[Bloodwork] Pharmacom GH


This is my post-cycle bloodwork (I have been off cycle for 4 weeks).
I am on TRT/cruise of 100mg/week Watson cyp (from Walgreens in the USA) and 1mg adex (from pharmacist here on MESO).

I ran Pharmatropin GH for two week at 5 iu each morning.
I used bacteriostatic water (from Hospira USA) to reconstitute the GH.
Then on the day on of the testing I pinned an entire 10iu vial IM (glute), drove to the clinic and sat in my car until about 2 hours and 45 mins had passed since the pin; my sample was then taken very close to the 3 hour mark after the pin.

IGF-1 = 365 (normal range is 53-331)
GH = 4.5

TT = 628 (normal range 250-1100)
E2 = 29

I am not able to attribute anything I experienced to any compound but instead I am simply listing my report of what I felt and you are welcome to draw your own conclusions.

My weight jumped up by about 3 to 4lb consistently after being on the GH for a few days.

I did experience an increase in endurance (I was surprised being off cycle at what I handled in the gym) that I can not explain.

I continued to not only hold my cycle gains but add more (maybe water weight) during the cruise.

Only once did I feel any tingle; it was towards the end of the two week run and felt like pins and needles in my finger tips.

I have started to feel tired and sluggish in the second week (again it is hard to know what caused this--maybe the GH, maybe the low TT, or maybe getting run down or ill as I have not been feeling well -- I do not know for sure).

I have continued to set lifting PRs in the gym.

Finally, I have been battling some gyno flare-up that is starting to recede (I have been running Tamoxifen 10 mg ED) but did not make sense as my E2 and TT are not high.

Here is all the raw data:



I am beginning to feel like the unofficial RThoads cheerleader, but I'll say it again.

PHENOMENAL CONTRIBUTION, once again, fine sir.

Thank you. The community is better off for your testing.
I am beginning to feel like the unofficial RThoads cheerleader, but I'll say it again.

PHENOMENAL CONTRIBUTION, once again, fine sir.

Thank you. The community is better off for your testing.

haha thank you @bickel29 I appreciate it.

I had to get post-cycle bloods for my own health anyway so I asked Frank if he would reimburse me for adding GH and IGF-1 testing and once again he stepped up took care of the expense as he promised--I greatly appreciate that from him.

As always I post the results regardless of what they are and I will just leave conclusions about the product up to each individual that way I am not bashing or pimping any source.
@RThoads thanks for another great contribution. Do you have any igf baseline numbers?

No sorry, I do not. I should have asked for funding to get a baseline but I did not think of it until after I had pinned. I did get some good advice too, but already pinned. Sorry about that, still learning, and if I run GH to be tested again I will get a baseline first.
This is my post-cycle bloodwork (I have been off cycle for 4 weeks).
I am on TRT/cruise of 100mg/week Watson cyp (from Walgreens in the USA) and 1mg adex (from pharmacist here on MESO).

I ran Pharmatropin GH for two week at 5 iu each morning.
I used bacteriostatic water (from Hospira USA) to reconstitute the GH.
Then on the day on of the testing I pinned an entire 10iu vial IM (glute), drove to the clinic and sat in my car until about 2 hours and 45 mins had passed since the pin; my sample was then taken very close to the 3 hour mark after the pin.

IGF-1 = 365 (normal range is 53-331)
GH = 4.5

TT = 628 (normal range 250-1100)
E2 = 29

I am not able to attribute anything I experienced to any compound but instead I am simply listing my report of what I felt and you are welcome to draw your own conclusions.

My weight jumped up by about 3 to 4lb consistently after being on the GH for a few days.

I did experience an increase in endurance (I was surprised being off cycle at what I handled in the gym) that I can not explain.

I continued to not only hold my cycle gains but add more (maybe water weight) during the cruise.

Only once did I feel any tingle; it was towards the end of the two week run and felt like pins and needles in my finger tips.

