Okay and yeah I will update you on my next lab in a few days if I have time cause I am a bit busy lately but I also have to do an igf-1 test before I start MK6 what else would be nice to do I am thinking bilirubin and cpk, ggt also
I mean no offense doc but you contradict yourself a lot sometimes, 1st anecdotal info is irrelevant now you would trust particular people, what makes you think my friends are not worthy of trust? 1 is an oly lifter, powerlifter medalist and currently a bodybuilder and the other is an IFBB representative in my country as much as I respect all those you mentioned I also respect people I know
And you seem to have missed I have bloods on hand and linked to studies and discussion with a professional doctor on the subject of elevated transaminase enzymes in athletes too all that being said until my later bloods come in I can only wonder what's up and still after having read further research conducted by John Meadows I am even more suspicious of whether even CPK is any more indicative of liver disease or not
Appreciated your contribution tho
Try reading my posts understanding the CONTEXT of the comments.
I anecdotal reports are relatively worthless when discussing hepatic metabolic derangement's as a result of exercise bc theres plenty of evidence describing such changes.
So when U cite the experiences of " friend, gym owner, relative, your cat or dog" it too adds next to nothing to a conversation and thats no contradiction
To that end its obvious you don't understand how to use data, so old it can be located in physiology textbooks, in a practical manner, so let me simplify it for you.
When cells are injured they tend to "leak" their enzymes into the bloodstream and while CPK is found in LARGE quantities in muscle, very little is present within hepatocytes. Conversely ALT and AST are present in sufficient quantities in both myocytes and hepatocytes.
Consequently as I mentioned in my first post, a CPK level helps differentiate toxin related hepatic injury from exercise induced SKM injury bc it provides info on the SOURCE of these changes. And since you didn't obtain a CPK level there is no way of KNOWING for sure.
But I'll "contradict" myself one more time; I'd suggest you start those hepatic supplements ASAP, lol