Yeah but do they feel better with hypertension compared to being normotensive?
Based on my so-far-very-limited data, when I take an AI at a dose sufficient to get my e2 nearly in range I notice the following:
-skeletal tissue aches and pains. This happens very quickly, and goes very quickly after cessation; usually within a few days. I do the same workout every day, so I notice very quickly when things hurt more than usual. I also seem to have less energy, but that could be due to the pain. After stopping an AI completely I can do my workouts with absolutely zero pain, other than from injuries
-lower libido. This one is a little harder to gauge, as libido is very psychological, but based on the numbers I’ve gathered so far there seems to be a correlation here.
-more anxiety. Again, hard to gauge.
I’m going to try alternating between something like 3mg anastrozole PW and 1mg. I’ll switch between doses every few months and record the feels using a feels collection sheet I’ve made. It’s all numbers based, and recorded daily, so it should be easy to get some useful data from it.
Self diagnosed. If I told my doctor what I take their response would be to not take it and then boot me out the door.