Bloodwork shows elevated potassium


New Member
I'm currently on Test E (225mg per week), Tren E (300mg per week), Clen (80mcg per day) and T4 (200mcg per day). I've also used 240mg Mast E per week until a few weeks ago.

Potassium: 5.8 (3.5 - 5.5nmol/l is normal)

Everything else (besides cholesterol) looks fine, other minerals are in range, GOT/GPT is 34/46, Cystatin C is 0.82 (0.61 - 0.95mg/l is normal) and creatinine is normal as well. Should I be concerned?
Are you taking Telmisartan, Losartan or some other ARB for BP? Those medications can cause hyperkalemia. I doubt it’s common though. My potassium runs high but is usually still in range on Telmisartan.
HCT? CPK? Was bloodwork fasted? How long before blood draw did you work out? Are you on BP meds, if so which, and what dosage? Did you take NSAIDs in days prior to blood draw?
HCT: 0.45 (0.4 - 0.52)
CK: 744 (<190), but I think that's elevated from training the day before?

Fasted bloodwork. Last workout was ~20 hours before. No BP meds.