Bloodwork on AdvancedGrowthLabs Testosterone Enanthate and Dianabol, and DNPChemist Natco Xtane


New Member
Good Evening Gentlemen,

I got my lab results back yesterday and have posted them below. I've been running the test and xtane for 6 weeks, the dbol for 4.

900-1050mg test enanthate/week
50mg dbol/day
12.5mg natco xtane EoD.

Stats: 6'2 230 lbs 16% BF

Precycle Bloods:

Bloods taken ~34 hours after last pin:

I'm going to get bloods done in another 2 weeks to see where I'm at again. Hopefully knock down that e2 with more aromasin.

The dbol was awesome. PR's every workout, and back pumps that could paralyze a T-Rex.
Good Evening Gentlemen,

I got my lab results back yesterday and have posted them below. I've been running the test and xtane for 6 weeks, the dbol for 4.

900-1050mg test enanthate/week
50mg dbol/day
12.5mg natco xtane EoD.

Stats: 6'2 230 lbs 16% BF

Precycle Bloods:

Bloods taken ~34 hours after last pin:

I'm going to get bloods done in another 2 weeks to see where I'm at again. Hopefully knock down that e2 with more aromasin.

The dbol was awesome. PR's every workout, and back pumps that could paralyze a T-Rex.

Thanks for posting. You having any estro sides?
That's about 10x on 1g of test.. Damn that's pretty good sir! How are you feeling with results? You didnt mention last pin either right : test date/time?', right?

Thanks for posting the results by the way!
That's about 10x on 1g of test.. Damn that's pretty good sir! How are you feeling with results? You didnt mention last pin either right : test date/time?', right?

Thanks for posting the results by the way!

These numbers are not what we would expect from 1 gram of test a week. Something no less than 7000 would be considered good.

Maybe getting bloodwork around 72 hour mark would yield you a better peak value number.
That's about 10x on 1g of test.. Damn that's pretty good sir! How are you feeling with results? You didnt mention last pin either right : test date/time?', right?

Thanks for posting the results by the way!
Is this that new common core math or something?
These numbers are not what we would expect from 1 gram of test a week. Something no less than 7000 would be considered good.

Maybe getting bloodwork around 72 hour mark would yield you a better peak value number.
I guess it's not what it technically should be.. But personally, I haven't seen much bloods on the Internet that has shown gear to be "pure" especially as of lately..

So in my defense, I'd be happy with those results.. Since that's a LITTLE bit lower than double of what someone would expect off of 500mg ugl gear.. 500=~3000

Edit... My bad I thought it said in the 5000s, I feel pretty dumb. I retract my statement, it's a bit underdosed.
Where does one happen to procure some of this advanced growth labs gear? PM please
Dude..... You might as well hang a sign around your neck saying "scam me please". This isn't the way things are done bro. Read up a little more. Make some friends
Dude..... You might as well hang a sign around your neck saying "scam me please". This isn't the way things are done bro. Read up a little more. Make some friends
ok thanks for the warning I just got a few inbox mails too lol i will not be giving them my money
Thanks for posting. You having any estro sides?

Other than feeling like the Michelin man and having a semi limp dick the last week due to the aromatization from the dbol, not really. I may or may not have cried more than usual watching the ending of Interstellar...

I've upped my aromasin to 25mg a day since the bloods came back, and I'm just now getting tenderish nipples. Might be the tren though. Caber and more aromasin is on the way.
4700 TT on 1g of test? Am I reading that right?
Yes sir. It's from the same batch that others got 10x levels on. It looks like I just absorb the shit like a sponge.

On a side note I'm sad to see you leave the SST forum, but I understand why you don't post as much any more.
Yes sir. It's from the same batch that others got 10x levels on. It looks like I just absorb the shit like a sponge.

On a side note I'm sad to see you leave the SST forum, but I understand why you don't post as much any more.
Ok, that's interesting.

I'm still around, just not with all the drama and cliques there. Not worth the aggrevation. I still talk to people via PM and try to help out people who have questions in threads and aren't getting decent advice.
Dmt, don't tell me that tren is already kicking in bro? Isn't it a little late?