great result

For the record i am B&C since the end of 2021,
At the beginning my cruise was Testosterone enantate 150mg per Week increasing the dosage of the cruise depending on my body weight/evolution in a year
I had make some competition at national and international level, my last competition was 1 year ago since then i make a pause, now i am back in the game

This cycle will start at the beginning of November (i will post photos of the physique when starting):

Ment (Trestolone enantate) : 20mg ED
Primobolan : 50mg ED
T3 : 25mcg T4 : 100mcg
clen 20mcg + ketotifen
HGH : 4Ui / day (split 2UI before cardio on empty stomach + 2 UI pré or post workout depending on the day)
Metformin extended version : 500mg

In case of Blood Pressure: telmisartan
In case of e2 too high : arimidex

Why this dosage ? I had run the few past weeks the ment with primo upping the dosage testing my BP every Morning, sleep and e2 (i do that with very low cardio, no strict diet So upping the cardio and wheight-in the food will ameliorate the BP at least and lowering my BF will help too adding others variables)
I notice for now this is okay if i feel some gyno, BP or anything else i take the medication and low the dosage if not i will stay with this dosage until the end of my blast

Why this molecule ? I change Test E for Trestolone (Ment) for experience and because when i tried it i like it
The ment enantate version seems more safe in regards of the sides but of course it feels less powerfull (less libido and happyness than the acetate version)
Primo is for the E2 "control" and is a safe molecule for the body to use
T4 is for the upregulating of the use of HGH (already did it before and blood test)
T3 is for mimic the natural production (already did it before and blood test)
Clen for the anti-catabolic aspect (20mcg at the beggining maybe going to 40mcg)
Metformin for the insulin sensibility and longevity aspects (it will prevent diabete using HGH too, but 4UI is too low for it now but i tink i will up the hgh dosage)
HGH for some benefits, lowering the overall dosages of molécules, anti-catabolic,better recovery from training, better sleep

The best problem will be te water retention, i cut the salt, add more cardio and have a clean diet (including aspargus ..., if the problem persist i have two solution : Reducing the dosages and if not helping using a low dose diuretic without the potassium sucker aspect

Supplements : 4 G omega 3-6-9, 10G creatine, multi-vitamin, 800mg NAC, 200mg Q10, 10G glutamine, 3mg melatonin

Training : Mon : chest Tue : Back wed : Quads + calves thur : Shoulders + abs friday : arms sat : harmstrings + glutes sun : rest
Food : 6 meals containing each 30g of protein + Xg of carbs (depending on the mirror evolution will go up or down so no indication for now)
The only fat i will have are 2 full eggs (already test before i react better wit low fats high carbs)
Starting my blast today adding today strict food diet, cardio and starting serious training sessions
Here's today's photos


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Looking great, I’ve been dreaming to do a ment/primo/winny blast one day. Keep updates coming!
Thanks for the encouragement, for the moment big pump in the gym, no bp, no sides effects, the muscles are more full, I will keep posting photos for the evolution and tell if any good or bad sides appear
Test is not best. Mg per mg.. other compounds destroy it.

Your following GCC principles of bbing, they hate test.

Only thing that id add.. GH 'best thing since Islam'.. you never stop growing on that shit.
I didn’t know Broderick Chavez was as on this board damn. I did all my best growing on a gram of test. Soon as I threw other shit in my wheels started spinning. EQ has been good to me tho

Can you name some compounds better than it and explain why? Curious to hear your logic. If you say deca I’ll jump off my roof neck first.
I didn’t know Broderick Chavez was as on this board damn. I did all my best growing on a gram of test. Soon as I threw other shit in my wheels started spinning. EQ has been good to me tho

Can you name some compounds better than it and explain why? Curious to hear your logic. If you say deca I’ll jump off my roof neck first.
Mg per Mg, is test best? its the toyota corolla of cars.. gets you from A to B, but Tren, Mast, Primo beat it.

Test is best because thats the western way of doing things. The eastern counterparts hate test, bloated, high bp, out of breath etc etc.

Try this for once; high eq or primo (primary), mod mast/npp (secondary) and 50mg te a week to maintain functions.

Let me know how you go.

Also: think 70s bbers and why 'they' looked better.
Mg per Mg, is test best? its the toyota corolla of cars.. gets you from A to B, but Tren, Mast, Primo beat it.

You're either ignorant about gear or cars.

Try this for once; high eq or primo (primary), mod mast/npp (secondary) and 50mg te a week to maintain functions.

Let me know how you go.

Name 5-10 pro bodybuilders that turned pro running lower test.

Also let me tell you this, when i run 2/1 test+primo and 2/1 test+eq my estradiol is in middle of the ref range. How tf could i run high EQ or primo with low test, avoid crashing my e2 and feel like a manic schizo with a useless wiener?

Test is best.
You're either ignorant about gear or cars.

Name 5-10 pro bodybuilders that turned pro running lower test.

Also let me tell you this, when i run 2/1 test+primo and 2/1 test+eq my estradiol is in middle of the ref range. How tf could i run high EQ or primo with low test, avoid crashing my e2 and feel like a manic schizo with a useless wiener?

Test is best.
Say it with me everybody, “Test is best!”

I would be down to try high primo low test or high EQ low test but they too crush my e2. I gotta run HCG to keep estrogen up and that kinda defeats purpose of “low test” imo since the point of running test low is to mitigate water retention

EDIT: what I think would be pretty interesting to try is MENT + primo/EQ due to massive estrogen conversion of MENT. Would be able to run massive primo/EQ. I’d try it but I’m trying not to fry my spermies completely
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You're either ignorant about gear or cars.

