PurplePandaLabs Raw source

I've been cruising on PPLs test c for like a year or two now and I'm about to go full yolo mode and buy from here and blast tren and w.e else for no reason, I'll update if my order arrives
guy gets sent deconate raws instead of UNdeconate and now PPL is a "selective scammer" yup, "scammed" this random sperg to make an extra $3 off his order. the easiest mistake to make, the most similar looking compound names and i bet 90% of you didn't even know a "deconate" testosterone ester existed.
Then this guy is such a mental midget he refuses the $100 refund from PPL.
Mistakes happen, but if you exaggerate your claim and mislead people on what happened, that casts some doubt on your story. Selective scammer... use words right, this phrase has meaning, this is not twitter.

By the way, he got banned from SST because he was selling pot on his website, (and the fact that all the other sources on that pay on the board lose business to him) cough cough all of the domestic sources do.

lets keep things honest here and not cry out that a source is "selective scamming" to make an extra $2 when they send the wrong ester of raws, cause now i don't believe half of the comments that pile on about this disingenuously
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Old reliable! New international order was about 6 weeks from order to acquisition. Currently 3 days into new cycle Test, Equipoise, Ment can confirm the Ment is legit already.
I swear they'll be back with new years promos!!
I'd post my thoughts on this source but I'm trying my best to Let my obsession with Mike alone to prove to a couple of members that I don't have to give in to my impulses.

It's not as fun but life isn't always fun and games. Thats what some guys tell me, anyway. I may give it a few more days because as far as I'm concerned, I've paid my dues. I feel I deserve to have some fun. If that fun comes at the expense of some others, so be it. I'd want to hear what I have to say?


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