Bloodwork done..why do I feel like crap


New Member
Sup dudes

Im 25 years old, been trainin since 14 and juicin since 20. 5 ft 11, 235lbs , 12%bf

I was on cycle the entire year of 2014 blasting and cruising 12 weeks alternating.

Any way, decided to come off so I can give my body a break and get my fertility back.

So in January this year, I came off....went to my shady doctor. He put me on Clomid (50mg ed) and Adex (1mg x2 wk) in end of Jan bc my test was 97 (300-1000) and estrogen was 330 (60-190) ....even tho my estradiol was 21 <39

Did that for a month and stopped....felt awesome in regards to morning wood erection quality and overall mood thru feb march and april

However, twards the end of april, started feeling like dog shit......fuzzy in the head, unable to achive erection, irritable and my balls deflated.

So I got bloods at the end of april, here were my results -

Total Test - 257 (300-1000)
Bioavail test - 186 (130-680)
SHBG - 12 (11-80)
Free Test % - 2.6 (1.6-2.9)
Estrogen - 316 (60-190)
Estradiol - 17.5 <39
Prolactin - 6 (2.1-17)
Vitamin d - 25 (30-100)
Ferritin - 491 (20-250)

He forgot to test LH and FSH (what a dick) and put me in 25mg clomid ed for 2 months the day I got my bloods

Been on that for 2 weeks. My head feels clearer but I cant get an erection for shit. No morning wood at all, no spontaneous chubbies. Soft as hell.

Even viagra/cialis doesnt help....very minimally but not enough for good sex

My gf gets it bc shes in the medical field, but im having a tough time finding a doctor who knows what they are talking about.

Anyone have advice? I have a ton if test in hand, but im looking to see if I can recover hpta. I need to be patient

Currently on -
25mg clomid ed
.5 mg arimidex eod

I also smoke a lot of pot, idk if that could be affecting my hpta recovery

Let me know if I left out important info, I would appreciate your feedback

You're probably going to need to do the "power pct"... also your estrogen is waaay to high, start taking .5mg of anastrozole or any AI everyday to get that shit down, that alone will make you feel a lot better I bet...hopefully someone who can help better will chime in but that's my suggestion
Thanks dadude. I ordered my tamoxifen today and plan on running it along with my clomid and arimidex

In reguard to my total estrogen vs estradiol, my total is sky high but my e2 is on the mid-lower side. Anybody have any thoughts about this?