Bloodwork (alkaline phosphatase)

Heavy Iron

Elite Supporter
Running 750 test Cyp. Homebrew. EQ 600 also homebrew. No AI. Been slack on donating blood but knew those numbers were gonna be high based on how I have felt. But the alkaline phosphatase number being low? I have general information from Google on it but just checking to see if anyone else has more insight or this experience.
Low in this case is better than high. Steroids can lower it such as other medications/drugs but I cant tell you if boldenone is one of them.
Your e2 looks lower than I would want personally. This is why I wonder how people run EQ like this. Because that’s what I’d personally expect on 600 EQ. Very potent estrogen lowering affects.
Your e2 looks lower than I would want personally. This is why I wonder how people run EQ like this. Because that’s what I’d personally expect on 600 EQ. Very potent estrogen lowering affects.
I'm sorry what? EQ aromatizes (not at the rate of testosterone) But it in no way "lowers" estrogen. Unless you are thinking of mast.
I'm sorry what? EQ aromatizes (not at the rate of testosterone) But it in no way "lowers" estrogen. Unless you are thinking of mast.
EQ aromatizes to Estrone (E1) which off hand has something like 50-100x less potency than e2.

I believe because of this affect alone, that EQ would occupy space of the bodies aromatase enzymes instead of testosterone, or just there would be less aromatase enzyme molecules to aromatize test to e2, but instead, many of those aromatase enzymes aromatize EQ into E1, which effectively makes the bodies estrogen load much less, because of how much less potent of an estrogen that Estrone (E1) is.

So I’m the same way that competitive action occurs with masteron or primo, EQ likely does the same, only instead of not aromatizing at all like masteron or primo, instead EQ aromatizes to a much less potent estrogen.
I'm sorry what? EQ aromatizes (not at the rate of testosterone) But it in no way "lowers" estrogen. Unless you are thinking of mast.
It makes sense too. Your estradiol is low, and you mentioned not using an Ai. Normally on 750mg test with a 4782ng/dl total T your e2 would be high