Blood after 5 weeks 150 Npp + 220 Test-c

Just to help the confusion along a bit; Nandrolone sometimes registers as Testosterone on non lc/ms/ms type tests. I looked it up a while a go and of course forgot to record the links, so I did a quick search and came up with MPMD.
Has anyone experienced doubling their T-T on a low dose of nandrolone ?
It would be great to hear everyone's experience
I think it`s a nandrolone cross reactivity.
The method of chemiluminescent immunoassays was probably used.
I've seen that many times.
I would see if you can get an ultra sensitive estrogen test along with prolactin. Me personally if I wasn’t feeling any different I would wait. You can try and play with your estrogen but you’re using such a low dose. Would you be willing to drop the hcg for a couple weeks and see how you feel or is it a must

Dropping the hcg for a few weeks is definitely a good idea. Thanks
I have to agree with Issrike. Try dropping the hcg. I aromatize very heavily and I run test e at 420mg per week and 350mg of deca per week. I started retaining alot of water and just upped my anasteozole dose and fixed the problem. As far as your test numbers, there's too many what ifs in the equation. If you're sensitive to anasteozole try aromasin. I do great on it and doesn't hurt my joints like arimidex. Your nips aren't sensitive or have lumps under them do they? Kinda off topic, just looking out for ya.

Thanks for the feedback, I am going to try a few more otc supplements to help lower E2 before giving an ai another go.
No sensitive nips or lumps, just water retention mainly in the face.
How long did you run 420/350 ? deca or npp ?
Always 16 weeks. I'm currently on cycle now and started with npp and deca mix and test e of course. I slowly increase my dose of test up from 300mg a week til I get to 500mg around week 8. I always started off with deca 300mg a week in the past but wanted to kickstart it with npp so I didn't have to wait. The npp caused me to hold a shitload of water. 1st time I'd ever used npp and that'll be the last. I weighed 188.8lbs during week 3 and took diuretic pills and arimidex to cut the water and I dropped to 177lbs in a week. I was holding 11.8lbs of water.

Currently I'm on almost 7 weeks and labs look great and I'm not holding water anymore after dropping the npp. It wasn't the dbol causing me to hold water. I tried to take it again for 2 weeks and gyno flared back up. At week 8 I'll be on 500mg of test e and 400 deca and stay there til end of cycle and cruise for a month and then run test and equi for 12 weeks then cruise and then back on test and deca. I have low t so I never completely get off test. I cruise at 180ish mg then blast again.

Alot of ppl like npp, but it didn't like me. Test e and deca has always been my go to blast. I also like test e and equipoise. I tried dbol at the start of this cycle and gyno flare came up in 3 weeks. So I'm sticking to what always worked for me. Test e and deca.

Seriously though watch for itchy, hard, sensitive nips and lumps. The lumps will generally be right under your nip about the size of a dime. How long u been on the npp?
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Seriously though watch for itchy, hard, sensitive nips and lumps. The lumps will generally be right under your nip about the size of a dime. How long u been on the npp?

Just started week 8, I have both deca and npp. but decided to use npp in case I had a bad reaction. So far so good, it has been great to be able to sleep on my side again, old shoulder injuries have prevented that for quite some time.
Any reason for eq over primo or mast ?
Equi acts like deca and with less side effects my doctor told me. I rotate so I don't get used to 1 or the other. When I cruise I don't use anything but test and lower the dose for a month and then blast again. I ran test e and deca alot and tried equi and test and loved it. Equi can also help control your e2 or it can aromatize kinda like deca. Depends on the person. Mast is more for the end of your cycle if your gonna lose alot of water weight before competitions. If your on deca or npp it's useless because u cancel your deca or npp out with the mast. Never tried provirion. I'm about to add primo to my shots to help control e2. I aromatize heavy so I have to use alot higher doses of ai and I take 60mg of ralox a day to help keep gyno from flaring.

I have a pain pump that goes in my spinal cord to control back pain from 17 years of screws being in my sciatic nerve and opiates lower test and I have to be on fentynl. They also make your e2 rise and aromatize way more heavily. Just make sure u get bloodwork done until u find the right combo for u. I found mine and I'm not gonna add anything else except the primo to help with e2 control. Just don't drop several things and get labs done because u won't know what's causing your issue. How long after u started npp did u start retaining water? Squeeze your lower legs with your finger tips for a few seconds and if it dents, you're holding way too much water.