Blood after 5 weeks 150 Npp + 220 Test-c


Blood work after 5 weeks of NPP 150/week added on top of
Text-c 220/week
Hcg 600/ week
No ai, but daily 50 mg zinc and 1,000 vit D

Triglycerides dropped from 214 to 93
Chol dropped 191 to 171
Non-hdl Chol dropped 146 to 127
Ldl Chol up from 100 to 106 (high chol is hereditary)
E2 up from 56 to 67
T-T up from 1044 to 2032

Dropping down to
Test-c 200 / week
Npp 120 / week
And doing blood work in 8 weeks

Any recommendations (otc supplements etc) for lowering my E2 without lowering the new dosage ? AI's make me feel completely terrible.
My goal is to run a long low does cycle as long as my blood is on point while training hard, eating smart. Like most of us I have acquired a decent list of injuries which required surgery over the years and have enjoyed the benefits from this current cycle, and am excited moving forward.

Screenshot 2023-10-24 9.26.26 PM.png

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So you're total is naturally 1000ng and you're already planning to run a permanent cycle. I'm guessing you're under 20yo. You're not making very good decisions right now. Shutting yourself down for maybe 500ng (since you said you're lowering the dose) and cruising on npp forever.

That is a lot of zinc to be taking daily. You'll definitely have problems with that. My guess is you'll get sick easily at bare minimum.
So you're total is naturally 1000ng and you're already planning to run a permanent cycle. I'm guessing you're under 20yo. You're not making very good decisions right now. Shutting yourself down for maybe 500ng (since you said you're lowering the dose) and cruising on npp forever.

That is a lot of zinc to be taking daily. You'll definitely have problems with that. My guess is you'll get sick easily at bare minimum.
40 y/o male, natural total test 277
50mg zinc is not too much and is recommended by my Dr.
Focus on fixing yourself before others
40 y/o male, natural total test 277
50mg zinc is not too much and is recommended by my Dr.
Focus on fixing yourself before others
You literally said "T-T up from 1044 to 2032"

One would assume that that's your natural total if you don't say otherwise. Try using common sense.

Daily recommended zinc for adult males is 11mg.
So you're total is naturally 1000ng and you're already planning to run a permanent cycle. I'm guessing you're under 20yo. You're not making very good decisions right now. Shutting yourself down for maybe 500ng (since you said you're lowering the dose) and cruising on npp forever.

Your comments are completely uncalled for, OP is obviously not new to this and looks to be simply engaging in a conversation with the group.
Like he said, focus on yourself before others
Your comments are completely uncalled for, OP is obviously not new to this and looks to be simply engaging in a conversation with the group.
Like he said, focus on yourself before others
To be fair I thought the same thing as 5 scoops, and the whole point of bringing a post here is for others to chime in. If everyone focused on themselves first we’d have a rather dead board here wouldn’t we?
To be fair I thought the same thing as 5 scoops, and the whole point of bringing a post here is for others to chime in. If everyone focused on themselves first we’d have a rather dead board here wouldn’t we?

I agree with what you're saying, but there is a difference between " chiming in " and just being rude.
Looks like OP created the thread out of good faith, not to be criticized
You literally said "T-T up from 1044 to 2032"

One would assume that that's your natural total if you don't say otherwise.
He did say otherwise.

The 1044 was on 220 test c/wk + hcg
The 2032 was after adding NPP for 5 weeks.

Read it again and you will understand
He did say otherwise.

The 1044 was on 220 test c/wk + hcg
The 2032 was after adding NPP for 5 weeks.

Read it again and you will understand
So npp adds to your total testosterone? That's new to me. I honestly did not know that.
I re-read it multiple times and still it's unclear. Npp doesn’t add to your total testosterone so one would assume his natural testosterone is 1044
That's the question. Maybe the NPP isn't NPP. Or the HCG injection timing or test injection was closer to the blood test on the latter.
That's the question. Maybe the NPP isn't NPP. Or the HCG injection timing or test injection was closer to the blood test on the latter.
Wouldn't someone most likely assume the 1044 is his natural testosterone level than assume his npp is actually testosterone and mis labeled? Lol

I don't think I'm the only one confused here lol.
Wouldn't someone most likely assume the 1044 is his natural testosterone level than assume his npp is actually testosterone and mis labeled? Lol

I don't think I'm the only one confused here lol.
Maybe we shouldn't assume anything. Especially now that the OP has clarified your assumption was wrong. And we can always ask OP if it's not clear.

And back to the reading comprehension issue: I'm not assuming the NPP is testosterone. I don't have an answer. Perhaps the OP has information that would explain?
Perhaps the OP has information that would explain?
I was expecting my test levels to go up slightly, but not this much. Besides water retention which has now subsided, there has not been any side effects.
The npp is from a trusted source on this platform, but I am going to have it tested for piece of mind. I feel amazing, but I don't like my E2 this high.

Has anyone experienced doubling their T-T on a low dose of nandrolone ?
It would be great to hear everyone's experience
Or the HCG injection timing or test injection was closer to the blood test on the latter.

110 Test-C 2x week
300 Hcg 2x week
50 Npp 3x week

Labs were done fasted the morning before my next test & hcg pin, Npp was pinned the previous day. Would that have made a difference ?
Thanks for your support bro
Could be the hcg. Could be the spike in blood levels of the test. Could be test prop instead of npp. Your estrogen also wasn’t ultra sensitive so that could be skewed by 19 nor. Estrogen could be higher because of the npp. A lot of what ifs but looking at your ratio of test to e I wouldn’t really worry about it if you feel fine. Are you experiencing any symptoms
Are you experiencing any symptoms

Just facial bloating which comes and goes, besides more lean protein my nutrition has stayed the same. Any little change in hormones and my face swells up like the Michelin man lol
Is test prop commonly substituted for npp ?

Thanks for the feed back bro
Just facial bloating which comes and goes, besides more lean protein my nutrition has stayed the same. Any little change in hormones and my face swells up like the Michelin man lol
Is test prop commonly substituted for npp ?

Thanks for the feed back bro
I would see if you can get an ultra sensitive estrogen test along with prolactin. Me personally if I wasn’t feeling any different I would wait. You can try and play with your estrogen but you’re using such a low dose. Would you be willing to drop the hcg for a couple weeks and see how you feel or is it a must
I have to agree with Issrike. Try dropping the hcg. I aromatize very heavily and I run test e at 420mg per week and 350mg of deca per week. I started retaining alot of water and just upped my anasteozole dose and fixed the problem. As far as your test numbers, there's too many what ifs in the equation. If you're sensitive to anasteozole try aromasin. I do great on it and doesn't hurt my joints like arimidex. Your nips aren't sensitive or have lumps under them do they? Kinda off topic, just looking out for ya.