I have started to feel tired and sluggish in the second week (again it is hard to know what caused this--maybe the GH, maybe the low TT, or maybe getting run down or ill as I have not been feeling well -- I do not know for sure).

I have continued to set lifting PRs in the gym.

Finally, I have been battling some gyno flare-up that is starting to recede (I have been running Tamoxifen 10 mg ED) but did not make sense as my E2 and TT are not high.

Here is all the raw data:



it`s a shitty result. At all blood works of our HGH, which i have seen before HGH was 20 ng/ml at least.
RT, have you seen one of my latest postы, where our reseller in Europe got a bad result. I asked him to take blood again in another place and it turned our ok. I would very appreciate if you do the same in another lab. I cover expenses of course.
it`s a shitty result. At all blood works of our HGH, which i have seen before HGH was 20 ng/ml at least.
RT, have you seen one of my latest post, where our reseller in Europe got a bad result. I asked him to take blood again in another place and it turned our ok. I would very appreciate if you do the same in another lab. I cover expenses of course.

Yes, I did see that and I am not at all bashing you or the product -- I understand in rare events some results can be inaccurate. But at the same time, all I have are these results and this data so I post it (I hope everyone will respect my neutrality in that sometimes I post very good results but sometimes the results are not so good -- that is the best I can do for everyone and either way someone will be disappointed).

Frank @Pharmacom Labs I greatly appreciate your service, communication, and willingness to help people test products after a purchase if there is something in question or an issue.
It says a lot that you believe in your products and that is why I have been confident to place orders continuously (I plan to log another Pharmacom cycle very soon -- the fact that I continuously use your products, I put it into my body, should show something).

I currently am out of GH or I would be happy to re-test at another facility.

We will continue to talk in PM and maybe in the future I will be able to test again.
You and the community know if I ever did try the GH again and get bloodwork, I will post it and also add an update here to make things right (I did it with the NPP LM and Simec follow-up as we all can see).

I want results to be accurate and good for all of us as well as the source--all I can do is report my experience and then let the hard data speak for itself.
Without the Igfr baseline is a bit hard to tell.

I have measured My igf before hgh and it was 180. So if after to week it would go over 350 I would be already happy and I would surely see a further increase in the week after 100%.

The serum is low... Don't know about it. I have never trusted gh serum test. Always gone for the igf.

I'm out of the gh debate anyway, I feel it's just too expensive unless you are loaded or you are massive and need to take a step further. For the average joe is wasted money and just more headache.

When I did try pharmacom
Hgh I had all the side effect plus the gains that usually come from GH BUT I always used generic HGH so I can't really compare.

I don't like the water retention I get from GH in general, it numbed my hands for a month even after I stopped it.

But for sure he gave me a great look... Probably the best I have ever had (plus I was eating like a mofo and helped keep my BF in check)
it`s a shitty result. At all blood works of our HGH, which i have seen before HGH was 20 ng/ml at least.
RT, have you seen one of my latest postы, where our reseller in Europe got a bad result. I asked him to take blood again in another place and it turned our ok. I would very appreciate if you do the same in another lab. I cover expenses of course.
I mentioned in your thread that hgh should be tested using igf-1 serum test. He used igf-1 serum test. The guy you're referring to used gh serum test...iirc.

You never responded to my quote. I wasn't just making a statement.

What makes you believe redoing the test will have different results.
Thank you very much RT, starting the whole learning about the hgh situation, and it's difficult to say the least. These threads help alot
Very interesting. I was thinking about running pharmacom hgh but I think I'll wait.

Thanks RT. Saved me some $$.
@RThoads I got a gyno flare up same as you when every thing else was in range. I had already had existing gyno which had almost gone away and was not visibly noticeable but there was still very small lumps. As soon as GH was introduced it flared up.
Yes, I did see that and I am not at all bashing you or the product -- I understand in rare events some results can be inaccurate. But at the same time, all I have are these results and this data so I post it (I hope everyone will respect my neutrality in that sometimes I post very good results but sometimes the results are not so good -- that is the best I can do for everyone and either way someone will be disappointed).