Name 5-10 pro bodybuilders that turned pro running lower test.

Also let me tell you this, when i run 2/1 test+primo and 2/1 test+eq my estradiol is in middle of the ref range. How tf could i run high EQ or primo with low test, avoid crashing my e2 and feel like a manic schizo with a useless wiener?

Test is best.
Half Gcc bbers turn pro without test. It is the toyota corolla of cars. How you crash your e2 thats something you have to work out (50mg of test is more then enough to maintain all normal functions).
Go ask Arnorld and his 70s boys how much they 'loved' test. Youll get your answer then.
Half Gcc bbers turn pro without test. It is the toyota corolla of cars. How you crash your e2 thats something you have to work out (50mg of test is more then enough to maintain all normal functions).
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Go ask Arnorld and his 70s boys how much they 'loved' test. Youll get your answer then.
If I'm not mistaken, AI's didn't really become a thing till after the 70s. So, tough to run test high without being able to control estrogen properly. Believe they had primo back then, though, so it would make sense that they loved primo since it took care of a lot of the elevated e2 from test. A match made in heaven, you could say.

50mg test definitely provides enough for normal function. I think where there is issue though is that for the majority of folks, running high primo or high EQ with very little test crashes's not so much "working it out" it just is a matter of fact. Now, I know this isn't for all people, but I would say the vast majority cannot do that without suffering from crushed e2.

What I don't understand though is why not run high test and high primo / EQ? If primo / eq lowers e2, why wouldn't someone want to run the amount of test that high doses of that enables them to?
If I'm not mistaken, AI's didn't really become a thing till after the 70s. So, tough to run test high without being able to control estrogen properly. Believe they had primo back then, though, so it would make sense that they loved primo since it took care of a lot of the elevated e2 from test. A match made in heaven, you could say.

50mg test definitely provides enough for normal function. I think where there is issue though is that for the majority of folks, running high primo or high EQ with very little test crashes's not so much "working it out" it just is a matter of fact. Now, I know this isn't for all people, but I would say the vast majority cannot do that without suffering from crushed e2.

What I don't understand though is why not run high test and high primo / EQ? If primo / eq lowers e2, why wouldn't someone want to run the amount of test that high doses of that enables them to?
This is first time i hear of other androgens crashing e2.

Mind you ive used 4g test + 2g deca, 3.6g eq 21ml tren-ace, etc etc.

Never once when i swapped over to high androgens/low test did i have e2 problems.
This is first time i hear of other androgens crashing e2.

Mind you ive used 4g test + 2g deca, 3.6g eq 21ml tren-ace, etc etc.

Never once when i swapped over to high androgens/low test did i have e2 problems.
In my experience, only primo and EQ can lower my serum e2. Masteron can mask higher e2, but not lower it, in my own blood work.

Everyone is different and not everybody gets e2 lower from primo or EQ; you might be one of the people that doesn't.

If I didn't get lower e2 from EQ and primo, I probably would want to run them higher than test, too, lol.

I'm curious about your log though, so I'm gonna tune in. I'm not so close minded that I think folks can't excel without test, it's just a personal opinion based on how my own body reacts and those close to me that I've seen.

Good luck man i'll be looking out!
Half Gcc bbers turn pro without test. It is the toyota corolla of cars. How you crash your e2 thats something you have to work out (50mg of test is more then enough to maintain all normal functions).
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Go ask Arnorld and his 70s boys how much they 'loved' test. Youll get your answer then.

I bet Arnold couldn't have break todays top 12 in classic physique dude lol. Also, how relevant to compare 70's cycles, knowledge and accessibility when they didn't have access to testosterone and AI's weren't in the market with what todays pros know and do?

Also, you're posting random pics of bbers just before step into the stage, OFC they're not smashing test before a contest! You think these guys got that kind of size with 50mg test + other anabolics? lmao
Mg per Mg, is test best? its the toyota corolla of cars.. gets you from A to B, but Tren, Mast, Primo beat it.

Test is best because thats the western way of doing things. The eastern counterparts hate test, bloated, high bp, out of breath etc etc.

Try this for once; high eq or primo (primary), mod mast/npp (secondary) and 50mg te a week to maintain functions.

Let me know how you go.

Also: think 70s bbers and why 'they' looked better.
Using tren to grow long term off-season is retarded.

Masteron and Primo don't hold a candle to straight test lmao

Sure test/primo works for growth yea

Test/EQ works yea sure

Test needs to be in play for optimal growth over the synthetic androgens no question but it synergizes well.

I think testosterone is the best muscle builder and when paired with a secondary anabolic that's when other compounds shine.

Test literally is fucking best
Not to stir the pot but kingtung has been around awhile on various boards. There is merit to his experience both personally and whats been shared with him.

I have used high test, low test, and no test. For some of us test is best, for others its just side effects. Perhaps we should quit trying to speak in absolutes and just voice preferences/experiences.
Update :

I have build some muscle, more relief more definition,
I have cut some body fat easily,
My libido is high as the bigben tower,
I have some water retention,

At the gym more strenght, more stamina, I feel the muscles since the 1 repetition and feel good spirit like on dma,

At the end of the day I am exhausted and sleep like a baby,

Tomorrow I will take some photos to show you