Boldenone acetate recipe MCT

You don't see me back down from winstrol or test prop injections, it's fine. But bold ace is a different story bro...

It makes me very sick, I feel so sick like going to the hospital rn if you know what I mean. That shit even raises my temperature to flu like levels. It is no joke. No point in injecting something that makes you feel like dead man. Just skip it, my honest advice.
re: inj ace

all facts in your post.

i still think he can take it orally.
even test ace is bio available, as proven by blood work.
just requires multiple dosings throughout the day
re: inj ace

all facts in your post.

i still think he can take it orally.
even test ace is bio available, as proven by blood work.
just requires multiple dosings throughout the day
I did 1 dose of the shit. Had the shakes that night. Took me 2-3 days to get over it. I think i might do as suggested. Im sure the low level of BA would be kinda like sustanon is to test. A little kick start. I dunno wth…
Damn. That’s a great idea! Will do. What ratios did you use? Like 200 mg BU & 50 mg BA for a total of 250 gm/ dose?
For some reason i thought we were talking about boldenone cypionate. Sadly i have not been able to experiment with these, but i would try something like 400-500 boldIU and 100-150 bold cyp.

From all the anecdotes ive heard bold cyp doesnt seem to hold well over 150-200mg/ml and causes a bit of a bite at 200mg/ml, so i think a total of 500-600mg with 100-150mg bold cyp and 400-500 bold u could work.

You also have castor oil which could help lessen the PIP, though its very viscous so perhaps a blend of mct oil and castor oil could have you hit a sweetspot between viscocity and PIP from the bold cyp, maybe bold ace as well.

this is all just theory yet though, there havent been done any experiments on this as i said. I would love to see it being tried though, maybe you could push the concentration over 600mg/ml too, but that sounds like pushing it to me, but who knows.

From what some people here are saying bold ace sounds like poison but some people handle poison better than others too.

Good luck with whatever you end up doing, we are here to help eachother.
Well as soon as QSC gets back up and running I will hit them up for some bold c. Thanks for your replies. This is why i love this forum. The shared knowledge of this community is endless