BPC 157 for tendon injury Q.


Has anyone had any experience using BPC 157 for healing a peroneal tendon injury? I'm aware that it's recommended to inject as close to the injured area as possible. I'm just wondering if it's okay to administer it subcutaneously on the ankle bone or if it should be injected in an area with more underlying muscle or fat.
Thanks in advance.
BPC 157 is systemic and thus there no need to inject close to the injured tissues, best spots to shoot subq with an insuline needle is the abdomen (2inch away from belly button), love handles & front thighs
I ran BPC-157 twice for issues with my bicep tendons. It definitely helped.

I injected sub-Q into my upper arm but not because I thought it would act locally, it was just convenient.
I dosed at 250mcg twice a day for 30 days then dropped to 250mcg once a day for the next 6 months. Sub Q in the stomach. It fixed my ankle and shoulder issues.
BPC acts as an antidepressant has similar side effects as antidepressants, flat mood, decrease stimulant effects, studies even indicating this action.. Antidepressants have long been studied for "healing" and plenty of studies on this that mirror BPC purposed effects aswell. which include, tendon bone healing, fracture healing, ulcers, joints etc. these like BPC have been shown in ANIMAL studies with reasons for healing either less movement or less social stress.. so while yes both BPC and antidepressants help pain, and heal rats and rabbits injuries, no doubt, the "healing" part may not have mechanism like you think or what clinics blogs lead u to believe. NOTHING is going to heal a chronic injury in a week or 2 but certainly can stop pain that quickly... folks just need to be aware its more of a brain mechanism vs some magic nano bots that target injury to heal in magical time frames.. I know it will eventually be picked up by a DR and folks will listen, but until then I feel its important to know BPC is affecting your brain, and if ok with that its likely just less pain, thats great, less pain is awesome which may help downstream healing aswell,. food for thought.. research folks are not dumb and why they just happen to do EXACT studies that have results in antidepressants.. not a co incidence.
I see, but I already got the BPC-157. Arent they really similar to each other? Or DOES the TB-500 heals any better than other
I don't have a comparison. I just know tb500 made a big difference for me. I would rather do biweekly injections instead of daily too
I definitely does something. Even when just injection BPC-157 in my stomach fat, I feel strong tingling sensations in my injured achilles tendon.

Combine it with 4-5 iu HGH daily
I have had two major rotator cuff repairs this year. Will this help with the pain and healing. Is the risk reward there or cost reward there. Also tore bicep which I think is most of the pain but gas become hard to pinpoint
BPC by itself was helpful. However, combined with tb500 and the relief and repair was exponentially improved for me. Never ran tb independently to know if it’s tb500 making up the vast improvement or if they are synergistic with one another.
I've been injecting 2 x 250 mcg BPC 157 daily for 4 days. So far I haven't felt anything. Sure, 4 days is not long. Can someone tell me when it started working for you? I use a 50 IU syringe. I inject 0.5 (250 mcg) units. Isn't the quantity too little? Wonder if this amount can help at all? Have a beautiful Sunday.
how much bac water? seems like when it works its within a week.

I think eventually it will be known that it doesn't heal like u think, rather works to kill pain like anti depressants. that have been shown to help tendons/bone breaks etc heal in animal models just like BPC(similar sides aswell, stimulants work less, loose emotion, etc). the theory is why anti depressants help heal in animal models is less movement/stress from the pain and allows better healing. also makes more sense that its FEELs better as typically folks have a chronic injury and "heals" within a week or so which of course is HIGHLY unlikely.

a further theory is that folks with history of depression and anxiety are more likely to respond to BPC, just from anecdotes it would seem that way...