Back in October I bought some sem from a vendor on the DNMs based in Sweden. It came in an blue insulin pen. I used it for a few weeks and felt something slight, but nothing remarkable. Then I checked inside the pen and the mechanism was broken so it wasn't actually injecting any sem, it was all in my mind.
That was annoying and weird enough but the crazy thing is, at the same time I developed four huge boils where I'd injected it. I'm not sure if it was due to the pen/dodgy sem. But I think it's more likely that I didn't use an alcohol wipe on my skin before injecting, meaning I was simply pushing dirt from the surface of my skin into my body, which caused these boils.
It took weeks, months even, but they're just healing now. They were under my skin for a long time, causing real pain, then burst, which caused more pain. I have four large scars on my stomach now, which look unsightly and will probably never disappear properly.
Since then I've used sem from a UK vendor in individual disposable syringes and they've worked fine. No boils, everything worked as planned. I had mild sides so moved to Tiz after a month and find that a lot better - fewer side effects and good appetite reduction. That's what I'm on now but my supply is running low - only a week left. (It cost £60 for a 4 week supply at 2.5mg, which seems expensive).
Anyway my questions are:
Has anyone else had issues like this? I've done intensive searches online and don't see it happen to anyone else.
Any advice on scar reduction? Is there anything I can do or is it something I just have to live with?
That was annoying and weird enough but the crazy thing is, at the same time I developed four huge boils where I'd injected it. I'm not sure if it was due to the pen/dodgy sem. But I think it's more likely that I didn't use an alcohol wipe on my skin before injecting, meaning I was simply pushing dirt from the surface of my skin into my body, which caused these boils.
It took weeks, months even, but they're just healing now. They were under my skin for a long time, causing real pain, then burst, which caused more pain. I have four large scars on my stomach now, which look unsightly and will probably never disappear properly.
Since then I've used sem from a UK vendor in individual disposable syringes and they've worked fine. No boils, everything worked as planned. I had mild sides so moved to Tiz after a month and find that a lot better - fewer side effects and good appetite reduction. That's what I'm on now but my supply is running low - only a week left. (It cost £60 for a 4 week supply at 2.5mg, which seems expensive).
Anyway my questions are:
Has anyone else had issues like this? I've done intensive searches online and don't see it happen to anyone else.
Any advice on scar reduction? Is there anything I can do or is it something I just have to live with?