

10+ Year Member
Looking to start retatrutide a source I’m looking to buy from had 10,15 and 20mg. But his 10mg came in at 97 percent purity while his 15 and 20 came in at 99

My question if i start at 2mg a week will the 15mg last once reconstituted for 8 weeks ish ?
You're comparing apples to oranges. Reducing spikes of test is good for preventing e2 spikes and having stable moods. For all you know, peaks and troughs of glp1 agonists is beneficial to longer term reduction in tolerance build up.

I agree with you on the dosing regimens for test in some countries is ridiculous, I think part of this is because it's very expensive for socialized healthcare to administer if the patients need to come in for the harpoon jab twice a week, a lot of people don't have the nerve or the iq to do it themselves.
From my personal experience when i was taking 10mg of tirze once a week i had way more side effects high heart rate
Feeling sick , but not as powerfull on the appetite suppression than 2* 5 mg
You're comparing apples to oranges. Reducing spikes of test is good for preventing e2 spikes and having stable moods. For all you know, peaks and troughs of glp1 agonists is beneficial to longer term reduction in tolerance build up.

I agree with you on the dosing regimens for test in some countries is ridiculous, I think part of this is because it's very expensive for socialized healthcare to administer if the patients need to come in for the harpoon jab twice a week, a lot of people don't have the nerve or the iq to do it themselves.
Yes i agree but in france one amp of androtardyl isn’t as expensive it’s 6,4 euros per amp
I work at pharmacy so don’t worry i know the price
But yes in france meds are free, nurse self care too, so yeah maybe if somenone can’t inject himself the test, they will need a nurse, that will cost more money for the governement , and also the injection it’s king of annoying maybe that’s why they want to reduce the amount of inject per month
Alright guys, I have mentioned in here that I planned a prolonged fast and I came out alive. I managed to get in 106h of water fasting and it was a wonderful experience.

I was a little afraid because of my retatrutide dose (3mg atm - im in a limbo from 2 to 4 mg this week) and it's potential influence on blood sugar levels (running out of glycogen - no glucagon action at some point) but I felt amazing the whole time, the mental clarity is huge and let to some profound insights and joy of life.

Neutralized (or even basic) ABV + HGH at night and once AM melted the fat even more. I could see my body change each day.

Now while I think fasting on reta is safe, I am wondering about interactions between reta and keto. I can imagine keto being disadvantageous towards weightlifting, I kinda wanna preserve the clarity and find out for myself.

With reta I kinda lose the glucagon benefits, right? Simply because my liver will be empty from glycogen anyways.

Additionally what is thrown around many times is the benefit on insulin secretion "in a glucose dependent manner" - well, I am not having much glucose, so I also lose this benefit towards glycemic control?

Would another GLP-1 be better suited for keto? What do you think? Does anyone have personal experience with keto and glp-1?

//Edit: Btw for the hardheads of you, check out the YouTube channel I liked! Crazy good info and a detailed supplement list in the description that is aimed towards the general population.
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With reta I kinda lose the glucagon benefits, right? Simply because my liver will be empty from glycogen anyways.

Nah. That’s an effect of glucagon and one of the primary goals of the endogenous hormone, but it’s not the only thing glucagon does. There are a host of more important effects, especially in the context of a drug like Reta where we’re continuously targeting those receptors.

I’m pretty sure the primary reason Reta targets glucagon receptors is because of the lipolytic effects, they’re wanting to get the body to break down fat tissue into free fatty acids so it can be used as an energy source. There’s also a host of benefits that come from the fat targeting, especially as the effect most strongly targets visceral fat which is metabolically harmful.

Interestingly while this process normally happens in a catabolic energy-deficient state, Reta is causing the body to do this in a normal energy-sufficient state. That creates an interesting possibility for running mild to moderate calorie deficits while preventing the cellular energy deficits that would cause anabolic suppression.
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im curious too about anti inflammatory / mental etc.. I dont have tirz to compare it too.. I did a round of sema a while back. Im not FAT. Walk around ~215 around probably 18-20% bf after a long time off the gym and my appetite is out of control though, so figured it use it as a tool and see the other benefits that come from it as I cut weight

Interesting. What are the claims on anti-inflammatory and/or mental. Are these benefits unique to reta?
Interesting. What are the claims on anti-inflammatory and/or mental. Are these benefits unique to reta?
A lot of them probably come from the loss in weight.

The mental is something I haven't looked up much but anecdotally can attest to. As lame as it may sound I have no urge to drink alcohol.. maybe I programmed that in my head as a belief once I started taking it. But even currently not taking it and no urge.. not so much urge but even when invited it's like meh I'm good.

So maybe there's some science to it.. or maybe I programmed myself. I'm good with it either way.

It did lean me out quick. (I get lean quick anyways) but this was definitely noticeable. I say it's an amazing tool
A lot of them probably come from the loss in weight.

The mental is something I haven't looked up much but anecdotally can attest to. As lame as it may sound I have no urge to drink alcohol.. maybe I programmed that in my head as a belief once I started taking it. But even currently not taking it and no urge.. not so much urge but even when invited it's like meh I'm good.

So maybe there's some science to it.. or maybe I programmed myself. I'm good with it either way.

It did lean me out quick. (I get lean quick anyways) but this was definitely noticeable. I say it's an amazing tool
Sorry, which one did you take in particular?
I started my girlfriend on Reta 10 weeks ago as she was never on any weight loss peptide at all. Gave her 1mg to test the waters and when that was good I had her on 2mg for 4 weeks and 4mg for 4 weeks and this week I only went up to 5mg for her as she is dropping weight fast and has little appetite. She looks amazing and is doing excersize daily and eating healthy but not alot. Some issues with bowels as I am a seasoned vet on ozempic myself (2 years) but knew she could not handle the sides of that. The keys are water, keep your bowels moving and excersize. My next move is to teach her how to reconstitute and poke herself once a week as she is not a fan of needles as she lost her daughter to an overdose a few years ago and it was and still is a difficult time for her. Good luck on your journey
Interesting. Do you think Tirza is the best option to start on? I’m considering each of the 3 available.
I started my girlfriend on Reta 10 weeks ago as she was never on any weight loss peptide at all. Gave her 1mg to test the waters and when that was good I had her on 2mg for 4 weeks and 4mg for 4 weeks and this week I only went up to 5mg for her as she is dropping weight fast and has little appetite. She looks amazing and is doing excersize daily and eating healthy but not alot. Some issues with bowels as I am a seasoned vet on ozempic myself (2 years) but knew she could not handle the sides of that. The keys are water, keep your bowels moving and excersize. My next move is to teach her how to reconstitute and poke herself once a week as she is not a fan of needles as she lost her daughter to an overdose a few years ago and it was and still is a difficult time for her. Good luck on your journey
Interesting. Do you think Tirza is the best option to start on? I’m considering each of the 3 available.
Reta has the least side effects imo, Semaglutide is excellent also but has alot of baggage as far as bowels go. Triz I know nothing about but it seems like it stops working and you have to keep going up in dose from what I have read in other groups. I personally have been on ozempic for over 2 years and it had my diabetes completely in check and no longer need metformin. For straight up weight loss I would lean to retatrutide after seeing what my girl has experienced so far in 10 weeks.