Blend test-e/mast-e/deca 500mg/ml


New Member
hi, I will make my second recipe soon QSC articles, I would like to know is it possible for me to make a blend of 500mg with long esters? I intend to make the following recipe, I would just like to know if I will waste it or if it can work: 1%BA 20% BB GSO OIL

32 test e
23 mast e
23 deca
1,5ml ba
30ml bb
44ml gso
154ml +-

approximate values with a minor overdose

Depending on the feedback from the more experienced staff, I can do 400mg or 300mg ml which is probably possible. same recipe molds, 1%ba 20%bb GSO with a small overdose of 5~10%

Tbh i tend to not go over the 300mg/ml on blends (which i am not a fan of)

500mg/ml in GSO to me seems too high, just go for 250mg/ml.