Bloodwork Timing - new lab


New Member
I've heard from multiple people and my old doctor to get my bloodwork done first thing in the morning. Get there well-hydrated and without eating for 10 hours.
Today I made an appointment at a new lab and they gave me an appointment at 2:00 pm and told me that I don't need to be fasted.
I was wondering if that will somehow change the results in any way?
I'll get T / free T, E2, Prolactin, blood panel, liver Panel, and kidney paneldone.

The only tests i fast for are when i want my glucose checked. Cholesterol levels can be influenced by fasting but mine are the same whether i fast or not.
I'll get T / free T, E2, Prolactin, blood panel, liver Panel, and kidney paneldone.

What is 'blood panel'? None of the tests that you listed are particularly influenced by being fasted or otherwise. Fasted blood glucose would be skewed pretty badly, but if you care about that, measure it yourself by getting a Precision Xtra. HbA1c is going to be a more important biomarker in most cases.

For lipids, trigs could be higher than they would otherwise. As others have mentioned, liver function, and some electrolytes might be influenced, but for most of these a mild increase is meaningless.

For example, the top of the reference range for trigs is 150mg/dL. Doesn't matter if you're 140 or 160, from a perspective of "not gonna die" you're fine. From a perspective of "optimal health" that's way too high (aim for <100mg/dL).

Liver function is the same. Slightly elevated is common. Could be the hard workout you had the day prior, could be mild liver stress or some ibuprofen you took. However, if your values are double the reference range, you're still fine, but you should consider interventions to improve liver health.
Same. However, I did have a nurse tell me liver and kidney test require you to fast for 12 hours for the most accurate readings.
My Dr. has said it doesn't matter. Mine come back the same whether i fast or not. I can see where it might make a 1 or 2 point difference, But that would be hard to say if it was due to fasting or something else. As those numbers fluctuate anyway. How hard i have trained recently or how much i eat will change them as much or more.