Bloodwork: Estradiol & Total / Free test levels - advice needed


New Member
Just got my labs back.
TRT dosage (pre-cycle panel 8/23)
Total Test 1257 (no free test numbers included in the panel)
Estradiol 72

Post Cycle panel 12/23
Test 600mg / weekly
Anavar 50mg / daily
Anastrozole 0.5mg 1x weekly
Total Test 1257
Free Test 829
Estradiol 72

I would still like my Estradiol to be lower. But it appears the low dose of AI kept the E2 number in check with the larger dose of Test.

I am contemplating using the AI at 0.5 mg/weekly for 30 days and retesting for Estradiol and see if I get it down in the mid 30 range.

I don't really know what to look for as far as physical symptoms of high Estradiol.

Thoughts on any of the above information?
Just got my labs back.
TRT dosage (pre-cycle panel 8/23)
Total Test 1257 (no free test numbers included in the panel)
Estradiol 72

Post Cycle panel 12/23
Test 600mg / weekly
Anavar 50mg / daily
Anastrozole 0.5mg 1x weekly
Total Test 1257
Free Test 829
Estradiol 72

I would still like my Estradiol to be lower. But it appears the low dose of AI kept the E2 number in check with the larger dose of Test.

I am contemplating using the AI at 0.5 mg/weekly for 30 days and retesting for Estradiol and see if I get it down in the mid 30 range.

I don't really know what to look for as far as physical symptoms of high Estradiol.

Thoughts on any of the above information?
I don't think 72 is that bad especially if you aren't having any symptoms. If you want it lower though, then yeah, go with an AI. I like aromasin better than adex. In your shoes, Id go with 12.5 mg EOD for a bit and then get bloods again to see where that puts you at.
I don't think 72 is that bad especially if you aren't having any symptoms. If you want it lower though, then yeah, go with an AI. I like aromasin better than adex. In your shoes, Id go with 12.5 mg EOD for a bit and then get bloods again to see where that puts you at.
Thanks for the feedback. Why do you prefer Aromasin?
Just got my labs back.
TRT dosage (pre-cycle panel 8/23)
Total Test 1257 (no free test numbers included in the panel)
Estradiol 72

Post Cycle panel 12/23
Test 600mg / weekly
Anavar 50mg / daily
Anastrozole 0.5mg 1x weekly
Total Test 1257
Free Test 829
Estradiol 72

I would still like my Estradiol to be lower. But it appears the low dose of AI kept the E2 number in check with the larger dose of Test.

I am contemplating using the AI at 0.5 mg/weekly for 30 days and retesting for Estradiol and see if I get it down in the mid 30 range.

I don't really know what to look for as far as physical symptoms of high Estradiol.

Thoughts on any of the above information?
when it comes to estrogen it’s best to treat symptoms not numbers. So what I mean by that is if you feel good and you’re not experiencing symptoms of e2 puffy or sensitive nipples / signs of gyno, excessive water retention / bloating (however a lot of guys just eat like assholes and retain water so this can be caused by other factors), low libido, etc then there’s no need to bring the number down just for the sake of brining the number down.

For instance if I had 72 I wouldn’t want to bring it down at all, in fact I like mine a bit higher. Everyone is different, but estrogen is not the enemy like some people have made it out to be. It’s actually very beneficial in a lot of ways. It’s very anabolic, it’s neuroprotective as well as cardioprotective, just to name a few. So I do like to run my estrogen as high as I can without exhibiting any symptoms or side effects, and I do recommend to others to do the same. For me that number can get pretty high, and as long as I feel good and my PSA isn’t rising, I don’t try to bring it down.
when it comes to estrogen it’s best to treat symptoms not numbers. So what I mean by that is if you feel good and you’re not experiencing symptoms of e2 puffy or sensitive nipples / signs of gyno, excessive water retention / bloating (however a lot of guys just eat like assholes and retain water so this can be caused by other factors), low libido, etc then there’s no need to bring the number down just for the sake of brining the number down.

For instance if I had 72 I wouldn’t want to bring it down at all, in fact I like mine a bit higher. Everyone is different, but estrogen is not the enemy like some people have made it out to be. It’s actually very beneficial in a lot of ways. It’s very anabolic, it’s neuroprotective as well as cardioprotective, just to name a few. So I do like to run my estrogen as high as I can without exhibiting any symptoms or side effects, and I do recommend to others to do the same. For me that number can get pretty high, and as long as I feel good and my PSA isn’t rising, I don’t try to bring it down.
Thanks for the solid advise. I didn't look at treating the symptoms and not trying to achieve a specific number.

I was able to lean out last cycle but still had some stubborn areas of fat around my lower back, lower chest and under my armpits down to my waste. No real visible signs of gyno, but I do have some excess body fat in my lower pecs. Maybe it's something, mybe it nothing. No issues with libido or ED. Mood was about as always, perhaps a little shorter than usual. Fatigue may have been a little higher than usual and I would have frequent trouble staying alseep in the middle of the night.

I just had my shoulder scoped and cleaned with biceps tenodesis. So I've got several weeks of solid treadmill time ahead of me. We'll see I can burn off some flab. I've rolled off the Anavar and lowered the Test back to TRT levels.

I am considering running the 0.5mg / weekly of Anastrozole for 30 days and running labs again to assess. Monitor all of the above items and see if there is any notible changes. Thoughts?

Thanks again for previous reply. It's greatly appreciated.
I am considering running the 0.5mg / weekly of Anastrozole for 30 days and running labs again to assess. Monitor all of the above items and see if there is any notible changes. Thoughts?
I feel like I just explained in great detail my thoughts on exactly this topic. You’re either not reading and comprehending what I’m saying, or you’re just looking for me to agree with your decision. Go back and read what I said and you will have the answer to your question
I feel like I just explained in great detail my thoughts on exactly this topic. You’re either not reading and comprehending what I’m saying, or you’re just looking for me to agree with your decision. Go back and read what I said and you will have the answer to your question
I appreciate the detailed explination. I provided additional details on a few things that may or may not be physical side effects. There are still things that I don't know and I wasn't sure if that information changed the equation or not. But it doesn't seem to be the case.

I do appreciate the fact that you took time to share your knowledge and experience. The advice is taken in a most constructive manor and with may thanks.
For a short term cycle 72 is not horrible if there are no symptoms but i wouldn't want that long term as the studies i have seen show increased risk of heart and prostate issues with long term levels over 40. I am in this for the long run so i don't let my E2 stay high.