[Bloodwork] Pharmacom Test-P, NPP, Test-C


Mid Cycle Bloodwork results.

Bloods taken after the end of 4 weeks on the following:
100 mg EOD (350 mg /week) Testosterone Propionate (Pharmacom)
100 mg EOD (350 mg /week) Nandrolone Phenylpropionate (Pharmacom)
100 mg /week Testosterone Cypionate (Pharmacom) (split into two 50 mg pins per week)
30 mg ED (split evenly 3x day) Oxandrolone (Pharmacom)

500iu /week HCG (Pharmacist and then Reliable) (split to 250iu 2x per week)
0.25 mg Adex EOD (Pharmacist)

TT = 2204
E2 = 65

Blood sample was taken about
27 hours after last Friday's pin of (100mg Prop, 100 mg NPP, 50 mg Cyp).


Pharmacom products are from Frank's international ordered August 2015.
if you did 3-4 injections making 1000mg/ml and took a blood test 48 hrs after last injection, it wouldn't show up 200-300 ng/ml more since its peak concentration. Because when ppl get a blood test 4-5 weeks after first injection it's at 2000 or 2500. Why couldnt' you just go 2-3 weeks earlier and have test half that or a third of that.
So are you happy with your results?

Do you think those results are good, for the amount of product.

My opinion is pending the Simec results of my NPP; by this I mean if the NPP I sent in turns out to be good real NPP then these results are good considering it is only an average of 350 mg /week testosterone prop above my normal 100 mg Cyp TRT dosage. Also, it is a short ester so by the 27 hours later I may have already been past the peak for that last prop pin.
However, if my NPP turns out to be something else, maybe test cyp, then these are not so high numbers.

Assuming the NPP is legit, then I am only running 350 mg /week Test prop above my TRT baseline (the HCG and adex are all the same as my baseline) and so I got about 1300 more TT from the 350 mg prop a week (not sure 27 hours will get prop peak value).

I am happy with that if the NPP is indeed NPP. Simec confirmed they did receive my sample and payment so I am just waiting on those results.
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if you did 3-4 injections making 1000mg/ml and took a blood test 48 hrs after last injection, it wouldn't show up 200-300 ng/ml more since its peak concentration. Because when ppl get a blood test 4-5 weeks after first injection it's at 2000 or 2500. Why couldnt' you just go 2-3 weeks earlier and have test half that or a third of that.

I am not sure what you mean. I did many more than 3 or 4 injects. I ran 4 weeks of EOD pins. As to why I did not go 2-3 weeks earlier, that is because 2-3 week earlier would have been my first or second week only into the cycle; I wanted to get at least 4 week completed to see the effects of the cycle after it has had enough time to take effects--things such as E2, BUN, Liver values etc as well as a better idea of the Gear I purchased. If I went earlier it just would not be enough time on this gear to differentiate what values are coming from my Watson TRT and what is coming from the Pharmacom cycle.

By the way, end of 4th week is very standard to check how one's body is reacting to a cycle--it is far enough in to determine what is going on but earlier enough to catch problems before they are big problems.
oh let me add, I am consistently making slow gains in terms of increases strength, no big Boom monster reaction (is not a big cycle) but for sure slow consistent additions to my lifts from session to session.

Also, I am up about 7 lb in 5 weeks on this cycle and I do not notice much additional fat if any--so something is there and working.
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if you did 3-4 injections making 1000mg/ml and took a blood test 48 hrs after last injection, it wouldn't show up 200-300 ng/ml more since its peak concentration. Because when ppl get a blood test 4-5 weeks after first injection it's at 2000 or 2500. Why couldnt' you just go 2-3 weeks earlier and have test half that or a third of that.

WTF are you talking about?
Thats sick, like you said if NPP is NPP... I was just wondering why people wait 4 weeks not 2 weeks for blood tests? Def wanna know about NPP
I would say you're TT is low even without the potential NPP=Test theory. Your prop is under dosed a little. 350 mg test p should have raised TT by more than 1300. But check my math. I'm on martini #4..
Mid Cycle Bloodwork results.

Bloods taken after the end of 4 weeks on the following:
100 mg EOD (350 mg /week) Testosterone Propionate (Pharmacom)
100 mg EOD (350 mg /week) Nandrolone Phenylpropionate (Pharmacom)
100 mg /week Testosterone Cypionate (Pharmacom) (split into two 50 mg pins per week)
30 mg ED (split evenly 3x day) Oxandrolone (Pharmacom)

500iu /week HCG (Pharmacist and then Reliable) (split to 250iu 2x per week)
0.25 mg Adex EOD (Pharmacist)

TT = 2204
E2 = 65

Blood sample was taken about
27 hours after last Friday's pin of (100mg Prop, 100 mg NPP, 50 mg Cyp).


Pharmacom products are from Frank's international ordered August 2015.
Thanks for the contribution
I think prop is a hard ester to get a real accurate number from simply because its out of your system so fast. I would think that after pin 3 pin 1 would be less than half its TT value.
So if the npp is legit then i would say this prop is slightly under but not much. In fact anabolic lab testing calculated it at 89mg per ml so this might be what it is.

Thanks for testing RT[emoji106]
My opinion is pending the Simec results of my NPP; by this I mean if the NPP I sent in turns out to be good real NPP then these results are good considering it is only an average of 350 mg /week testosterone prop above my normal 100 mg Cyp TRT dosage. Also, it is a short ester so by the 27 hours later I may have already been past the peak for that last prop pin.
However, if my NPP turns out to be something else, maybe test cyp, then these are not so high numbers.

Assuming the NPP is legit, then I am only running 350 mg /week Test prop above my TRT baseline (the HCG and adex are all the same as my baseline) and so I got about 1300 more TT from the 350 mg prop a week (not sure 27 hours will get prop peak value).

I am happy with that if the NPP is indeed NPP. Simec confirmed they did receive my sample and payment so I am just waiting on those results.
Ah, thx for the explanation, was curious on how you expected those esters to play out.
I was pinning another lab's prop at 200mg a week, pinning EOD, got bloods 24hrs after my last pin and my TT came back at >1500. So I'd say something here is under dosed.
I was just wondering why people wait 4 weeks not 2 weeks for blood tests?
@jJjburton , pretty basic AAS knowledge there but.... Half-lives.

Go plot 6 weeks of Test Cyp or Test Enth and compare the plotted peak levels at week 2 vice week 4 and you will have your answer.

Or just look at the plot I did for you:

Test-C E3D 100 mg 8 weeks

I see that in 4 weeks and a day, T is released in the blood at it's highest rate. From there on it's not going to get any higher unless you add more product. But at 2 weeks there is an increase in T levels. So wouldn't T levels on a blood test in 2 weeks show that what you purchased was garbage or not. Instead of injecting an extra 2 weeks of shit.
So wouldn't T levels on a blood test in 2 weeks show that what you purchased was garbage or not

A fair point. All it will really show is that there was some amount of test there. If that is all you are after you could even go earlier.

That said, most want to know what their T levels are stabilizing at so rather than doing bloodwork twice the general advice is to do it once once you have reached the plateau state for whatever ester you are using.