Frank @Pharmacom Labs I greatly appreciate your service, communication, and willingness to help people test products after a purchase if there is something in question or an issue.
It says a lot that you believe in your products and that is why I have been confident to place orders continuously (I plan to log another Pharmacom cycle very soon -- the fact that I continuously use your products, I put it into my body, should show something).

I currently am out of GH or I would be happy to re-test at another facility.

We will continue to talk in PM and maybe in the future I will be able to test again.
You and the community know if I ever did try the GH again and get bloodwork, I will post it and also add an update here to make things right (I did it with the NPP LM and Simec follow-up as we all can see).

I want results to be accurate and good for all of us as well as the source--all I can do is report my experience and then let the hard data speak for itself.
thank you for your contribution RT! it`s a pity that you don`t have no more HGH in stock. But this all is a matter ща time. Our HGH will be tested lot of times. Simec tests are also pending. This all is only a matter of time.
And youare right RT, i am sure in the quality of our products. Otherwise i would probably not be here defending us after 300 pages of by far not always friendly experience.
I mentioned in your thread that hgh should be tested using igf-1 serum test. He used igf-1 serum test. The guy you're referring to used gh serum test...iirc.

You never responded to my quote. I wasn't just making a statement.

What makes you believe redoing the test will have different results.
unfortunately he did not do it.
What makes me believe the new test will have other results?
Two facts:
1. all HGH blood work results published before were always ok. Results from other boards and customers were almost always above 20 ng/ml. I have seen lot of them and lot of them are available in our other boards.
2. i have already many times seen false results of blood works, where our testosterone was measured as low, but after redoing tests in another lab it was much higher. Why the same can`t happen with HGH. The method which has been used in this lab already shows by 20% lower results as other methods would show. It is stated in that report. I am not the specialist, but 20% is a high deviation. Some other equipment has been used. But i ask myself whether equipment/method shall really have such a big impact on results? I don`t think so. It makes me doubtful regarding the true accuracy of these results. We will repeat this test when HGH will be available again, this is for sure.

RT thank you again for all.
Thank you once again for your contributions bro;) It means everything to the community. Good looking out man!!!
thank you for your contribution RT! it`s a pity that you don`t have no more HGH in stock. But this all is a matter ща time. Our HGH will be tested lot of times. Simec tests are also pending. This all is only a matter of time.
And youare right RT, i am sure in the quality of our products. Otherwise i would probably not be here defending us after 300 pages of by far not always friendly experience.

unfortunately he did not do it.
What makes me believe the new test will have other results?
Two facts:
1. all HGH blood work results published before were always ok. Results from other boards and customers were almost always above 20 ng/ml. I have seen lot of them and lot of them are available in our other boards.
2. i have already many times seen false results of blood works, where our testosterone was measured as low, but after redoing tests in another lab it was much higher. Why the same can`t happen with HGH. The method which has been used in this lab already shows by 20% lower results as other methods would show. It is stated in that report. I am not the specialist, but 20% is a high deviation. Some other equipment has been used. But i ask myself whether equipment/method shall really have such a big impact on results? I don`t think so. It makes me doubtful regarding the true accuracy of these results. We will repeat this test when HGH will be available again, this is for sure.

RT thank you again for all.


Serum test!

No need to to look at gh serum test #. The Chinese have found a way to manipulate those #.
When you are reconstituting the GH with BAC water, does the gh become transparent immediately or does it take some time for the GH to become fully transparent, like few pieces of white still visible in the water.
When you are reconstituting the GH with BAC water, does the gh become transparent immediately or does it take some time for the GH to become fully transparent, like few pieces of white still visible in the water.

mine took a little while to fully dissolve. Definitely, was not the same as GHRP or HCG etc (those go instantly) -- I had to do it and then wait for it to all go into solution.