Bloodwork mid-cycle Test-E /Aromasin/ HCG / BPC


New Member
Hey all I got these bloods done about 3 weeks into cycle.I used @Axle-Labs gear… After these bloods I added HGH, mast E, and tren E. I will update this thread with another test in a few weeks towards end of cycle.

Week 1 was 250mg Test E with 12.5mg aromasin,
week 2 was 350 mg test e w: aromasin,
and week 3 was 500 mg Test E w/ aromasin.


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Absolute monocytes? Can someone tell me why white blood cell count is high. I'm learning myself on the specifics
Possible allergic reaction to oil components.
If we are talking about monocytes.
Or any other allergy.
the E just came in. Been taking adex 1mg for a few days. Figured it was high after experiencing swelling everywhere.


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With only being 3 weeks in and everything changing every week it would be hard to say what is going on or were things will be once you do the same thing longer term. If that is your plan.
Got new bloods coming in.. platelets way up, neutrophils up, monocytes up, white blood cells up,.. HDL crashed down to 17 .. LDL up, triglycerides down to 80 from 200+. Current cycle has been every week.. 900 mg test c, 600 mg tren e, 600 mg mast e, 750 mg EQ,and.. 100mg anadrol everyday. 4.5 ui HGH everyday.
right side is bloods from a couple weeks ago , after three weeks of only test-E. Left side is after three weeks of the other stuff mentioned above.


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The CBC panel is a concern. I gave blood a few days before this test so that explains the lower RBC/crit/glob. No clue why platelets/neutrophils/monocytes so high. Been lifting everyday tbh maybe am doing too much