Bloodwork results.... Low Test


New Member
So I'm getting ready for my first Test cycle next week and I decided to get my bloods done. 111111.jpg 22222.jpg
The low test level is kinda shocking considering I checked them two years ago and they were around 475. Not quite sure what I should do next. Can anyone help me interpret the rest of it and any advice on where I should go from here would be appreciated.
Lets all get the same girl pregnant tonight! Rafi is the man.
I'm not sure on the trt. If trt is what I need to get back to normal then I'm not opposed to it. I wouldn't even know where to start as far as that goes.
Before you start down that road, consider whether there is anything going on right now that might be causing your low T. In winter 2013, I tested 225-250 on 3 consecutive tests. I was working 12-15 hour shifts at work with 60+ hours per week and making my way through the shift by carb loading on Wawa subs and donuts. I ate 1 real meal (e.g. meat, starch, veggie) per day; the rest of my food intake was comprised of PBJs, whey protein, and crap from Wawa. To top it off, I was getting 4.5-6 hours of sleep per night and foolishly trying to get my workouts in before work several days per week.

I finally crashed and burned in December. I couldn't make it more than 15 minutes through a workout and, ultimately, I took nearly 2 months off, which is something I hadn't done in nearly a decade. I started down the TRT road out of desperation several months later, but quickly changed my mind after my body started aromatizing at a ridiculous rate. I went back to the drawing board; I got my diet, sleep, and workouts back in check. I was feeling good after a couple months so I skipped the bloodwork and just got it done last month. I'm currently at ~650 (I'm 37 btw).

So long story short, make sure you've got your diet, sleep, workouts, etc. dialed in for several months and then get your T checked again before committing to TRT for life.
Thanks for the reply. I don't want to be on trt, but if I had to I would is all I was saying. As far as stress, excercise, and diet goes I'm in the best shape ive ever been. I could see that being a factor for some but I don't think that's the case for me. My doc is a family med guy and I honestly don't think he would think anything of it if I showed him.