Bloodwork Test vs Test + Primo


New Member
Bloodwork 5th week in (6 days after last pin, I pinned 1x per week, total 250mg test E):

Bloodwork 6th week in (1 day after last pin, I pin 3x a week, total weekly dosage 250mg test E + 250 primo):


I have only one question, is the test 39.1 in the expected range according to my dose?

I don't know how much is primo supposed to raise the testosterone in blood. It did lower my E2 a lot though - I felt a bit weird last 2 weeks, no more worning wood (as opposed to the beginning of the cycle, it was bad and woke me up super early every morning - that stopped), mood is kinda meh, I had higher E2 even as natty, so I guess I feel better in the higher range. My plan is to start HCG now 250mg iu 3x per week and stay on it even after the blast for a cruise.

Thanks for any advice.
You changed you pinning frequency. So you test will change a little too.
If you are addind hcg, keep the same dosage and frequency for test and primo and assess from there with feeling and blood work. Hcg should increase e2 and no ai or primo can lower that
Sorry I should have mentioned those are 2 completely separate cycles, for some reason I assumed it's clear.

I changed sources in between so that's also why I'm asking as the serum test is different.
Well it’s very close to your previous cycle. Assuming pinning frequency doesn’t have a drastic influence your are good. Everyone has a different response to the same test dosage.