[Bloodwork] Pharmacom GH

First of all thanks for your efforts and sharing the results with us.
"BUT" honestly without a basal IGF1 Level this result is completely worthless.
As already been said a lot of people are far under the reference levels and then a raise to slightly over can be a fantastic result. I´m taking IGF bloods on a monthly base since about 2 years now just to get sure my stuff is still legit. At my lab the ref. range for my age is between 112- 200 (respectively has been at that time, they changed testing method a few month ago so ref. ranges has changed too) and my basal "with" the use of test and npp which raises also the IGF level was only at 162.
After 2 weeks 6iu daily Genotropin raised to 240 and after another 2 weeks to slightly over 300.
So if your basal was around 200 your result would be pretty good.
Another thing to consider when comparing results are the different ref ranges for different testing methods.
I´ve seen a lot of results the last time with IGF around 500-600 and wondered what the hack these guys have used but then looked at the ref ranges and have seen the result with the 540 had a ref range up to 400 for his age.
So it´s only 25% above the ref range.
My level is constantly around 300 but lokking at my ref range going up to only 200 I´m 50% above this range.
And then you have also to consider the circumstances.
Different drugs can raise or lower IGF levels.
And a strict low carb diet or even fasting one day can lower IGF by around 50%
During my last contest prep my level felt down to 180 just due to the strict diet and because I cutted out test during this time. Used the same GH at the same dosage all the time. After the competion my level went back to slightly above 300.

So you see testing GH with IGF levels isn´t that easy as many people think and for proper results you have to do a few tests over a longer period of time, have your basal level taken before and if possible having some legit Pharma GH to compare the results with yours.

Btw. I took the Pharmatropin from Frank for 2 weeks (what is to short to say anything concrete) but at least there hasn´t been any dramatically decrease within this 2 weeks so it seems not to be bad.

Just my 2 cents
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First of all thanks for your efforts and sharing the results with us.
"BUT" honestly without a basal IGF1 Level this result is completely worthless.
As already been said a lot of people are far under the reference levels and then a raise to slightly over can be a fantastic result. I´m taking IGF bloods on a monthly base since about 2 years now just to get sure my stuff is still legit. At my lab the ref. range for my age

How old are you?
How old are you?
I´m in the end of my thirties but if you ask that to compare ref ranges with yours it will not work.
every lab has it´s own ref ranges for the different ages due to the methods, equipment and setup they use. You just have to look at the ranges of your lab and compare your result with them. And then if you want to compare results you can compare the percental raise in relation to ref ranges.
First of all thanks for your efforts and sharing the results with us.
"BUT" honestly without a basal IGF1 Level this result is completely worthless.
As already been said a lot of people are far under the reference levels and then a raise to slightly over can be a fantastic result. I´m taking IGF bloods on a monthly base since about 2 years now just to get sure my stuff is still legit. At my lab the ref. range for my age is between 112- 200 (respectively has been at that time, they changed testing method a few month ago so ref. ranges has changed too) and my basal "with" the use of test and npp which raises also the IGF level was only at 162.
After 2 weeks 6iu daily Genotropin raised to 240 and after another 2 weeks to slightly over 300.
So if your basal was around 200 your result would be pretty good.
Another thing to consider when comparing results are the different ref ranges for different testing methods.
I´ve seen a lot of results the last time with IGF around 500-600 and wondered what the hack these guys have used but then looked at the ref ranges and have seen the result with the 540 had a ref range up to 400 for his age.
So it´s only 25% above the ref range.
My level is constantly around 300 but lokking at my ref range going up to only 200 I´m 50% above this range.
And then you have also to consider the circumstances.
Different drugs can raise or lower IGF levels.
And a strict low carb diet or even fasting one day can lower IGF by around 50%
During my last contest prep my level felt down to 180 just due to the strict diet and because I cutted out test during this time. Used the same GH at the same dosage all the time. After the competion my level went back to slightly above 300.

So you see testing GH with IGF levels isn´t that easy as many people think and for proper results you have to do a few tests over a longer period of time, have your basal level taken before and if possible having some legit Pharma GH to compare the results with yours.

Btw. I took the Pharmatropin from Frank for 2 weeks (what is to short to say anything concrete) but at least there hasn´t been any dramatically decrease within this 2 weeks so it seems not to be bad.

Just my 2 cents

I agree with much of what you said.
In my case, I was simply getting post-cycle bloods anyway and added the GH/IGF-1 since I was running some GH. My apology if the results are not as accurate as possible.
The source was very willing to pay for a re-test but I had run out of supply and they were also out of stock. If I ever do test again I will keep all these points, and the other great advice members here have given to me, in mind.

I agree with much of what you said.
In my case, I was simply getting post-cycle bloods anyway and added the GH/IGF-1 since I was running some GH. My apology if the results are not as accurate as possible.
The source was very willing to pay for a re-test but I had run out of supply and they were also out of stock. If I ever do test again I will keep all these points, and the other great advice members here have given to me, in mind.


Yeah mate makes sense and I´ve already read this point before and know that it was just a cool spontaneous action and I appreciate it a lot anyways.
And especially like that you posted this as neutral as possible.
Thumbs up for that and all your other tests like the Dbol
Just wanted to show up these considerations for the people out there who instantly had the conclusion the stuff must be terrible because of that bloods and thanks lord I didn´t buy it.
Looking forward to your next tests and blood results.
Keep up your your great work and thanks for enriching the community