BPC acts as an antidepressant has similar side effects as antidepressants, flat mood, decrease stimulant effects, studies even indicating this action.. Antidepressants have long been studied for "healing" and plenty of studies on this that mirror BPC purposed effects aswell. which include, tendon bone healing, fracture healing, ulcers, joints etc. these like BPC have been shown in ANIMAL studies with reasons for healing either less movement or less social stress.. so while yes both BPC and antidepressants help pain, and heal rats and rabbits injuries, no doubt, the "healing" part may not have mechanism like you think or what clinics blogs lead u to believe. NOTHING is going to heal a chronic injury in a week or 2 but certainly can stop pain that quickly... folks just need to be aware its more of a brain mechanism vs some magic nano bots that target injury to heal in magical time frames.. I know it will eventually be picked up by a DR and folks will listen, but until then I feel its important to know BPC is affecting your brain, and if ok with that its likely just less pain, thats great, less pain is awesome which may help downstream healing aswell,. food for thought.. research folks are not dumb and why they just happen to do EXACT studies that have results in antidepressants.. not a co incidence.