Blood Test results: Axle Labs ( Test E 250 )

The HbA1c allows conclusions to be drawn about the quality of blood sugar control over the last eight to twelve weeks.
So if you change something in your diet now, you shouldn't take the next measurement for another 2-3 months.
This is very useful information, appreciate it!
My weakness is the weekend but I've been improving it .. it is mostly eating things like pizza, pasta and some pastry that I have to control .. not that I'm way out, but it's been always easy for me to gain weight. Weekdays I'm super strict.

There are so many memes about this online. For example:

M-F: 400 kcal/d deficit
Sat-Sun: 800 kcal/d surplus

Net: 400 kcal/wk deficit, much less than expected if "M-F" was maintained on the weekend.
12oz between getting up and taking blood? That is far too little. You have to remember that you will become completely dehydrated while sleeping.

Nobody becomes completely dehydrated while sleeping. That's pure nonsense.
Nobody becomes completely dehydrated while sleeping. That's pure nonsense.
That was of course an exaggeration... Nevertheless, you should drink more than just 12oz of water after getting up and immediately before the blood test.
That was of course an exaggeration... Nevertheless, you should drink more than just 12oz of water after getting up and immediately before the blood test.

That's 3.5dl, a topped up normal glass off water. Unless you've gone up to pee several times per night, if you don't have issues with retaining water, that's a completely normal amount of water to drink upon waking up and getting to the lab. If one wasn't somewhat dehydrated before sleep and didn't loose a substantial amount during the night, 0.35 - 0.5 liter of water is completely ok to drink and certainly wont be the reason why one has a high hematocrit/hemoglobin.

One can have a poorly functioning RAAS, or issues with ADH secretion or kidney issues, etc. it's too intra individual to give any cookie cutter advice for fluids intake. You could also just as well drink too much water.

OP said he drinks plenty of water through the day so I'm presuming he was adequately hydrated before bed.

And I don't understand why all the fuss about hydration if he had 1100 ng/dl at through, meaning he's around 1600 - 1800 at peak. Way beyond normal physiological levels, which should be around 550 - 750 ... And let's not forget that his hematocrit and mchc are both normal. He isn't dehydrated.

@immaty your hemoglobin and rbcs are high due to androgen excess. The low estradiol, only isn't helping you much with extracellular water retention, so lower your Ai dose or cancel it completely.

What is this anyway, a cruise/low dose cycle?
and certainly wont be the reason why one has a high hematocrit/hemoglobin.
It's definitely a reason.
If you don't drink anything for 8 hours+ and then only drink 12oz (350ml) before the blood test, that's simply not enough.
That's 3.5dl, a topped up normal glass off water. Unless you've gone up to pee several times per night, if you don't have issues with retaining water, that's a completely normal amount of water to drink upon waking up and getting to the lab. If one wasn't somewhat dehydrated before sleep and didn't loose a substantial amount during the night, 0.35 - 0.5 liter of water is completely ok to drink and certainly wont be the reason why one has a high hematocrit/hemoglobin.

One can have a poorly functioning RAAS, or issues with ADH secretion or kidney issues, etc. it's too intra individual to give any cookie cutter advice for fluids intake. You could also just as well drink too much water.

OP said he drinks plenty of water through the day so I'm presuming he was adequately hydrated before bed.

And I don't understand why all the fuss about hydration if he had 1100 ng/dl at through, meaning he's around 1600 - 1800 at peak. Way beyond normal physiological levels, which should be around 550 - 750 ... And let's not forget that his hematocrit and mchc are both normal. He isn't dehydrated.

@immaty your hemoglobin and rbcs are high due to androgen excess. The low estradiol, only isn't helping you much with extracellular water retention, so lower your Ai dose or cancel it completely.

What is this anyway, a cruise/low dose cycle?
Regarding AI - I was at 65 stradiol on my first 10 weeks of TRT which made my doctor recommend to take 0.5mg anastrozol at every injection day. -- for the records, I was having some nipples sensitivity after the injection day which was eventually going away --

Regarding dose - For the moment I believe I'm doing a cruise/low, and as I make some progress, I was planning to probably 'blast' at 300mg for 12 to 16 weeks.
Regarding AI - I was at 65 stradiol on my first 10 weeks of TRT which made my doctor recommend to take 0.5mg anastrozol at every injection day. -- for the records, I was having some nipples sensitivity after the injection day which was eventually going away --

Regarding dose - For the moment I believe I'm doing a cruise/low, and as I make some progress, I was planning to probably 'blast' at 300mg for 12 to 16 weeks.

Your doc had you at 1100 through? I'm presuming this is one of those american "trt clinics" huh? Generally speaking, for trt you should not be needing an ai at all. It usually means your free androgen index is too high, as you can also clearly see from your blood results. For a cruise, well that's different ofc.
My total Testosterone is similar on 250mg per week. I have tried multiple esters (cypionate, undecanoate, enanthate) and different labs. Injection schedule just like yours on TC/TE and once weekly for TU.

My results vary from 1250-1500TT depending on the ester and maybe slight overdose/underdose by ugl labs. Lower score of course on undecanoate, but that's expected.
Your doc had you at 1100 through? I'm presuming this is one of those american "trt clinics" huh? Generally speaking, for trt you should not be needing an ai at all. It usually means your free androgen index is too high, as you can also clearly see from your blood results. For a cruise, well that's different ofc.
So let's call it a cruise, what are good steps to follow to keep a normal cruise numbers? On the other hand, how did you calculate the free andogen index? As I haven't been able to order the SHBG reading this time. Also, any other reading to include in my next blood work? Thanks!
My total Testosterone is similar on 250mg per week. I have tried multiple esters (cypionate, undecanoate, enanthate) and different labs. Injection schedule just like yours on TC/TE and once weekly for TU.

My results vary from 1250-1500TT depending on the ester and maybe slight overdose/underdose by ugl labs. Lower score of course on undecanoate, but that's expected.
That's good to know, what about the other numbers? How do you keep them on track?
That's good to know, what about the other numbers? How do you keep them on track?
What do you mean about the other numbers? Health related or Testosterone concentration, purity or something else? I ask cuz this thread is mainly about you asking if those TT numbers are good for ugl lab. Please clarify.
What do you mean about the other numbers? Health related or Testosterone concentration, purity or something else? I ask cuz this thread is mainly about you asking if those TT numbers are good for ugl lab. Please clarify.
Juat overall, like health and those numbers other members were pointing on my test, just to have an idea. Thanks!
Juat overall, like health and those numbers other members were pointing on my test, just to have an idea. Thanks!

I suggest you hire a coach / consultant if you are this uneducated. No pun intended but there is a whole lot you need to research. Being this uneducated, doing steroids and relying on some random roidheads helping you on forums is scary to say the least. And change your trt clinic for some actual doctors is my advice.