Boils & scars at injection point - anyone else had this?


New Member
Back in October I bought some sem from a vendor on the DNMs based in Sweden. It came in an blue insulin pen. I used it for a few weeks and felt something slight, but nothing remarkable. Then I checked inside the pen and the mechanism was broken so it wasn't actually injecting any sem, it was all in my mind.

That was annoying and weird enough but the crazy thing is, at the same time I developed four huge boils where I'd injected it. I'm not sure if it was due to the pen/dodgy sem. But I think it's more likely that I didn't use an alcohol wipe on my skin before injecting, meaning I was simply pushing dirt from the surface of my skin into my body, which caused these boils.

It took weeks, months even, but they're just healing now. They were under my skin for a long time, causing real pain, then burst, which caused more pain. I have four large scars on my stomach now, which look unsightly and will probably never disappear properly.

Since then I've used sem from a UK vendor in individual disposable syringes and they've worked fine. No boils, everything worked as planned. I had mild sides so moved to Tiz after a month and find that a lot better - fewer side effects and good appetite reduction. That's what I'm on now but my supply is running low - only a week left. (It cost £60 for a 4 week supply at 2.5mg, which seems expensive).

Anyway my questions are:

Has anyone else had issues like this? I've done intensive searches online and don't see it happen to anyone else.

Any advice on scar reduction? Is there anything I can do or is it something I just have to live with?
That was annoying and weird enough but the crazy thing is, at the same time I developed four huge boils where I'd injected it. I'm not sure if it was due to the pen/dodgy sem.

It took weeks, months even, but they're just healing now. They were under my skin for a long time, causing real pain, then burst, which caused more pain. I have four large scars on my stomach now, which look unsightly and will probably never disappear properly.

Anyway my questions are:

Some people seem way too weary of seeing actual doctors, and prefer anon internet forums for potentially serious issues.

Seems like you dodged a bullet.

But in general, you don't have to confess all the illegal shit you've done to a doctor. Maybe it's just an antibiotic or something. Better safe than having a chunk of your body that needs to be removed (or worse).
Some people seem way too weary of seeing actual doctors, and prefer anon internet forums for potentially serious issues.

Seems like you dodged a bullet.

But in general, you don't have to confess all the illegal shit you've done to a doctor. Maybe it's just an antibiotic or something. Better safe than having a chunk of your body that needs to be removed (or worse).
I did go and see a doctor, albeit after a few weeks.

At first it seemed annoying but nothing too serious, I figured it was something I could manage with off-the-shelf treatments. But when the boils burst and didn't heal quickly, then I went to the doctors, who gave a course of antibiotics. Even then it took a while to clear up.
It's very unlikely the issue was not wiping with a swab before injecting, Just a garbage product unfit for humans. Scars from boils often heal over several years.
Interesting. I looked into all the possible causes of it - one option was my being allergic to the powder on the specific needles that came with the insulin pen. This has been known to happen, although it's rare.

I do remember not using a swab though, and figured that was a likely option. Or some other hygiene issue during the injection process. It's interesting that I've injected sem and tiz about 10 or so times since all this and not had any issues at all.

I've actually still got that pen containing some of the sem. Is there somewhere I can send it to be checked? I'd do it for peace of mind, providing the cost isn't stupidly high.
To name and shame, the vendor was called Stabiltsomfan, based in Sweden, product was a pen containing 5mg Sem. The pen is this:

Portable Classics Lilly Lancing Pen Syringe Insulin Lancet Pen For 3ml
Brand: Tefexer
It's very unlikely the issue was not wiping with a swab before injecting, Just a garbage product unfit for humans. Scars from boils often heal over several years.
Forgot to say, the fact that nothing was injected from the pen into my skin makes me think it cannot be the substance that caused the boils.

As the mechanism of the pen was broken, I was simply jabbing holes into stomach, which somehow then turned into boils. No substance left the pen - the tank inside is still full.
Forgot to say, the fact that nothing was injected from the pen into my skin makes me think it cannot be the substance that caused the boils.

As the mechanism of the pen was broken, I was simply jabbing holes into stomach, which somehow then turned into boils. No substance left the pen - the tank inside is still full.
Might be a dumb question, but different needle each time? It kinda sounds like a staph can be on your skin with issues but if you punched it into your skin, that would trigger the infection that became the boil. Kinda just thinking out loud this point, its pretty much moot. Glad you got some meds to fix it (Im in healthcare and have a bad habit of trying to fix stuff myself. Bit me in the ass once or twice).
Yes, different disposable needle each time (sealed, pharma branding, nothing suspicious).

That's what I thought - I was punching something into my skin, perhaps some dirt or grime, or just making the hole in my skin left it open to bacteria going in. It's been puzzling me ever since. I'm generally healthy with no other issues, so the severity of this and amount of time it took to heal (I'm only just now not having to put a plaster on the final burst boil) has me looking closely at what it caused it and what could be done to prevent it in future.

At least it seems like a total one-off case as I've not come across it happening to anyone else - and I've done a lot of research. Although if it does happen to anyone, hopefully they'll read this and make the correct decision to go to the docs for some antibiotics.

But yeah, it could have been much worse, and I've learned a valuable lesson - go to the doctors early on when anything unusual and negative happens to my body - not just with illicit chems, but anything in general.
Further info. I had the boils swabbed by my doctor, this is what came back:

These are very likely to be caused by PVL toxin-producing Staphylococcus aureus. This will require a combination of antibiotics to manage if the skin swab confirms the diagnosis.
Yep, staph infection. Most likely it was on your skin and you punched it in...most people carry it on them along with a host of other stuff. The little bastards just wait for an opportunity. You made me double swab everything now!
Yeah, after weighing up all the information that felt like the most likely answer to me too. A mix of bad luck and sub-par hygiene on my part. I am surprised it's not more common though