Blood work all over the place.


A friend of a friend was introduced to me needing some help. Subject is a male in his mid-50s that has lost a tremendous amount of weight over the past few years. Currently he is experiencing what I am regarding as crashed E2 (currently at a 7). He is lethargic, unmotivated and always tired. He is currently on TRT 125-250 Test E/C per week. Has never ran any other gear except for TRT. He is on HCG 25 units and Adex 1mg EOD. I’m a bit unfamiliar with how to read bloods and where his levels should be at but I do know his Free test is very high. And his FSH and LH is very low. His balls have virtually disappeared.


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his HCG is fake or incredibly underdosed, and he doesnt need an AI, much less as much as 1mg of adex a week.

whoever prescribed him 1mg EOD for a trt dose REALLY doesnt know what they are doing.
And his doctor/clinic should come to the same conclusions from this bloodwork.

Your friend needs to find a new doctor or clinic.

If hes not going through a doctor or clinic, then he needs to educate himself better and find a better source for quality HCG
Why would it be fake? Cause of the balls?
thats my primary thought, granted ball size is a poor indicator. but if hes been on trt with HCG congruently long term i wouldnt expect balls to be described as "virtually disappeared"

It could very well be individual response i guess. anecdotally, when i do a health phase and have HCG in my balls double in size quite quickly
thats my primary thought, granted ball size is a poor indicator. but if hes been on trt with HCG congruently long term i wouldnt expect balls to be described as "virtually disappeared"

It could very well be individual response i guess. anecdotally, when i do a health phase and have HCG in my balls double in size quite quickly
Not to pick at something or start shit. I have heard plenty of anecdotal evidence that the hcg from India is good. I remember you said it was good before.(private chat)

Recent posted tests say otherwise.

So I do agree with you, individual response is a huge factor.

Then goes the other question of how much hcg do we really need?
his HCG is fake or incredibly underdosed, and he doesnt need an AI, much less as much as 1mg of adex a week.

whoever prescribed him 1mg EOD for a trt dose REALLY doesnt know what they are doing.
And his doctor/clinic should come to the same conclusions from this bloodwork.

Your friend needs to find a new doctor or clinic.

If hes not going through a doctor or clinic, then he needs to educate himself better and find a better source for quality HCG
Exactly. I told him his HCG is bunk. And the Adex should be 1mg if anything. I don’t use Adex only Aromasin when itchy nips appear. Nolva on hand if I ever get anything in the tissue and they only happens with 19s for me. Other shit I just run without AI. I don’t know the cat well so that’s why I told him to give me his bloodwork so you guys can comment. Thanks
Not to pick at something or start shit. I have heard plenty of anecdotal evidence that the hcg from India is good. I remember you said it was good before.(private chat)

Recent posted tests say otherwise.

So I do agree with you, individual response is a huge factor.

Then goes the other question of how much hcg do we really need?
Heard the same from T&H. Vendor starts with a P. (I don’t comment on vendors I haven’t used yet.
LH and FSH are near non existent when your HPTA is shutdown.

Hpta shutdown or suppressed from gear usage.

Definitely shutdown on trt
So selling this guy a bunch of gear is out of the question today? :) Definitely going to pitch him some HCG. You have no idea what this guy pays for his gear. It’s unconscionable.

So he should get off everything for like what six months and then get bloods for baseline and then back on for 8 weeks and get retested?
his HCG is fake or incredibly underdosed, and he doesnt need an AI, much less as much as 1mg of adex a week.
He’s actually on 3mg a week (1mg EOD). I told him to stop and he’s going to do 1mg and I was like okay. Whatever clinic is telling him that wants to make money obviously by selling him unnecessary shit.
Not to pick at something or start shit. I have heard plenty of anecdotal evidence that the hcg from India is good. I remember you said it was good before.(private chat)

Recent posted tests say otherwise.
Thats a great question,
The HCG i used was one of those from indian sources that tested poorly.
IIRC is was something like 40-50% degraded/underdosed.

Not great, no one likes not getting what they think they are paying for. I havent ordered that manufacturer since then for that exact reason.
So I do agree with you, individual response is a huge factor.

Then goes the other question of how much hcg do we really need?
i dosed mine at 500mcg EOD, so if i assume my batch was 50% underdosed then i can deduce based on that assumption that my experience was on roughly a 250mcg EOD dose.

As for how much we "Need" I guess that depends on what we are using it for.
My health phases include some HCG with the hopes of preventing testicular atrophy and MAYBE making it easier to regain fertility in the future (fiancé and I will be trying for a kid right after our wedding later this year) rather than actually regaining full fertility.
I never did any semen analysis during those health phases, so i cant say for certain any level of effect that dose really had, only the anecdotal reporting of testicle size and libito from it.
He’s actually on 3mg a week (1mg EOD). I told him to stop and he’s going to do 1mg and I was like okay. Whatever clinic is telling him that wants to make money obviously by selling him unnecessary shit.
i misspoke, i meant 1mg eod. regardless, that a ton of AI for a TRT dose that should ideally require none
What’s your guys take on HMG instead of HCG. With all of the nonexistent testing that a lot of vendors aren’t doing on HCG and the blind testing isn’t being done if at all I would think switching to HMG or using in conjunction with underdosed HCG would be a remedy. Then again if the HCG is underdosed the HMG is probably going to be too.
What’s your guys take on HMG instead of HCG. With all of the nonexistent testing that a lot of vendors aren’t doing on HCG and the blind testing isn’t being done if at all I would think switching to HMG or using in conjunction with underdosed HCG would be a remedy. Then again if the HCG is underdosed the HMG is probably going to be too.
cant really test HMG

what is the goal of the hcg?
Dieting/starving oneself while having hormones fluctuate by double dosage as well as the accompanying response could leave a person feeling less than optimal. He may want to get on 1 protocol that has him relatively stable and in a normal range to see where things stand.