Brew recipes bible

I haven't brewed with MCT yet but I have heard that mig functions as a mild solvent also.

Tren was pretty mild as far as I remember, nothing crazy by any means.
I'll probably stick to 200 and fuck it. 20% BB should suffice I guess to hold it at 200 hopefully ahaha
Myglyol 840 is different then MCT tho. It holds better for what I have gathered.
The test U I brew is castor oil so needs an higher BB to reduce the viscosity or it will be a pain to draw and pin.

Is it pipless tren E at 250?
Tren e at 250 is such a mild increase.

I would assume you need atleast 25% BB
Tren e at 250 is such a mild increase.

I would assume you need atleast 25% BB
Yes but as you told me pip comes from concentration of the substance and the guy reported a mild pip at 250. So fuck it I want pipless gear I'll just go 20% MCT and pin a little bit more oil :)
High concentration matters when you pin volume so test, EQ, deca, mast. No one in their right mind should pin grams of tren, trest, dhb or injectible orals. In the rare cases that is needed, aka open category competitors, oil volume shouldn't be a problem.

Only exception is primo, but it's a shit anabolic with a steep price so no one should pin grams of it either....