Blood work- Odin Test E


New Member
Odin Test E purchased from 24hr a few weeks ago during the sale. (Did not come in original Odin box). No PIP.

350mg/ week Test E:100mg EOD
875iu/ week HCG: 250iu EOD (opposite days)

1968 ng/dL

Bloods were drawn 24hrs post test injection and 6hrs post HCG.

Disclaimer... Okay this was day 9 into my first cycle. I front loaded with 87.5mg ED for the first 6 days. According to steroid plotter, I had peak and stable levels by day 6. This blood test was a cheap and quick reassurance my gear is properly dosed. Full blood test will be done in a few weeks. Pretty satisfied with that number, what do you guys think?


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Looks like it is in the appropriate range to me.
I’m running 400mg and I was around the 2300 mark. Looks good.
That's a really good number when you take into account that you were actually taking less than 300 mg per week, given that it tested at 200 mg/ml.
That's a really good number when you take into account that you were actually taking less than 300 mg per week, given that it tested at 200 mg/ml.

Shoot you’re right. I just found that thread. I’m going to stick it out and not change. I’ve had great results so far with no sides and no AI. I assumed that if their Anavar tested good their testosterone would too.
Shoot you’re right. I just found that thread. I’m going to stick it out and not change. I’ve had great results so far with no sides and no AI. I assumed that if their Anavar tested good their testosterone would too.
That’s what we all thought. Hopefully they get their shit together.
They list there lab results here

Wish they would do the whole line of products. But at least here are most of them.